genco 0.5.0

Genco, the even simpler code generator for Rust.
//! Macros helpers in genco.

macro_rules! impl_lang_item {
        $(impl FormatTokens<$from_lang:ty> for $from_ty:ident;)?
        $(impl From<$box_from_ty:ident> for LangBox<$box_lang:ty>;)?

        $(impl LangItem<$lang:ty> for $ty:ident {
    ) => {
        impl crate::FormatTokens<$from_lang> for $from_ty {
            fn format_tokens(self, tokens: &mut crate::Tokens<$from_lang>) {

        impl<'a> crate::FormatTokens<$from_lang> for &'a $from_ty {
            fn format_tokens(self, tokens: &mut crate::Tokens<$from_lang>) {

        impl From<$box_from_ty> for crate::LangBox<$from_lang> {
            fn from(value: $box_from_ty) -> Self {
                use std::rc::Rc;
                crate::LangBox::from(Rc::new(value) as Rc<dyn crate::LangItem<$from_lang>>)

        impl<'a> From<&'a $box_from_ty> for crate::LangBox<$from_lang> {
            fn from(value: &'a $box_from_ty) -> Self {
                use std::rc::Rc;
                crate::LangBox::from(Rc::new(value.clone()) as Rc<dyn crate::LangItem<$from_lang>>)

            impl crate::LangItem<$lang> for $ty {

                fn eq(&self, other: &dyn crate::LangItem<$lang>) -> bool {
                        .map_or(false, |x| x == self)

                fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn std::any::Any {

macro_rules! impl_variadic_type_args {
    ($args_vis:vis $args:ident, $type_trait:ident, $any_type:ident) => {
        /// Helper trait for things that can be turned into generic arguments.
        $args_vis trait $args {
            /// Convert the given type into a collection of arguments.
            fn into_args(self) -> Vec<$any_type>;

        impl<T> $args for T
            T: Into<$any_type>,
            fn into_args(self) -> Vec<$any_type> {

        impl_variadic_type_args!(@args $args, $type_trait, $any_type, A => a);
        impl_variadic_type_args!(@args $args, $type_trait, $any_type, A => a, B => b);
        impl_variadic_type_args!(@args $args, $type_trait, $any_type, A => a, B => b, C => c);
        impl_variadic_type_args!(@args $args, $type_trait, $any_type, A => a, B => b, C => c, D => d);
        impl_variadic_type_args!(@args $args, $type_trait, $any_type, A => a, B => b, C => c, D => d, E => e);

    (@args $args:ty, $ty:ident, $any_type:ident, $($ident:ident => $var:ident),*) => {
        impl<$($ident,)*> $args for ($($ident,)*) where $($ident: Into<$any_type>,)* {
            fn into_args(self) -> Vec<$any_type> {
                let ($($var,)*) = self;

macro_rules! impl_plain_variadic_args {
    ($args:ident, $ty:ident) => {
        /// Helper trait for things that can be turned into generic arguments.
        pub trait $args {
            /// Convert the given type into a collection of arguments.
            fn into_args(self) -> Vec<$ty>;

        impl<T> $args for T
            T: Into<$ty>,
            fn into_args(self) -> Vec<$ty> {

        impl_plain_variadic_args!(@args $args, $ty, A => a);
        impl_plain_variadic_args!(@args $args, $ty, A => a, B => b);
        impl_plain_variadic_args!(@args $args, $ty, A => a, B => b, C => c);
        impl_plain_variadic_args!(@args $args, $ty, A => a, B => b, C => c, D => d);
        impl_plain_variadic_args!(@args $args, $ty, A => a, B => b, C => c, D => d, E => e);

    (@args $args:ty, $ty:ident, $($ident:ident => $var:ident),*) => {
        impl<$($ident,)*> $args for ($($ident,)*) where $($ident: Into<$ty>,)* {
            fn into_args(self) -> Vec<$ty> {
                let ($($var,)*) = self;

macro_rules! impl_dynamic_types {
    ($lang:ty =>
        $type_trait_vis:vis trait $type_trait:ident {

        $args_vis:vis trait $args:ident;
        $any_type_vis:vis struct $any_type:ident;
        $any_type_ref_vis:vis enum $any_type_ref:ident;

        $(impl $trait_impl:ident for $ty:ident {
    ) => {
        /// Trait implemented by all types
        $type_trait_vis trait TypeTrait: 'static + std::fmt::Debug + crate::LangItem<$lang> {
            /// Coerce trait into an enum that can be used for type-specific operations
            fn as_enum(&self) -> $any_type_ref<'_>;


        /// Private internals for the any type.
        enum AnyInner {
                #[doc = "Generated variant."]

        #[doc = "Type that can contain any language type. Derefs to the type trait."]
        $any_type_vis struct $any_type {
            inner: AnyInner,

            impl From<$ty> for $any_type {
                fn from(value: $ty) -> Self {
                    Self {
                        inner: AnyInner::$ty(std::rc::Rc::new(value))

        impl crate::FormatTokens<$lang> for $any_type {
            fn format_tokens(self, tokens: &mut $crate::Tokens<$lang>) {
                let value = match self.inner {
                    $(AnyInner::$ty(value) => value as std::rc::Rc<dyn LangItem<$lang>>,)*


        impl<'a> crate::FormatTokens<$lang> for &'a $any_type {
            fn format_tokens(self, tokens: &mut $crate::Tokens<$lang>) {
                let value = match &self.inner {
                    $(AnyInner::$ty(value) => value.clone() as std::rc::Rc<dyn LangItem<$lang>>,)*


        impl std::ops::Deref for $any_type {
            type Target = dyn $type_trait;

            fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
                match &self.inner {
                    $(AnyInner::$ty(value) => &**value,)*

        impl std::fmt::Debug for $any_type {
            fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {

        impl std::cmp::PartialEq for $any_type {
            fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
                self.as_enum() == other.as_enum()

        impl std::cmp::Eq for $any_type {}

        impl std::hash::Hash for $any_type {
            fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {

        impl std::cmp::PartialOrd for $any_type {
            fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &$any_type) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {

        impl std::cmp::Ord for $any_type {
            fn cmp(&self, other: &$any_type) -> std::cmp::Ordering {

        #[doc = "Enum that can be used for casting between variants of the same type"]
        #[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
        $any_type_ref_vis enum $any_type_ref<'a> {
                #[doc = "Type variant"]
                $ty(&'a $ty),

            impl $trait_impl for $ty {
                fn as_enum(&self) -> $any_type_ref<'_> {


            impl_lang_item! {
                impl FormatTokens<$lang> for $ty;
                impl From<$ty> for LangBox<$lang>;

        impl_variadic_type_args!($args_vis $args, $type_trait, $any_type);

macro_rules! impl_modifier {
    ($(#[$meta:meta])* pub enum $name:ident<$lang:ty> {
            $variant:ident => $value:expr,
    }) => {
        #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
        pub enum $name {

        impl $name {
            /// Get the name of the modifier.
            pub fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
                match self {
                    $(Self::$variant => $value,)*

        impl crate::FormatTokens<$lang> for $name {
            fn format_tokens(self, tokens: &mut crate::Tokens<$lang>) {

        impl crate::FormatTokens<$lang> for Vec<$name> {
            fn format_tokens(self, tokens: &mut crate::Tokens<$lang>) {
                use std::collections::BTreeSet;

                let mut it = self.into_iter().collect::<BTreeSet<_>>().into_iter();

                if let Some(modifier) = {

                for modifier in it {