git-credentials 0.9.0

A WIP crate of the gitoxide project to interact with git credentials helpers
//! Interact with git credentials in various ways and launch helper programs.
//! ## Feature Flags
    feature = "document-features",
    cfg_attr(doc, doc = ::document_features::document_features!())
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg, doc_auto_cfg))]
#![deny(missing_docs, rust_2018_idioms)]

/// A program/executable implementing the credential helper protocol.
pub struct Program {
    /// The kind of program, ready for launch.
    pub kind: program::Kind,
    /// If true, stderr is enabled, which is the default.
    pub stderr: bool,
    /// `Some(…)` if the process is running.
    child: Option<std::process::Child>,

pub mod helper;

pub mod program;

pub mod protocol;

/// Call the `git credential` helper program performing the given `action`, which reads all context from the git configuration
/// and does everything `git` typically does. The `action` should have been created with [`helper::Action::get_for_url()`] to
/// contain only the URL to kick off the process, or should be created by [`helper::NextAction`].
/// If more control is required, use the [`Cascade`][helper::Cascade] type.
pub fn builtin(action: helper::Action) -> protocol::Result {
        helper::invoke(&mut Program::from_kind(program::Kind::Builtin), &action)?,