git-url-parse 0.1.1

A parser for git repo urls based on url crate

git-url-parse licence Github actions build status

Supports common protocols as specified by the Pro Git book

See: 4.1 Git on the Server - The Protocols

Supports parsing SSH/HTTPS repo urls for:

  • Github
  • Bitbucket
  • Azure Devops

See tests/ for expected output for a variety of inputs.

URLs that use the ssh:// protocol (implicitly or explicitly) undergo a small normalization process in order to be parsed.

Internally uses Url::parse() from the Url crate after normalization.


Run example with debug output

$ RUST_LOG=git_url_parse cargo run --example multi

Simple usage and output

use git_url_parse::GitUrl;

fn main() {
    println!("SSH: {:?}", GitUrl::parse(""));
    println!("HTTPS: {:?}", GitUrl::parse(""));

Example Output

SSH: Ok(GitUrl { href: "", host: Some(""), name: "git-url-parse-rs", owner: Some("tjtelan"), organization: None, fullname: "tjtelan/git-url-parse-rs", protocol: Ssh, user: Some("git"), token: None, port: None, path: "tjtelan/git-url-parse-rs.git", git_suffix: true })
HTTPS: Ok(GitUrl { href: "", host: Some(""), name: "git-url-parse-rs", owner: Some("tjtelan"), organization: None, fullname: "tjtelan/git-url-parse-rs", protocol: Https, user: None, token: None, port: None, path: "/tjtelan/git-url-parse-rs", git_suffix: false })