ghost 0.1.4

Define your own PhantomData
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//! <br>
//! **Define your own PhantomData and similarly behaved unit types.**
//! # Background
//! [`PhantomData`] as defined by the Rust standard library is magical in that
//! the same type is impossible to define in ordinary Rust code. It is defined
//! in the standard library like this:
//! [`PhantomData`]:
//! ```
//! # const IGNORE: &str = stringify! {
//! #[lang = "phantom_data"]
//! pub struct PhantomData<T: ?Sized>;
//! # };
//! ```
//! The `#[lang = "..."]` attribute indicates that this is a [lang item], a
//! special case known to the compiler. It is the only type permitted to carry
//! an unused type parameter.
//! [lang item]:
//! If we try to define an equivalent unit struct with type parameter, the
//! compiler rejects that.
//! ```compile_fail
//! struct MyPhantom<T: ?Sized>;
//! ```
//! ```text
//! error[E0392]: parameter `T` is never used
//!  --> src/
//!   |
//! 1 | struct MyPhantom<T: ?Sized>;
//!   |                  ^ unused type parameter
//!   |
//!   = help: consider removing `T` or using a marker such as `std::marker::PhantomData`
//! ```
//! This crate provides a `#[phantom]` attribute that makes it possible to
//! define unit structs with generic parameters.
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! use ghost::phantom;
//! #[phantom]
//! struct MyPhantom<T: ?Sized>;
//! fn main() {
//!     // Proof that MyPhantom behaves like PhantomData.
//!     let _: MyPhantom<u8> = MyPhantom::<u8>;
//!     assert_eq!(0, std::mem::size_of::<MyPhantom<u8>>());
//! }
//! // Proof that MyPhantom is not just a re-export of PhantomData.
//! // If it were a re-export, these would be conflicting impls.
//! trait Trait {}
//! impl<T> Trait for std::marker::PhantomData<T> {}
//! impl<T> Trait for MyPhantom<T> {}
//! // Proof that MyPhantom is local to the current crate.
//! impl<T> MyPhantom<T> {
//! }
//! ```
//! The implementation accepts where-clauses, lifetimes, multiple generic
//! parameters, and derives. Here is a contrived invocation that demonstrates
//! everything at once:
//! ```
//! use ghost::phantom;
//! #[phantom]
//! #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
//! struct Crazy<'a, V: 'a, T> where &'a V: IntoIterator<Item = T>;
//! fn main() {
//!     let _ = Crazy::<'static, Vec<String>, &'static String>;
//!     // Lifetime elision.
//!     let crazy = Crazy::<Vec<String>, &String>;
//!     println!("{:?}", crazy);
//! }
//! ```
//! # Variance
//! The `#[phantom]` attribute accepts attributes on individual generic
//! parameters (both lifetime and type parameters) to make them contravariant or
//! invariant. The default is covariance.
//! - `#[contra]` — contravariant generic parameter
//! - `#[invariant]` — invariant generic parameter
//! The implications of variance are explained in more detail by the [Subtyping
//! chapter] of the Rustonomicon.
//! [Subtyping chapter]:
//! ```
//! use ghost::phantom;
//! #[phantom]
//! struct ContravariantLifetime<#[contra] 'a>;
//! fn f<'a>(arg: ContravariantLifetime<'a>) -> ContravariantLifetime<'static> {
//!     // This coercion is only legal because the lifetime parameter is
//!     // contravariant. If it were covariant (the default) or invariant,
//!     // this would not compile.
//!     arg
//! }
//! #[phantom]
//! struct Demo<A, #[contra] B, #[invariant] C>;
//! #
//! # fn main() {}
//! ```
//! # Use cases
//! Entirely up to your imagination. Just to name one, how about a typed
//! registry library that admits the following syntax for iterating over values
//! registered of a particular type:
//! ```no_run
//! # use ghost::phantom;
//! #
//! # #[phantom]
//! # struct Registry<T>;
//! #
//! # impl<T> IntoIterator for Registry<T> {
//! #     type Item = T;
//! #     type IntoIter = Iter<T>;
//! #     fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
//! #         unimplemented!()
//! #     }
//! # }
//! #
//! # struct Iter<T>(T);
//! #
//! # impl<T> Iterator for Iter<T> {
//! #     type Item = T;
//! #     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
//! #         unimplemented!()
//! #     }
//! # }
//! #
//! # struct Flag;
//! #
//! # fn main() {
//! for flag in Registry::<Flag> {
//!     /* ... */
//! }
//! # }
//! ```


extern crate proc_macro;

mod derive;
mod parse;
mod variance;
mod visibility;

use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span};
use quote::quote;
use syn::parse::Nothing;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, Error, GenericParam, Token};

use crate::parse::UnitStruct;

/// Define your own PhantomData and similarly behaved unit types.
/// Please refer to the [crate level documentation](index.html) for explanation
/// and examples.
pub fn phantom(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    parse_macro_input!(args as Nothing);
    let input = parse_macro_input!(input as UnitStruct);

    let ident = &input.ident;
    let call_site = Span::call_site();
    let void_namespace = Ident::new(&format!("__void_{}", ident), call_site);
    let value_namespace = Ident::new(&format!("__value_{}", ident), call_site);

    let vis = &input.vis;
    let vis_super = visibility::vis_super(vis);

    let (derives, attrs) = match derive::expand(&input.attrs, &input) {
        Ok(split) => split,
        Err(err) => return err.to_compile_error().into(),

    let mut generics = input.generics;
    let where_clause = generics.where_clause.take();
    let mut impl_generics = Vec::new();
    let mut ty_generics = Vec::new();
    let mut phantoms = Vec::new();
    for param in &mut generics.params {
        match param {
            GenericParam::Type(param) => {
                let ident = &param.ident;
                let elem = quote!(#ident);
                impl_generics.push(quote!(#ident: ?Sized));
                phantoms.push(variance::apply(param, elem));
            GenericParam::Lifetime(param) => {
                let lifetime = &param.lifetime;
                let elem = quote!(&#lifetime ());
                phantoms.push(variance::apply(param, elem));
            GenericParam::Const(param) => {
                let msg = "const generics are not supported";
                let err = Error::new_spanned(param, msg);
                return err.to_compile_error().into();
    let impl_generics = &impl_generics;
    let ty_generics = &ty_generics;
    let enum_token = Token![enum](input.struct_token.span);
    let struct_token = input.struct_token;

    TokenStream::from(quote! {
        mod #void_namespace {
            enum __Void {}
            impl core::marker::Copy for __Void {}
            impl core::clone::Clone for __Void {
                fn clone(&self) -> Self {
                    match *self {}

            #vis_super struct #ident <#(#impl_generics),*> (

            impl <#(#impl_generics),*> core::marker::Copy
            for #ident <#(#ty_generics),*> {}

            impl <#(#impl_generics),*> core::clone::Clone
            for #ident <#(#ty_generics),*> {
                fn clone(&self) -> Self {

        mod #value_namespace {
            #vis_super use super::#ident::#ident;

        #vis #enum_token #ident #generics #where_clause {
            __Phantom(#void_namespace::#ident <#(#ty_generics),*>),

        #vis use self::#value_namespace::*;

        #vis #struct_token #ident #generics #where_clause;
