glean-core 21.2.0

A modern Telemetry library
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// #[allow(dead_code)] is required on this module as a workaround for
use glean_core::{Glean, Result};

use std::fs::{read_dir, File};
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use std::path::Path;

use chrono;
use chrono::offset::TimeZone;
use iso8601;
use iso8601::Date::YMD;
use serde_json::Value as JsonValue;

use ctor::ctor;

/// Initialize the logger for all tests without individual tests requiring to call the init code.
/// Log output can be controlled via the environment variable `RUST_LOG` for the `glean_core` crate,
/// e.g.:
/// ```
/// export RUST_LOG=glean_core=debug
/// ```
fn enable_test_logging() {
    // When testing we want all logs to go to stdout/stderr by default,
    // without requiring each individual test to activate it.
    // This only applies to glean-core tests, users of the main library still need to call
    // `glean_enable_logging` of the FFI component (automatically done by the platform wrappers).
    let _ = env_logger::builder().is_test(true).try_init();

pub fn tempdir() -> (tempfile::TempDir, String) {
    let t = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
    let name = t.path().display().to_string();
    (t, name)

pub const GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID: &str = "";

// Create a new instance of Glean with a temporary directory.
// We need to keep the `TempDir` alive, so that it's not deleted before we stop using it.
pub fn new_glean() -> (Glean, tempfile::TempDir) {
    let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
    let tmpname = dir.path().display().to_string();

    let cfg = glean_core::Configuration {
        data_path: tmpname,
        application_id: GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID.into(),
        upload_enabled: true,
        max_events: None,
    let glean = Glean::new(cfg).unwrap();

    (glean, dir)

/// Convert an iso8601::DateTime to a chrono::DateTime<FixedOffset>
pub fn iso8601_to_chrono(datetime: &iso8601::DateTime) -> chrono::DateTime<chrono::FixedOffset> {
    if let YMD { year, month, day } = {
        return chrono::FixedOffset::east(datetime.time.tz_offset_hours * 3600)
            .ymd(year, month, day)
    panic!("Unsupported datetime format");

/// Get a vector of the currently queued pings.
/// # Arguments
/// * `data_path` - Glean's data path, as returned from Glean::get_data_path()
/// # Returns
/// A vector of all queued pings. Each entry is a pair `(url, json_data)`, where
/// `url` is the endpoint the ping will go to, and `json_data` is the JSON
/// payload.
pub fn get_queued_pings(data_path: &Path) -> Result<Vec<(String, JsonValue)>> {
    let pings_dir = data_path.join("pending_pings");
    let entries = read_dir(&pings_dir)?;
        .filter_map(|entry| entry.ok())
        .filter(|entry| match entry.file_type() {
            Ok(file_type) => file_type.is_file(),
            Err(_) => false,
        .filter_map(|entry| File::open(entry.path()).ok())
        .filter_map(|file| {
            let mut lines = BufReader::new(file).lines();
            if let (Some(Ok(url)), Some(Ok(json))) = (, {
                if let Ok(parsed_json) = serde_json::from_str::<JsonValue>(&json) {
                    Some((url, parsed_json))
                } else {
            } else {