ghash 0.5.0

Universal hash over GF(2^128) useful for constructing a Message Authentication Code (MAC), as in the AES-GCM authenticated encryption cipher.
//! **GHASH**: universal hash over GF(2^128) used by AES-GCM for message
//! authentication (i.e. GMAC).
//! ## Implementation Notes
//! The implementation of GHASH found in this crate internally uses the
//! [`polyval`] crate, which provides a similar universal hash function used by
//! AES-GCM-SIV (RFC 8452).
//! By implementing GHASH in terms of POLYVAL, the two universal hash functions
//! can share a common core, meaning any optimization work (e.g. CPU-specific
//! SIMD implementations) which happens upstream in the `polyval` crate
//! benefits GHASH as well.
//! From RFC 8452 Appendix A:
//! <>
//! > GHASH and POLYVAL both operate in GF(2^128), although with different
//! > irreducible polynomials: POLYVAL works modulo x^128 + x^127 + x^126 +
//! > x^121 + 1 and GHASH works modulo x^128 + x^7 + x^2 + x + 1.  Note
//! > that these irreducible polynomials are the "reverse" of each other.
//! [`polyval`]:

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#![warn(missing_docs, rust_2018_idioms)]

pub use polyval::universal_hash;

use polyval::Polyval;
use universal_hash::{
    crypto_common::{BlockSizeUser, KeySizeUser, ParBlocksSizeUser},
    KeyInit, UhfBackend, UhfClosure, UniversalHash,

#[cfg(feature = "zeroize")]
use zeroize::Zeroize;

/// GHASH keys (16-bytes)
pub type Key = universal_hash::Key<GHash>;

/// GHASH blocks (16-bytes)
pub type Block = universal_hash::Block<GHash>;

/// GHASH tags (16-bytes)
pub type Tag = universal_hash::Block<GHash>;

/// **GHASH**: universal hash over GF(2^128) used by AES-GCM.
/// GHASH is a universal hash function used for message authentication in
/// the AES-GCM authenticated encryption cipher.
pub struct GHash(Polyval);

impl KeySizeUser for GHash {
    type KeySize = U16;

impl KeyInit for GHash {
    /// Initialize GHASH with the given `H` field element
    fn new(h: &Key) -> Self {
        let mut h = *h;

        let mut h_polyval = polyval::mulx(&h);

        #[cfg(feature = "zeroize")]

        let result = GHash(Polyval::new(&h_polyval));

        #[cfg(feature = "zeroize")]


struct GHashBackend<'b, B: UhfBackend>(&'b mut B);

impl<'b, B: UhfBackend> BlockSizeUser for GHashBackend<'b, B> {
    type BlockSize = B::BlockSize;

impl<'b, B: UhfBackend> ParBlocksSizeUser for GHashBackend<'b, B> {
    type ParBlocksSize = B::ParBlocksSize;

impl<'b, B: UhfBackend> UhfBackend for GHashBackend<'b, B> {
    fn proc_block(&mut self, x: &universal_hash::Block<B>) {
        let mut x = x.clone();

impl BlockSizeUser for GHash {
    type BlockSize = U16;

impl UniversalHash for GHash {
    fn update_with_backend(&mut self, f: impl UhfClosure<BlockSize = Self::BlockSize>) {
        struct GHashClosure<C: UhfClosure>(C);

        impl<C: UhfClosure> BlockSizeUser for GHashClosure<C> {
            type BlockSize = C::BlockSize;

        impl<C: UhfClosure> UhfClosure for GHashClosure<C> {
            fn call<B: UhfBackend<BlockSize = Self::BlockSize>>(self, backend: &mut B) {


    /// Get GHASH output
    fn finalize(self) -> Tag {
        let mut output = self.0.finalize();
