github_auth 0.6.0

Authenticate with GitHub from the command line.

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Authenticate with GitHub from the command line. Caches the authentication token so that future interactions just work.


extern crate github_auth;

use github_auth::Authenticator;

let auth = Authenticator::new("my_example_app");
let token = auth.auth().unwrap();
println!("{:?}", token);

let location = auth.location();
println!("Token is stored at {:?}", &location);

let auth = Authenticator::builder("github_auth main example".into())

let token = auth.auth().unwrap();
println!("{:?}", token);

let location = auth.location();
println!("Token stored at: {:?}", location);

Example Output

This dialog is only required to generate a valid token. Once a valid token is created, it will no longer be shown.

GitHub username: my_name
GitHub password:
GitHub OTP (optional): 5678

Authenticating with the token

Once you've acquired an access token, you can use it to authenticate. Here's how to authenticate with the reqwest crate.

extern crate github_auth;
extern crate reqwest;

use github_auth::Authenticator;
use reqwest::{
  header::{Authorization, Headers, UserAgent},

let auth = Authenticator::new("my_example_app");
let token = auth.auth().unwrap();

let mut headers = Headers::new();
headers.set(Authorization(format!("token {}", token.as_str())).to_owned());

let url = "";
let mut res = client.get(&url).headers(headers).send()?;
println!("{:?}", res.status());


$ cargo add github_auth


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