gdnative-core 0.11.3

The Godot game engine's gdnative core bindings.
//! # Rust bindings for the Godot game engine
//! This crate contains high-level wrappers around the core types of Godot Engine's GDNative
//! API, and the NativeScript feature which enables Rust code to be used as scripts.
//! ## Memory management for core types
//! Wrappers for most core types expose safe Rust interfaces, and it's unnecessary to mind
//! memory management most of the times. The exceptions are `VariantArray` and `Dictionary`,
//! internally reference-counted collections with "interior mutability" in Rust parlance. These
//! types are modelled using the "typestate" pattern to enforce that the official
//! [thread-safety guidelines][thread-safety]. For more information, read the type-level
//! documentation for these types.
//! Since it is easy to expect containers and other types to allocate a copy of their
//! content when using the `Clone` trait, some types do not implement `Clone` and instead
//! implement [`NewRef`](object::NewRef) which provides a `new_ref(&self) -> Self` method
//! to create references to the same collection or object.
//! [thread-safety]:

    any(test, feature = "gd-test"),
    allow(clippy::excessive_precision, clippy::disallowed_names)

pub extern crate gdnative_sys as sys;

pub extern crate libc;

#[cfg(feature = "gd-test")]
extern crate approx;

pub use gdnative_derive::godot_wrap_method;

/// Derive macros and macro attributes.
pub use gdnative_derive as derive;

// Macros have to be processed before they are used.
mod macros;

pub mod core_types;

pub mod export;
pub mod globalscope;
pub mod init;
pub mod log;
pub mod object;
pub mod profiler;

/// Internal low-level API for use by macros and generated bindings. Not a part of the public API.
pub mod private;