gdal 0.14.0

GDAL bindings for Rust
use super::GdalType;
use crate::errors::*;
use crate::spatial_ref::SpatialRef;
use crate::utils::{_last_cpl_err, _last_null_pointer_err, _string, _string_array};
use crate::{cpl::CslStringList, Dataset};
use gdal_sys::{
    CPLErr, CSLDestroy, GDALAttributeGetDataType, GDALAttributeGetDimensionsSize, GDALAttributeH,
    GDALAttributeReadAsDouble, GDALAttributeReadAsDoubleArray, GDALAttributeReadAsInt,
    GDALAttributeReadAsIntArray, GDALAttributeReadAsString, GDALAttributeReadAsStringArray,
    GDALAttributeRelease, GDALDataType, GDALDatasetH, GDALDimensionGetIndexingVariable,
    GDALDimensionGetName, GDALDimensionGetSize, GDALDimensionHS, GDALDimensionRelease,
    GDALExtendedDataTypeClass, GDALExtendedDataTypeCreate, GDALExtendedDataTypeGetClass,
    GDALExtendedDataTypeGetName, GDALExtendedDataTypeGetNumericDataType, GDALExtendedDataTypeH,
    GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease, GDALGroupGetAttribute, GDALGroupGetDimensions,
    GDALGroupGetGroupNames, GDALGroupGetMDArrayNames, GDALGroupGetName, GDALGroupH,
    GDALGroupOpenGroup, GDALGroupOpenMDArray, GDALGroupRelease, GDALMDArrayGetAttribute,
    GDALMDArrayGetDataType, GDALMDArrayGetDimensionCount, GDALMDArrayGetDimensions,
    GDALMDArrayGetNoDataValueAsDouble, GDALMDArrayGetSpatialRef, GDALMDArrayGetStatistics,
    GDALMDArrayGetTotalElementsCount, GDALMDArrayGetUnit, GDALMDArrayH, GDALMDArrayRelease,
    OSRDestroySpatialReference, VSIFree,
use libc::c_void;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::os::raw::c_char;

#[cfg(feature = "ndarray")]
use ndarray::{ArrayD, IxDyn};
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};

/// Represent an MDArray in a Group
/// This object carries the lifetime of the Group that
/// contains it. This is necessary to prevent the Group
/// from being dropped before the mdarray.
pub struct MDArray<'a> {
    c_mdarray: GDALMDArrayH,
    c_dataset: GDALDatasetH,
    _parent: GroupOrDimension<'a>,

pub enum GroupOrDimension<'a> {
    Group { _group: &'a Group<'a> },
    Dimension { _dimension: &'a Dimension<'a> },

pub enum GroupOrArray<'a> {
    Group { _group: &'a Group<'a> },
    MDArray { _md_array: &'a MDArray<'a> },

impl Drop for MDArray<'_> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

impl<'a> MDArray<'a> {
    /// Create a MDArray from a wrapped C pointer
    /// # Safety
    /// This method operates on a raw C pointer
    pub unsafe fn from_c_mdarray_and_group(_group: &'a Group, c_mdarray: GDALMDArrayH) -> Self {
        Self {
            c_dataset: _group._dataset.c_dataset(),
            _parent: GroupOrDimension::Group { _group },

    /// Create a MDArray from a wrapped C pointer
    /// # Safety
    /// This method operates on a raw C pointer
    pub unsafe fn from_c_mdarray_and_dimension(
        _dimension: &'a Dimension,
        c_mdarray: GDALMDArrayH,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            c_dataset: match _dimension._parent {
                GroupOrArray::Group { _group } => _group._dataset.c_dataset(),
                GroupOrArray::MDArray { _md_array } => _md_array.c_dataset,
            _parent: GroupOrDimension::Dimension { _dimension },

    pub fn num_dimensions(&self) -> usize {
        unsafe { GDALMDArrayGetDimensionCount(self.c_mdarray) }

    pub fn num_elements(&self) -> u64 {
        unsafe { GDALMDArrayGetTotalElementsCount(self.c_mdarray) }

    pub fn dimensions(&self) -> Result<Vec<Dimension>> {
        let mut num_dimensions: usize = 0;

        let c_dimensions = unsafe { GDALMDArrayGetDimensions(self.c_mdarray, &mut num_dimensions) };

