gen_value 0.6.0

A library for indexes and values with generations for vectors.
// Copyright 2022 Bryant Luk
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.

//! `Vec` indexed with internally managed generational indexes.
//! Every value in the vector has a generation associated with it. When
//! accessing elements from the `GenVec`, an index with a generation is required. The
//! generational index is composed of an index (like a [usize]) and a generation
//! (usually an unsigned integer).
//! The index is used exactly like an individual element index in a `Vec`.
//! However, before accessing the value, the generation associated with the
//! element is checked to determine if the operation should proceed.
//! To get an element, the generations must be equal. To set an element, the
//! generation must be equal to the existing generation.
//! When removing an element, the generation must be equal to or greater than
//! the existing generation. The generation associated with the element is
//! incremented but the value is not dropped from the vector. The value is only
//! dropped when another value is set at the index.
//! # Design Considerations
//! ## Benefits
//! * Generational indexes can be stored by other parts of the program and
//! guaranteed to always reference the same value (until it is removed)
//! * The underlying Vec will not need to move elements when elements are removed
//! * Once an element is removed by increasing the generation at the index,
//! existing generational indexes for the index will be effectively invalidated
//! (because the stored indexes do not have the correct generation)
//! * Access is still relatively fast
//! * Memory is reused when possible (by re-using an index in a [`Vec`])
//! ## Drawbacks
//! * Values are not dropped until a new value is set for the index (if ever).
//! * The maximum generation value serves as a tombstone value. So for a [u8],
//! an element with `255` as the generation indicates the index's value as
//! unaccessible. A generational index with `255` as the generation is never
//! used to access a value. The last generation value being used as a tombstone
//! value was chosen instead of something like `Option<(G, T)>` for efficiency
//! purposes (saves some memory and removes a small check). However, the major
//! drawback is that the last value will never be dropped so if a value has any
//! logic done during a drop, it will never be executed.
//! * The `GenVec` does not reclaim unused memory. While the `GenVec` can re-use
//! indexes with increases in the generation, the length will be equal to at
//! least the largest number of concurrently active elements during a program's
//! execution. If there are 200 concurrent active entities, then the
//! `GenVec` will always have at least a length of 200 for the remainder of the
//! program's execution.
//! * Note that the limit for the maximum number of concurrently active elements
//! can decrease over time. Initially, the maximum number is equivalent to the
//! maximum number of elements possible in a [`Vec`] (a [usize]). If a single
//! index is reused through all of the generational cycles, then the index can
//! no longer be used, so the limit for the maximum number of concurrently active
//! elements decreases. If a generation is represented with a [u8], imagine 255
//! active entities but only 1 entity is ever active at a time. All
//! of the generations would be exhausted at index `0`, so after that point,
//! `usize::MAX` - `1` is the theoretical maximum number of concurrently active
//! elements (actually only `isize::MAX` - 1 due to the limits of `Vec`).
//! The memory for index `0` is essentially leaked at that point.
//! * There is a limit to the total number of elements that can ever be stored
//! by the `GenVec`. If a generation is represented with a [u8], then there are
//! 255 generations per index. Assume that all indexes can eventually be used
//! and indexes are represented by a [u32]. Then, (2^8 - 1) * 2^32 = (2^40 -
//! 2^32) = 1.095 trillion total elements can ever be stored.
//! The limits are important to keep in mind, but in practice, with a sufficient
//! sized index and generation type, the limits will never be encounted.

use crate::{index::Allocator, unmanaged::UnmanagedGenVec, Error, Incrementable};

