gitclass 0.5.0

Tool for teachers to manage classes using git


Simple tool for managing student Git repositories.


This project works, but is a learning project for me.

Getting Started


You can either download the compiled executable from the releases

Or build from source using Rust!

Install Rust

Follow the instructions here to install Rust, and here to install Cargo, Rust's build system.

Clone the repo:

git clone

Then enter the new folder. Use Cargo to build the project

cargo build --release

This will compile the project on your platform. You can then copy the result to a directory known to your PATH. For example:

sudo cp target/release/gitclass /usr/local/bin/

Creating a classroom

gitclass init name-of-class

A new directory with your class name now exists. If name-of-class is omitted, a the current directory will be used as the container for the class. You will be prompted for some information about the class, like a name, description, and master repository for the teacher's code.

Adding students

gitclass add-student

This will prompt for name and repo for the student, then clone the given repo into a folder of the name provided.

Pulling Student Repos

Perform this every time you want to ensure you have the latest commits from your students.

gitclass update

This will update all repos.

This feature is a little hacky as I figure out the git2 library for Rust.

Removing students

gitclass remove name