ginepro 0.1.0

A client-side gRPC channel implementation for tonic

ginepro offers an enriched tonic Channel using a pluggable service discovery to periodcally update the active set of gRPC servers.

Simple example

async fn main() {
use ginepro::{LoadBalancedChannel, LoadBalancedChannelBuilder};
use shared_proto::pb::tester_client::TesterClient;

// Create a load balanced channel with the default lookup implementation.
let load_balanced_channel = LoadBalancedChannelBuilder::new_with_service(("my_hostname", 5000))
.expect("failed to read system conf")

let tester_client: TesterClient<LoadBalancedChannel> = TesterClient::new(load_balanced_channel);

[LoadBalancedChannel] also allows plugging in a different implementation of [LookupService].

use ginepro::{LookupService, ServiceDefinition};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::net::SocketAddr;

// This does nothing
struct DummyLookupService;

impl LookupService for DummyLookupService {
async fn resolve_service_endpoints(
_definition: &ServiceDefinition,
) -> Result<HashSet<SocketAddr>, anyhow::Error> {

async fn main() {
use ginepro::{LoadBalancedChannel, LoadBalancedChannelBuilder};
use shared_proto::pb::tester_client::TesterClient;

let load_balanced_channel = LoadBalancedChannelBuilder::new_with_service(("my_hostname", 5000))
.expect("failed to read system conf")

let tester_client: TesterClient<LoadBalancedChannel> = TesterClient::new(load_balanced_channel);

For systems with lower churn, the probe interval can be lowered.

async fn main() {
use ginepro::{LoadBalancedChannel, LoadBalancedChannelBuilder};
use shared_proto::pb::tester_client::TesterClient;

let load_balanced_channel = LoadBalancedChannelBuilder::new_with_service(("my_hostname", 5000))
.expect("failed to read system conf")

let tester_client: TesterClient<LoadBalancedChannel> = TesterClient::new(load_balanced_channel);

It's also possible to associate a timeout for every new endpoint that the [LoadBalancedChannel] tries to connect to. .

async fn main() {
use ginepro::{LoadBalancedChannel, LoadBalancedChannelBuilder};
use shared_proto::pb::tester_client::TesterClient;

let load_balanced_channel = LoadBalancedChannelBuilder::new_with_service(("my_hostname", 5000))
.expect("failed to read system conf")

let tester_client: TesterClient<LoadBalancedChannel> = TesterClient::new(load_balanced_channel);


The tonic Channel exposes the function balance_channel which returnes a bounded channel through which endpoint changes can be sent. ginepro uses this message passing mechanism to report when servers are added and removed.