ggrks 0.1.0

CLI tool for performing Google searches. Made as a joke.
  • Coverage
  • 40%
    2 out of 5 items documented0 out of 0 items with examples
  • Size
  • Source code size: 22.73 kB This is the summed size of all the files inside the package for this release.
  • Documentation size: 245.62 kB This is the summed size of all files generated by rustdoc for all configured targets
  • Links
  • Homepage
  • Lmocinemod/ggrks
    0 0 0
  • Dependencies
  • Versions
  • Owners
  • Lmocinemod


CONTENT WARNING: This program and README file both contain profanity, which is intended to be comical in nature. If you find such use of profanity disturbing and/or unpleasant, you are encouraged not to use this program or continue reading this README.

What is ggrks?

Ggrks is a CLI program for performing Google searches that I made in a day as a joke.

What does "ggrks" mean?

"Ggrks" is an acronym used in Japanese internet slang. It expands to "ググれカス" (gugure kasu), which I like to translate as "fucking Google it, bitch."

The English equivalent is "jfgi."

Why did you make this, anyway?

Because I was inspired by a song of the same name, and thought it'd be funny to have a legitimate reason to type ggrks into a terminal.

Can I use ggrks as a library?

Assuming I configured everything correctly, yes. Just add ggrks to your dependencies in Cargo.toml, then use it like this:

use ggrks::ggrks;
// ...

Don't worry, calling ggrks::ggrks() will never involve any profanity. (Well, apart from the function's name, that is.)

How do I install ggrks?

cargo install ggrks

I can't figure out how to get cross-building to work, so I'm not providing any prebuilt binaries. You're on your own, bitch. 😜

How do I use ggrks?

Running ggrks without any arguments will display a help message. 読めカス。

Can I contribute to ggrks?

Sure, I guess. You're probably better off spending your time doing other things, though. (Also, I'm not very active on GitHub, so if you need my attention, please ping me on Twitter.)

As far as things to improve upon... I guess we could use some more extras? (See src/