        // If `num_dimensions` is `0`, we can safely return an empty vector.
        // `GDALMDArrayGetDimensions` does not state that errors can occur.
        if num_dimensions == 0 {
            return Ok(Vec::new());
        if c_dimensions.is_null() {
            return Err(_last_null_pointer_err("GDALMDArrayGetDimensions"));

        let dimensions_ref =
            unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(c_dimensions, num_dimensions) };

        let mut dimensions: Vec<Dimension> = Vec::with_capacity(num_dimensions);

        for c_dimension in dimensions_ref {
            let dimension = unsafe {
                Dimension::from_c_dimension(GroupOrArray::MDArray { _md_array: self }, *c_dimension)

        // only free the array, not the dimensions themselves
        unsafe {
            VSIFree(c_dimensions as *mut c_void);


    pub fn datatype(&self) -> ExtendedDataType {
        unsafe {
            let c_data_type = GDALMDArrayGetDataType(self.c_mdarray);


    /// Wrapper for `GDALMDArrayRead`
    /// # Params
    /// * buffer - Mutable buffer to read into
    /// * array_start_index - Values representing the starting index to read in each dimension (in `[0, aoDims[i].GetSize()-1]` range).
    ///   Array of `GetDimensionCount()` values. Must not be empty, unless for a zero-dimensional array.
    /// * count - Values representing the number of values to extract in each dimension. Array of `GetDimensionCount()` values.
    ///   Must not be empty, unless for a zero-dimensional array.
    pub fn read_into_slice<T: Copy + GdalType>(
        buffer: &mut [T],
        array_start_index: Vec<u64>,
        count: Vec<usize>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        // If set to nullptr, [1, 1, … 1] will be used as a default to indicate consecutive elements.
        let array_step: *const i64 = std::ptr::null();
        // If set to nullptr, will be set so that pDstBuffer is written in a compact way,
        // with elements of the last / fastest varying dimension being consecutive.
        let buffer_stride: *const i64 = std::ptr::null();
        let p_dst_buffer_alloc_start: *mut libc::c_void = std::ptr::null_mut();
        let n_dst_buffer_alloc_size = 0;

        let rv = unsafe {
            let data_type = GDALExtendedDataTypeCreate(T::gdal_ordinal());

            if !self.datatype().class().is_numeric() {
                return Err(GdalError::UnsupportedMdDataType {
                    data_type: self.datatype().class(),
                    method_name: "GDALMDArrayRead",

            let rv = gdal_sys::GDALMDArrayRead(
                buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,



        // `rv` is boolean
        if rv != 1 {
            // OSGeo Python wrapper treats it as `CE_Failure`
            return Err(_last_cpl_err(CPLErr::CE_Failure));


    /// Read a 'Buffer<T>' from this band. T implements 'GdalType'
    /// # Arguments
    /// * array_start_index - Values representing the starting index to read in each dimension (in `[0, aoDims[i].GetSize()-1]` range).
    ///   Array of `GetDimensionCount()` values. Must not be empty, unless for a zero-dimensional array.
    /// * count - Values representing the number of values to extract in each dimension. Array of `GetDimensionCount()` values.
    ///   Must not be empty, unless for a zero-dimensional array.
    pub fn read_as<T: Copy + GdalType>(
        array_start_index: Vec<u64>,
        count: Vec<usize>,
    ) -> Result<Vec<T>> {
        let pixels: usize = count.iter().product();
        let mut data: Vec<T> = Vec::with_capacity(pixels);

        // Safety: the read_into_slice line below writes
        // exactly pixel elements into the slice, before we
        // read from this slice. This paradigm is suggested
        // in the rust std docs
        // (
        unsafe {
            self.read_into_slice(&mut data, array_start_index, count)?;


