git-url-parse 0.4.3

A parser for git repo urls based on url crate
use color_eyre::eyre::{eyre, WrapErr};
pub use color_eyre::Result;
use regex::Regex;
use std::fmt;
use std::str::FromStr;
use strum_macros::{Display, EnumString, EnumVariantNames};
use tracing::debug;
use url::Url;

/// Supported uri schemes for parsing
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, EnumString, EnumVariantNames, Clone, Display, Copy)]
#[strum(serialize_all = "kebab_case")]
pub enum Scheme {
    /// Represents `file://` url scheme
    /// Represents `ftp://` url scheme
    /// Represents `ftps://` url scheme
    /// Represents `git://` url scheme
    /// Represents `git+ssh://` url scheme
    #[strum(serialize = "git+ssh")]
    /// Represents `http://` url scheme
    /// Represents `https://` url scheme
    /// Represents `ssh://` url scheme
    /// Represents No url scheme

/// GitUrl represents an input url that is a url used by git
/// Internally during parsing the url is sanitized and uses the `url` crate to perform
/// the majority of the parsing effort, and with some extra handling to expose
/// metadata used my many git hosting services
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub struct GitUrl {
    /// The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP of the repo
    pub host: Option<String>,
    /// The name of the repo
    pub name: String,
    /// The owner/account/project name
    pub owner: Option<String>,
    /// The organization name. Supported by Azure DevOps
    pub organization: Option<String>,
    /// The full name of the repo, formatted as "owner/name"
    pub fullname: String,
    /// The git url scheme
    pub scheme: Scheme,
    /// The authentication user
    pub user: Option<String>,
    /// The oauth token (could appear in the https urls)
    pub token: Option<String>,
    /// The non-conventional port where git service is hosted
    pub port: Option<u16>,
    /// The path to repo w/ respect to user + hostname
    pub path: String,
    /// Indicate if url uses the .git suffix
    pub git_suffix: bool,
    /// Indicate if url explicitly uses its scheme
    pub scheme_prefix: bool,

/// Build the printable GitUrl from its components
impl fmt::Display for GitUrl {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let scheme_prefix = match self.scheme_prefix {
            true => format!("{}://", self.scheme),
            false => String::new(),

        let auth_info = match self.scheme {
            Scheme::Ssh | Scheme::Git | Scheme::GitSsh => {
                if let Some(user) = &self.user {
                    format!("{}@", user)
                } else {
            Scheme::Http | Scheme::Https => match (&self.user, &self.token) {
                (Some(user), Some(token)) => format!("{}:{}@", user, token),
                (Some(user), None) => format!("{}@", user),
                (None, Some(token)) => format!("{}@", token),
                (None, None) => String::new(),
            _ => String::new(),

        let host = match & {
            Some(host) => host.to_string(),
            None => String::new(),

        let port = match &self.port {
            Some(p) => format!(":{}", p),
            None => String::new(),

        let path = match &self.scheme {
            Scheme::Ssh => {
                if self.port.is_some() {
                    format!("/{}", &self.path)
                } else {
                    format!(":{}", &self.path)
            _ => (&self.path).to_string(),

        let git_url_str = format!("{}{}{}{}{}", scheme_prefix, auth_info, host, port, path);

        write!(f, "{}", git_url_str)

impl Default for GitUrl {
    fn default() -> Self {
        GitUrl {
            host: None,
            name: "".to_string(),
            owner: None,
            organization: None,
            fullname: "".to_string(),
            scheme: Scheme::Unspecified,
            user: None,
            token: None,
            port: None,
            path: "".to_string(),
            git_suffix: false,
            scheme_prefix: false,

impl FromStr for GitUrl {
    type Err = color_eyre::Report;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {

impl GitUrl {
    /// Returns `GitUrl` after removing `user` and `token` values
    /// Intended use-case is for non-destructive printing GitUrl excluding any embedded auth info
    pub fn trim_auth(&self) -> GitUrl {
        let mut new_giturl = self.clone();
        new_giturl.user = None;
        new_giturl.token = None;

    /// Returns a `Result<GitUrl>` after normalizing and parsing `url` for metadata
    pub fn parse(url: &str) -> Result<GitUrl> {
        // Normalize the url so we can use Url crate to process ssh urls
        let normalized = normalize_url(url)
            .with_context(|| "Url normalization into url::Url failed".to_string())?;

        // Some pre-processing for paths
        let scheme = Scheme::from_str(normalized.scheme())
            .with_context(|| format!("Scheme unsupported: {:?}", normalized.scheme()))?;

        // Normalized ssh urls can always have their first '/' removed
        let urlpath = match &scheme {
            Scheme::Ssh => {
                // At the moment, we're relying on url::Url's parse() behavior to not duplicate
                // the leading '/' when we normalize
            _ => normalized.path().to_string(),

        let git_suffix_check = &urlpath.ends_with(".git");

        // Parse through path for name,owner,organization
        // Support organizations for Azure Devops
        debug!("The urlpath: {:?}", &urlpath);

        // Most git services use the path for metadata in the same way, so we're going to separate
        // the metadata
        // ex.
        // owner = accountname
        // name = reponame
        // organizations are going to be supported on a per-host basis
        let splitpath = &urlpath.rsplit_terminator('/').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
        debug!("rsplit results for metadata: {:?}", splitpath);

        let name = splitpath[0].trim_end_matches(".git").to_string();

        let (owner, organization, fullname) = match &scheme {
            // We're not going to assume anything about metadata from a filepath
            Scheme::File => (None::<String>, None::<String>, name.clone()),
            _ => {
                let mut fullname: Vec<&str> = Vec::new();