/// `Vec` indexed with generational indexes.
/// `GenVec` manages its own generational indexes and allocates and deallocates
/// indexes appropriately. Indexes constructed or allocated by external sources
/// should not be used.
/// If a single `Vec` with generational indexes is required, then using `GenVec`
/// is useful. If generational indexes must be allocated and deallocated
/// externally or if multiple vectors are required, then the [`Allocator`] and
/// [`UnmanagedGenVec`] may be more useful.
/// Generational indexes are allocated on [`GenVec::insert()`] and are deallocated
/// with [`GenVec::remove()`].
/// # Type Parameters
/// ## `T`
/// `T` is the element value type like the `T` in `Vec<T>`.
/// ## `G`
/// `G` is the generation type. `G` is usually a type like [u16] or [u32].
/// By default, G is a [usize].
/// Generation types must implement:
/// * [`Incrementable`]
/// * [`Default`]
/// The range of values for `G` determines how many generations a single index
/// can be used. Assume a [u8] is used and a single index is allocated and
/// deallocated 255 times. After the 255th allocation, the index will never be
/// allocated again. For [`GenVec`][crate::vec::GenVec], an index which will
/// never be re-used is essentially equivalent to wasted memory which will not
/// be reclaimed.
/// Note that for a [u8], the maximum value (255) serves as a tombstone marker
/// indicating that the index can no longer be used (otherwise a generational
/// index with generation 255 could always access the value).
/// Assuming a single index is allocated and deallocated every second, a [u16]
/// would take (2^16 - 1) seconds to exhaust an index which is roughly 18 hours. A
/// [u32] would take (2^32 - 1) seconds which is more than 136 years.
/// ## `I`
/// `I` is the index type. `I` is usually a type like [usize]. By default, `I`
/// is a [usize].
/// Index types must implement:
/// * [`Incrementable`]
/// * `Into<usize>`
/// The range of values for `I` determines the maximum limit on how many
/// concurrent entities may exist. If a [u8] is used, a maximum of `256`
/// values exist at any point in time.
/// ## `GenIndex`
/// `GenIndex` is the type which the generational index should be returned as. A tuple
/// like `(I, G)` can be used or a custom type. By default, `(I, G)` is used.
/// The generational index type is generally treated like an opaque identifier.
/// While a tuple is useful, a custom type may be desired so a generational
/// index is only used with collections which take the custom type.
/// `GenIndex` types must implement:
/// * `From<(I, G)> for GenIndex`
/// * `Into<(I, G)> for GenIndex`
pub struct GenVec<T, G = usize, I = usize, GenIndex = (I, G)> {
    allocator: Allocator<G, I, GenIndex>,
    inner: UnmanagedGenVec<T, G, I, GenIndex>,

impl<T, G, I, GenIndex> GenVec<T, G, I, GenIndex> {
    /// Constructs a new inner [`Vec`].
    /// See [`Vec::new`] for additional information.
    pub fn new() -> Self
        I: Default,
        Self {
            allocator: Allocator::new(),
            inner: UnmanagedGenVec::new(),

    /// Constructs an inner [`Vec`] with the given capacity.
    /// See [`Vec::with_capacity`] for additional information.
    pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self
        I: Default,
        Self {
            allocator: Allocator::new(),
            inner: UnmanagedGenVec::with_capacity(capacity),

    /// Returns the length of the inner [`Vec`].
    /// See [`Vec::len`] for additional information.
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns true if the innner [`Vec`] is empty.
    /// See [`Vec::is_empty`] for additional information.
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

    /// Returns the capacity of the inner [`Vec`].
    /// See [`Vec::capacity`] for additional information.
    pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize {

    /// Reserves additional capacity of the inner [`Vec`].
    /// See [`Vec::reserve`] for additional information.
    pub fn reserve(&mut self, additional: usize) {

    /// Reserves additional capacity of the inner [`Vec`].
    /// See [`Vec::reserve_exact`] for additional information.
    pub fn reserve_exact(&mut self, additional: usize) {

impl<T, G, I, GenIndex> Default for GenVec<T, G, I, GenIndex>
    I: Default,
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            allocator: Allocator::default(),
            inner: UnmanagedGenVec::default(),

impl<T, G, I, GenIndex> GenVec<T, G, I, GenIndex>
    I: Into<usize>,
    /// Inserts a new value into the collection.
    /// The index of the value may be at any position in the underlying [`Vec`].
    /// If there are no available positions, then the new value may be pushed
    /// onto the end of the [`Vec`].
    /// On success, the generational index of the element is returned.
    /// # Errors
    /// Errors are returned if:
    /// * a generational index cannot be created
    pub fn insert(&mut self, value: T) -> Result<GenIndex, Error>
        GenIndex: From<(I, G)> + Into<(I, G)>,
        G: Clone + Default + PartialOrd,
        I: Clone + Incrementable,
        let gen_index = self
        let (index, generation) = gen_index.into();
            .set_or_push(GenIndex::from((index.clone(), generation.clone())), value)
            .expect("set or push should have succeeded");
        Ok(GenIndex::from((index, generation)))

