geomath 0.2.1

Stack-allocated maths for geometry, simulation and computer graphics


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A framework for simulation and computer graphics


geomath is a little framework that implements most of the common math features needed when dealing with numerical simulation or computer graphics. It focuses mainly on algebra and geometry and provide a simple API while showing high performance thanks to many optimization that are allowed only in a 2D-3D-4D context.


  • Stack allocated Matrix and Vectors with common algebra and operators
  • All common 3D and 4D transforms (perspective, rotations, ...)
  • Coordinates manipulation (polar, cylindrical, spherical, ...)
  • Point's kinematics


The framework is yet not documented, it still in development. However it won't be to difficult to use it if you are familiar with numpy or Matlab. However if you need examples take a look at :

Why another maths framework

nalgebra and cgmath do the job well, however if you prefer use a more concise syntax this framework provides methods (that can be chained) and generators to compute very quickly a considerable range of transform matrix, vectors, ...

It's really made to make maths easier when coding, the goal is to reach the feeling of Matlab.

Furthermore, the implementation is the result of the previous optimizations found during the two other math framework that I published.

It runs very fast and provide an API that shows clearly where computation is expensive so you can adopt the best patterns to reach the desired performance.