Struct gfx::device::command::CommandBuffer [] [src]

pub struct CommandBuffer<R: Resources> {
    // some fields omitted

Generic command buffer to be used by multiple backends


impl<R> CommandBuffer<R> where R: Resources

fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Iter<'a, Command<R>>

Trait Implementations

impl<R> CommandBuffer<R> for CommandBuffer<R> where R: Resources

fn new() -> CommandBuffer<R>

An empty constructor

fn clear(&mut self)

Clear the command buffer contents, retain the allocated storage

fn bind_program(&mut self, prog: R::Program)

Bind a shader program

fn bind_array_buffer(&mut self, vao: R::ArrayBuffer)

Bind an array buffer object

fn bind_attribute(&mut self, slot: AttributeSlot, buf: R::Buffer, format: Format)

Bind a vertex attribute

fn bind_index(&mut self, buf: R::Buffer)

Bind an index buffer

fn bind_frame_buffer(&mut self, access: Access, fbo: R::FrameBuffer, gamma: Gamma)

Bind a frame buffer object

fn unbind_target(&mut self, access: Access, tar: Target)

Unbind any surface from the specified target slot

fn bind_target_surface(&mut self, access: Access, tar: Target, suf: R::Surface)

Bind a surface to the specified target slot

fn bind_target_texture(&mut self, access: Access, tar: Target, tex: R::Texture, level: Level, layer: Option<Layer>)

Bind a level of the texture to the specified target slot

fn bind_uniform_block(&mut self, prog: R::Program, slot: UniformBufferSlot, index: UniformBlockIndex, buf: R::Buffer)

Bind a uniform block

fn bind_uniform(&mut self, loc: Location, value: UniformValue)

Bind a single uniform in the default block

fn bind_texture(&mut self, slot: TextureSlot, kind: Kind, tex: R::Texture, sampler: Option<(R::Sampler, SamplerInfo)>)

Bind a texture

fn set_draw_color_buffers(&mut self, num: usize)

Select, which color buffers are going to be targetted by the shader

fn set_primitive(&mut self, prim: Primitive)

Set primitive topology

fn set_viewport(&mut self, view: Rect)

Set viewport rectangle

fn set_multi_sample(&mut self, ms: Option<MultiSample>)

Set multi-sampling state

fn set_scissor(&mut self, rect: Option<Rect>)

Set scissor test

fn set_depth_stencil(&mut self, depth: Option<Depth>, stencil: Option<Stencil>, cull: CullFace)

Set depth and stencil states

fn set_blend(&mut self, blend: Option<Blend>)

Set blend state

fn set_color_mask(&mut self, mask: ColorMask)

Set output color mask for all targets

fn update_buffer(&mut self, buf: R::Buffer, data: DataPointer, offset_bytes: usize)

Update a vertex/index/uniform buffer

fn update_texture(&mut self, kind: Kind, tex: R::Texture, info: ImageInfo, data: DataPointer)

Update a texture region

fn call_clear(&mut self, data: ClearData, mask: Mask)

Clear target surfaces

fn call_draw(&mut self, ptype: PrimitiveType, start: VertexCount, count: VertexCount, instances: InstanceOption)

Draw a primitive

fn call_draw_indexed(&mut self, ptype: PrimitiveType, itype: IndexType, start: VertexCount, count: VertexCount, base: VertexCount, instances: InstanceOption)

Draw a primitive with index buffer

fn call_blit(&mut self, s_rect: Rect, d_rect: Rect, mirror: Mirror, mask: Mask)

Blit from one target to another