    /// Returns true if an element exists for the generational index.
    pub fn contains_index(&self, gen_index: GenIndex) -> bool
        GenIndex: Into<(I, G)>,
        G: PartialEq,

    /// Returns a reference to the element at the given index if the generation matches.
    /// See [`slice::get`] for additional information.
    /// # Errors
    /// Errors are returned if:
    /// * the index is out of bounds
    /// * the generation of the generational index is not equal to the generation associated with the element
    pub fn get(&self, gen_index: GenIndex) -> Result<&T, Error>
        GenIndex: Into<(I, G)>,
        G: PartialEq,

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the element at the given index if the generation matches.
    /// See [`slice::get_mut`] for additional information.
    /// # Errors
    /// Errors are returned if:
    /// * the index is out of bounds
    /// * the generation of the generational index is not equal to the generation associated with the element
    pub fn get_mut(&mut self, gen_index: GenIndex) -> Result<&mut T, Error>
        GenIndex: Into<(I, G)>,
        G: PartialEq,

    /// Returns a reference to the element at the given index.
    /// See [`slice::get_unchecked`] for additional information.
    /// # Safety
    /// There is no bounds check and no generation check performed. If the index is out of bounds, undefined behavior will occur.
    pub unsafe fn get_unchecked(&self, index: usize) -> &T {

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the element at the given index.
    /// See [`slice::get_unchecked_mut`] for additional information.
    /// # Safety
    /// There is no bounds check and no generation check performed. If the index is out of bounds, undefined behavior will occur.
    pub unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut T {

    /// Sets a value at the given index if the generation is equal to the
    /// generation associated with the existing element.
    /// Returns the previous generation and the value for the element if successful.
    /// # Errors
    /// Errors are returned if:
    /// * the index is out of bounds
    /// * the generation of the generational index is less than the generation associated with the element
    /// # Panics
    /// * if the generation is greater than the current generation associated
    /// with the element.
    pub fn set(&mut self, gen_index: GenIndex, value: T) -> Result<(G, T), Error>
        GenIndex: Into<(I, G)>,
        G: PartialOrd,
        self.inner.set(gen_index, value)

    /// Removes access to an element which matches the generation of the element.
    /// # Errors
    /// Errors are returned if:
    /// * the index is out of bounds
    /// * the generation is less than or equal to the existing generation
    /// # Panics
    /// * if the generation is greater than the current generation associated
    /// with the element.
    /// * if the generation could not be incremented
    pub fn remove(&mut self, gen_index: GenIndex) -> Result<(), Error>
        GenIndex: From<(I, G)> + Into<(I, G)>,
        G: Clone + PartialOrd + Incrementable,
        I: Clone,
        let (index, generation) = gen_index.into();
        if let Some(next_gen) = {
            let _prev_gen = self
                .set_next_gen(GenIndex::from((index.clone(), next_gen)))?;
            self.allocator.dealloc(GenIndex::from((index, generation)));
        } else {
            panic!("generation could not be incremented");

impl<T, G, I, GenIndex> core::ops::Index<GenIndex> for GenVec<T, G, I, GenIndex>
    GenIndex: Into<(I, G)>,
    I: Into<usize>,
    G: PartialEq,
    type Output = T;

    fn index(&self, gen_index: GenIndex) -> &Self::Output {

impl<T, G, I, GenIndex> core::ops::IndexMut<GenIndex> for GenVec<T, G, I, GenIndex>
    I: Into<usize>,
    GenIndex: Into<(I, G)>,
    G: PartialEq,
    fn index_mut(&mut self, gen_index: GenIndex) -> &mut Self::Output {
        &mut self.inner[gen_index]

