git2_codecommit 0.1.2

Credential callback for using git2 with AWS CodeCommit


This is a credential provider that you can give to git2::RemoteCallbacks::credentials and have it use AWS credentials from the usual locations.

It will then generate the username and password to use AWS CodeCommit via HTTPS, similar to the AWS CLI credential helper.

(You can also probably just set up the credential helper and libgit2 should do the right thing, but.)

This module uses code copied from private functions in rusoto, available under the MIT license.


use git2::{FetchOptions, RemoteCallbacks};
use git2::build::RepoBuilder;
use git2_codecommit::codecommit_credentials;

let mut remote_cbs = RemoteCallbacks::new();
let mut fetch_opts = FetchOptions::new();
let repo = RepoBuilder::new().fetch_options(fetch_opts).clone(url, some_path).unwrap();
// etc.