    #[cfg(feature = "ndarray")]
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "array")))]
    /// Read a 'Array2<T>' from this band. T implements 'GdalType'.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * window - the window position from top left
    /// * window_size - the window size (GDAL will interpolate data if window_size != array_size)
    /// * array_size - the desired size of the 'Array'
    /// * e_resample_alg - the resample algorithm used for the interpolation
    /// # Docs
    /// The Matrix shape is (rows, cols) and raster shape is (cols in x-axis, rows in y-axis).
    pub fn read_as_array<T: Copy + GdalType + Debug>(
        array_start_index: Vec<u64>,
        count: Vec<usize>,
        array_size: Vec<usize>,
    ) -> Result<ArrayD<T>> {
        let data = self.read_as::<T>(array_start_index, count)?;
        // Matrix shape is (rows, cols) and raster shape is (cols in x-axis, rows in y-axis)

        let dim: IxDyn = IxDyn(&array_size);
        Ok(ArrayD::from_shape_vec(dim, data)?)

    /// Read `MDArray` as one-dimensional string array
    pub fn read_as_string_array(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
        let data_type = self.datatype();
        if !data_type.class().is_string() {
            // We have to check that the data type is string.
            // Only then, GDAL returns an array of string pointers.
            // Otherwise, we will dereference these string pointers and get a segfault.

            return Err(GdalError::UnsupportedMdDataType {
                data_type: data_type.class(),
                method_name: "GDALMDArrayRead (string)",

        let num_values = self.num_elements() as usize;
        let mut string_pointers: Vec<*const c_char> = vec![std::ptr::null(); num_values];

        let count: Vec<usize> = self
            .map(|dim| dim.size())
        let array_start_index: Vec<u64> = vec![0; count.len()];

        // If set to nullptr, [1, 1, … 1] will be used as a default to indicate consecutive elements.
        let array_step: *const i64 = std::ptr::null();
        // If set to nullptr, will be set so that pDstBuffer is written in a compact way,
        // with elements of the last / fastest varying dimension being consecutive.
        let buffer_stride: *const i64 = std::ptr::null();

        let p_dst_buffer_alloc_start: *mut libc::c_void = std::ptr::null_mut();
        let n_dst_buffer_alloc_size = 0;

        unsafe {
            let data_type = GDALMDArrayGetDataType(self.c_mdarray);

            let rv = gdal_sys::GDALMDArrayRead(


            // `rv` is boolean
            if rv != 1 {
                // OSGeo Python wrapper treats it as `CE_Failure`
                return Err(_last_cpl_err(CPLErr::CE_Failure));

            let strings = string_pointers
                .map(|string_ptr| {
                    let string = _string(string_ptr);

                    VSIFree(string_ptr as *mut c_void);



    pub fn spatial_reference(&self) -> Result<SpatialRef> {
        unsafe {
            let c_gdal_spatial_ref = GDALMDArrayGetSpatialRef(self.c_mdarray);

            let gdal_spatial_ref = SpatialRef::from_c_obj(c_gdal_spatial_ref);



    pub fn no_data_value_as_double(&self) -> Option<f64> {
        let mut has_nodata = 0;

        let no_data_value =
            unsafe { GDALMDArrayGetNoDataValueAsDouble(self.c_mdarray, &mut has_nodata) };

        if has_nodata == 0 {
        } else {

    pub fn unit(&self) -> String {
        unsafe {
            // should not be freed
            let c_unit = GDALMDArrayGetUnit(self.c_mdarray);


    pub fn attribute(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Attribute> {
        let name = CString::new(name)?;

        unsafe {
            let c_attribute = GDALMDArrayGetAttribute(self.c_mdarray, name.as_ptr());

            if c_attribute.is_null() {
                return Err(_last_null_pointer_err("GDALGroupGetAttribute"));


    /// Fetch statistics.
    /// Returns the minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation of all pixel values in this array.
    /// If `force` is `false` results will only be returned if it can be done quickly (i.e. without scanning the data).
    /// If `force` is `false` and results cannot be returned efficiently, the method will return `None`.
    /// When cached statistics are not available, and `force` is `true`, ComputeStatistics() is called.
    /// Note that file formats using PAM (Persistent Auxiliary Metadata) services will generally cache statistics in the .aux.xml file allowing fast fetch after the first request.
    /// This methods is a wrapper for [`GDALMDArrayGetStatistics`](
    /// TODO: add option to pass progress callback (`pfnProgress`)
    pub fn get_statistics(
        force: bool,
        is_approx_ok: bool,
    ) -> Result<Option<MdStatisticsAll>> {
        let mut statistics = MdStatisticsAll {
            min: 0.,
            max: 0.,
            mean: 0.,
            std_dev: 0.,
            valid_count: 0,

        let rv = unsafe {
                &mut statistics.min,
                &mut statistics.max,
                &mut statistics.mean,
                &mut statistics.std_dev,
                &mut statistics.valid_count,

        match CplErrType::from(rv) {
            CplErrType::None => Ok(Some(statistics)),
            CplErrType::Warning => Ok(None),
            _ => Err(_last_cpl_err(rv)),