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
    struct Value<T>(T);

    impl<T> Value<T> {
        fn set(&mut self, value: T) {
            self.0 = value;

    fn test_contains_index_out_of_bounds() {
        let gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        assert!(!gen_vec.contains_index((0, 0)));

    fn test_contains_index_generation_less_than_existing() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let _ = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        assert!(!gen_vec.contains_index((0, 1)));

    fn test_contains_index_generation_greater_than_existing() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let _ = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        assert!(!gen_vec.contains_index((2, 0)));

    fn test_insert_generational_index_unavailable_by_index() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8, u8>::default();
        for n in 0..=u8::MAX {
            let _ = gen_vec.insert(Value(u32::from(n))).unwrap();
        let err = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap_err();

    fn test_insert_generational_index_unavailable_by_generation() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<(u8, u8)>, u8, u8>::default();
        for idx in 0..=u8::MAX {
            for gen in 0..u8::MAX {
                let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value((idx, gen))).unwrap();
        let err = gen_vec.insert(Value((0, 0))).unwrap_err();

    fn test_get_index_out_of_bounds() {
        let gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let err = gen_vec.get((0, 0)).unwrap_err();

    fn test_get_generation_less_than_existing() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(gen_index, (0, 1));

        let err = gen_vec.get((0, 0)).unwrap_err();

    fn test_get_generation_greater_than_existing() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let _ = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();

        let err = gen_vec.get((0, 1)).unwrap_err();

    fn test_get_mut_index_out_of_bounds() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let err = gen_vec.get_mut((0, 0)).unwrap_err();

    fn test_get_mut_generation_less_than_existing() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(gen_index, (0, 1));

        let err = gen_vec.get_mut((0, 0)).unwrap_err();

    fn test_get_mut_generation_greater_than_existing() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let _ = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();

        let err = gen_vec.get_mut((0, 1)).unwrap_err();

    fn test_set_index_out_of_bounds() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let err = gen_vec.set((0, 0), Value(1)).unwrap_err();

    fn test_set_generation_less_than_existing() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!((0, 1), gen_index);
        let err = gen_vec.set((0, 0), Value(1)).unwrap_err();

    #[should_panic(expected = "generation is greater than generation associated with element")]
    fn test_set_generation_greater_than_existing() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let _ = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        gen_vec.set((0, 1), Value(1)).unwrap();

    fn test_remove_index_out_of_bounds() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let err = gen_vec.remove((0, 0)).unwrap_err();

    fn test_remove_generation_one_less_than_existing() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!((0, 1), gen_index);
        let err = gen_vec.remove((0, 0)).unwrap_err();

    fn test_remove_generation_more_than_one_less_than_existing() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!((0, 2), gen_index);

        let err = gen_vec.remove((0, 0)).unwrap_err();

    #[should_panic(expected = "generation is not the next generation of the current element")]
    fn test_remove_generation_greater_than_existing() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let _ = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        gen_vec.remove((0, 1)).unwrap();

    #[should_panic(expected = "generation could not be incremented")]
    fn test_remove_generation_no_next_generation() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        for _ in 0..u8::MAX {
            let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();

        // generation with 255 should never be returned, but if manually constructed, the remove will panic
        gen_vec.remove((0, 255)).unwrap();

    #[should_panic(expected = "index out of bounds")]
    fn test_index_out_of_bounds_index() {
        let gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let _ = gen_vec[(0, 0)];

    #[should_panic(expected = "generation is not equal")]
    fn test_index_generation_less_than_existing() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(gen_index, (0, 1));

        let _ = &gen_vec[(0, 0)];

    #[should_panic(expected = "generation is not equal")]
    fn test_index_generation_greater_than_existing() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(gen_index, (0, 0));

        let _ = &gen_vec[(0, 1)];

    #[should_panic(expected = "index out of bounds")]
    fn test_index_mut_out_of_bounds_index() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let _ = &mut gen_vec[(0, 0)];

