gfx 0.1.2

A high-performance, bindless graphics API
    Copyright 2014 The Gfx-rs Developers.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

# gfx-rs

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`gfx-rs` is a high-performance, bindless graphics API for the Rust
programming language. It aims to be the default API for Rust graphics: for
one-off applications, or higher level libraries or engines.

## Why gfx-rs?

- Graphics APIs are mostly designed with C and C++ in mind, and hence are
  dangerous and error prone, with little static safety guarantees.
- Providing type safe wrappers around platform-specific APIs is feasible, but
  only pushes the problem of platform independence to a higher level of
  abstraction, often to the game or rendering engine.
- Modern graphics APIs, whilst providing a great degree of flexibility and a
  high level of performance, often have a much higher barrier to entry than
  traditional [fixed-function] APIs.
- Graphics APIs like OpenGL still [require the developer to 'bind' and 'unbind'
  in order to perform operations on them. This results in a large amount of
  boiler plate code, and brings with it the usual problems associated with
  global state.

## Goals

`gfx-rs` aims to be:

- type-safe and memory-safe
- compatible with Rust's concurrency model
- highly performant with minimal latency
- an abstraction over multiple graphics APIs: OpenGL, Direct3D, Mantle, etc.
- orthogonal to context backends: GLFW, SDL2, gl-init-rs, etc.

## Non-goals

`gfx-rs` is not:

- a rendering engine
- a game engine
- bound to a specific maths library

`gfx-rs` will not handle:

- window and input management
- mathematics and transformations
- lighting and shadows
- visibility determination
- draw call reordering
- de-serializing of scene data formats
- abstractions for platform-specific shaders
- material abstractions

## Getting started

Add the following to your `Cargo.toml`:

git = ""

See the [triangle example](./examples/triangle) for a typical context
initialization with [glfw](, or
[glutin example](./examples/glutin) for [glutin](

## Crate hierarchy

![Dependency graph](diagrams/png/dependencies.png)

## Building the examples

To build the examples run `cargo test`. The executables will be in the `target` directory.

# Build all Examples
cargo test
# Run Cube Example

## Note

gfx-rs is still in the early stages of development. Help is most appreciated.

If you are interested in helping out, you can contact the developers on
[Gitter]( See [](wiki/ for
contact information and contribution guidelines.