                // TODO: Add support for parsing out orgs from these urls
                let hosts_w_organization_in_path = vec!["", ""];
                //vec!["", "", ""];

                let host_str = normalized
                    .ok_or(eyre!("Host from URL could not be represented as str"))?;

                match hosts_w_organization_in_path.contains(&host_str) {
                    true => {
                        debug!("Found a git provider with an org");

                        // The path differs between git:// and https:// schemes

                        match &scheme {
                            // Example: "",
                            Scheme::Ssh => {
                                // Organization
                                // Project/Owner name
                                // Repo name

                            // Example: "",
                            Scheme::Https => {
                                // Organization
                                // Project/Owner name
                                // Repo name

                            _ => return Err(eyre!("Scheme not supported for host")),
                    false => {
                        if !url.starts_with("ssh") && splitpath.len() < 2 {
                            return Err(eyre!("git url is not of expected format"));

                        let position = match splitpath.len() {
                            0 => return Err(eyre!("git url is not of expected format")),
                            1 => 0,
                            _ => 1,

                        // push owner
                        // push name


        let final_host = match scheme {
            Scheme::File => None,
            _ => normalized.host_str().map(|h| h.to_string()),

        let final_path = match scheme {
            Scheme::File => {
                if let Some(host) = normalized.host_str() {
                    format!("{}{}", host, urlpath)
                } else {
            _ => urlpath,

        Ok(GitUrl {
            host: final_host,
            user: match normalized.username().to_string().len() {
                0 => None,
                _ => Some(normalized.username().to_string()),
            token: normalized.password().map(|p| p.to_string()),
            port: normalized.port(),
            path: final_path,
            git_suffix: *git_suffix_check,
            scheme_prefix: url.contains("://") || url.starts_with("git:"),

/// `normalize_ssh_url` takes in an ssh url that separates the login info
/// from the path into with a `:` and replaces it with `/`.
/// Prepends `ssh://` to url
/// Supports absolute and relative paths
fn normalize_ssh_url(url: &str) -> Result<Url> {
    let u = url.split(':').collect::<Vec<&str>>();

    match u.len() {
        2 => {
            debug!("Normalizing ssh url: {:?}", u);
            normalize_url(&format!("ssh://{}/{}", u[0], u[1]))
        3 => {
            debug!("Normalizing ssh url with ports: {:?}", u);
            normalize_url(&format!("ssh://{}:{}/{}", u[0], u[1], u[2]))
        _default => Err(eyre!("SSH normalization pattern not covered for: {:?}", u)),

/// `normalize_file_path` takes in a filepath and uses `Url::from_file_path()` to parse
/// Prepends `file://` to url
#[cfg(any(unix, windows, target_os = "redox", target_os = "wasi"))]
fn normalize_file_path(filepath: &str) -> Result<Url> {
    let fp = Url::from_file_path(filepath);

    match fp {
        Ok(path) => Ok(path),
        Err(_e) => Ok(normalize_url(&format!("file://{}", filepath))
            .with_context(|| "file:// normalization failed".to_string())?),

#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
fn normalize_file_path(_filepath: &str) -> Result<Url> {

/// `normalize_url` takes in url as `&str` and takes an opinionated approach to identify
/// `ssh://` or `file://` urls that require more information to be added so that
/// they can be parsed more effectively by `url::Url::parse()`
pub fn normalize_url(url: &str) -> Result<Url> {
    debug!("Processing: {:?}", &url);

    // Error if there are null bytes within the url
    if url.contains('\0') {
        return Err(eyre!("Found null bytes within input url before parsing"));

    // We're going to remove any trailing slash before running through Url::parse
    let trim_url = url.trim_end_matches('/');

    // normalize short git url notation: git:host/path
    let url_to_parse = if Regex::new(r"^git:[^/]")
        .with_context(|| "Failed to build short git url regex for testing against url".to_string())?
        trim_url.replace("git:", "git://")
    } else {

    let url_parse = Url::parse(&url_to_parse);

    Ok(match url_parse {
        Ok(u) => {
            match Scheme::from_str(u.scheme()) {
                Ok(_p) => u,
                Err(_e) => {
                    // Catch case when an ssh url is given w/o a user
                    debug!("Scheme parse fail. Assuming a userless ssh url");
                    normalize_ssh_url(trim_url).with_context(|| {
                        "No url scheme was found, then failed to normalize as ssh url.".to_string()
        Err(_e) => {
            // e will most likely be url::ParseError::RelativeUrlWithoutBase
            // If we're here, we're only looking for Scheme::Ssh or Scheme::File

            // Assuming we have found Scheme::Ssh if we can find an "@" before ":"
            // Otherwise we have Scheme::File
            let re = Regex::new(r"^\S+(@)\S+(:).*$").with_context(|| {
                "Failed to build ssh git url regex for testing against url".to_string()

            match re.is_match(trim_url) {
                true => {
                    debug!("Scheme::SSH match for normalization");
                        .with_context(|| "Failed to normalize as ssh url".to_string())?
                false => {
                    debug!("Scheme::File match for normalization");
                        .with_context(|| "Failed to normalize as file url".to_string())?