    #[should_panic(expected = "generation is not equal")]
    fn test_index_mut_generation_less_than_existing() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(gen_index, (0, 1));

        let _ = &mut gen_vec[(0, 0)];

    #[should_panic(expected = "generation is not equal")]
    fn test_index_mut_generation_greater_than_existing() {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();
        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(gen_index, (0, 0));

        let _ = &mut gen_vec[(0, 1)];

    fn test_usage() -> Result<(), Error> {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u32, usize, (usize, u32)>::default();

        assert_eq!(gen_vec.len(), 0);

        // Insert first entity
        let first_entity_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(42))?;
        assert_eq!(*gen_vec.get(first_entity_index)?, Value(42));
        assert_eq!(gen_vec.len(), 1);

        // Change first entity's value
        let first_entity_value = gen_vec.get_mut(first_entity_index)?;
        assert_eq!(*gen_vec.get(first_entity_index)?, Value(1001));
        // Turn Result into Option with ok()
        assert_eq!(gen_vec.get(first_entity_index).ok(), Some(&Value(1001)));
        assert_eq!(gen_vec.len(), 1);

        // Set first entity's value
        let set_first_entity_result = gen_vec.set(first_entity_index, Value(1002))?;
        assert_eq!(set_first_entity_result, (0, Value(1001)));
        assert_eq!(*gen_vec.get(first_entity_index)?, Value(1002));
        assert_eq!(gen_vec.len(), 1);

        // Insert other entity value
        let other_entity_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(9))?;
        assert_eq!(*gen_vec.get(first_entity_index)?, Value(1002));
        assert_eq!(*gen_vec.get(other_entity_index)?, Value(9));
        assert_eq!(gen_vec.len(), 2);

        // Remove first entity's value

        // Cannot get first entity's value
            let get_first_entity_result = gen_vec.get(first_entity_index);

        // Cannot set first entity's value
            let set_first_entity_result = gen_vec.set(first_entity_index, Value(1002));

        // Other entity can still be retrieved with same index and length is still 2
        assert_eq!(*gen_vec.get(other_entity_index)?, Value(9));
        assert_eq!(gen_vec.len(), 2);

        // Insert last entity
        let last_entity_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(3))?;
        assert_eq!(*gen_vec.get(other_entity_index)?, Value(9));
        assert_eq!(*gen_vec.get(last_entity_index)?, Value(3));
        assert_eq!(gen_vec.len(), 2);


        assert_eq!(first_entity_index, (0, 0));
        assert_eq!(other_entity_index, (1, 0));
        assert_eq!(last_entity_index, (0, 1));

        Ok::<_, Error>(())

    fn test_exhaust_single_index() -> Result<(), Error> {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();

        let mut gen_index = (0, 0);
        for i in 0..u8::MAX {
            gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(u32::from(i)))?;
            assert_eq!((0, i), gen_index);

        assert_eq!(gen_vec.len(), 1);

        let new_gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(256))?;
        assert_eq!((1, 0), new_gen_index);

        // Attempt to remove old index again
        assert_eq!((0, 254), gen_index);
        let err = gen_vec.remove(gen_index).unwrap_err();

        let new_gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(257))?;
        assert_eq!((2, 0), new_gen_index);

        Ok::<_, Error>(())

    fn test_remove_old_index_repeatedly() -> Result<(), Error> {
        let mut gen_vec = GenVec::<Value<u32>, u8>::default();

        let gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(0))?;
        assert_eq!(gen_index, (0, 0));

        // Remove old generation index again
        let err = gen_vec.remove(gen_index).unwrap_err();

        let newer_gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(1))?;
        assert_eq!(newer_gen_index, (0, 1));
        assert_eq!(gen_vec.len(), 1);

        // Remove old generation index again
        let err = gen_vec.remove(gen_index).unwrap_err();

        let newer_gen_index = gen_vec.insert(Value(2))?;
        assert_eq!(newer_gen_index, (1, 0));
        assert_eq!(gen_vec.len(), 2);

        Ok::<_, Error>(())