gdnative-core 0.6.0

The Godot game engine's gdnative core bindings.

Rust bindings for the Godot game engine

This crate contains high-level wrappers around the Godot game engine's gdnaive API. Some of the types were automatically generated from the engine's JSON API description, and some other types are hand made wrappers around the core C types.

Memory management

Reference counting

A lot of the types provided by the engine are internally reference counted and allow mutable aliasing. In rust parlance this means that a type such as gdnative::ConcavePolygonShape2D is functionally equivalent to a Rc<Cell<Something>> rather than Rc<Something>.

Since it is easy to expect containers and other types to allocate a copy of their content when using the Clone trait, most of these types do not implement Clone and instead provide a new_ref(&self) -> Self method to create references to the same collection or object.

Manually managed objects

Some types are manually managed. This means that ownership can be passed to the engine or the object must be carefully deallocated using the object's free method.