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct MdStatisticsAll {
    pub min: f64,
    pub max: f64,
    pub mean: f64,
    pub std_dev: f64,
    pub valid_count: u64,

/// Represent a mdarray in a dataset
/// This object carries the lifetime of the dataset that
/// contains it. This is necessary to prevent the dataset
/// from being dropped before the group.
pub struct Group<'a> {
    c_group: GDALGroupH,
    _dataset: &'a Dataset,

impl Drop for Group<'_> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

impl<'a> Group<'a> {
    /// Create a Group from a wrapped C pointer
    /// # Safety
    /// This method operates on a raw C pointer
    pub unsafe fn from_c_group(_dataset: &'a Dataset, c_group: GDALGroupH) -> Self {
        Group { c_group, _dataset }

    pub fn name(&self) -> String {
        _string(unsafe { GDALGroupGetName(self.c_group) })

    pub fn group_names(&self, options: CslStringList) -> Vec<String> {
        unsafe {
            let c_group_names = GDALGroupGetGroupNames(self.c_group, options.as_ptr());

            let strings = _string_array(c_group_names);



    pub fn array_names(&self, options: CslStringList) -> Vec<String> {
        unsafe {
            let c_array_names = GDALGroupGetMDArrayNames(self.c_group, options.as_ptr());

            let strings = _string_array(c_array_names);



    pub fn open_md_array(&self, name: &str, options: CslStringList) -> Result<MDArray> {
        let name = CString::new(name)?;

        unsafe {
            let c_mdarray = GDALGroupOpenMDArray(self.c_group, name.as_ptr(), options.as_ptr());

            if c_mdarray.is_null() {
                return Err(_last_null_pointer_err("GDALGroupOpenMDArray"));

            Ok(MDArray::from_c_mdarray_and_group(self, c_mdarray))

    pub fn open_group(&'_ self, name: &str, options: CslStringList) -> Result<Group<'a>> {
        let name = CString::new(name)?;

        unsafe {
            let c_group = GDALGroupOpenGroup(self.c_group, name.as_ptr(), options.as_ptr());

            if c_group.is_null() {
                return Err(_last_null_pointer_err("GDALGroupOpenGroup"));

            Ok(Group::from_c_group(self._dataset, c_group))

    pub fn attribute(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Attribute> {
        let name = CString::new(name)?;

        unsafe {
            let c_attribute = GDALGroupGetAttribute(self.c_group, name.as_ptr());

            if c_attribute.is_null() {
                return Err(_last_null_pointer_err("GDALGroupGetAttribute"));


    pub fn dimensions(&self, options: CslStringList) -> Result<Vec<Dimension>> {
        unsafe {
            let mut num_dimensions: usize = 0;
            let c_dimensions =
                GDALGroupGetDimensions(self.c_group, &mut num_dimensions, options.as_ptr());

            // If `num_dimensions` is `0`, we can safely return an empty vector.
            // `GDALGroupGetDimensions` does not state that errors can occur.
            if num_dimensions == 0 {
                return Ok(Vec::new());
            if c_dimensions.is_null() {
                return Err(_last_null_pointer_err("GDALGroupGetDimensions"));

            let dimensions_ref = std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(c_dimensions, num_dimensions);

            let mut dimensions: Vec<Dimension> = Vec::with_capacity(num_dimensions);

            for c_dimension in dimensions_ref {
                let dimension =
                    Dimension::from_c_dimension(GroupOrArray::Group { _group: self }, *c_dimension);

            // only free the array, not the dimensions themselves
            VSIFree(c_dimensions as *mut c_void);


/// A `GDALDimension` with name and size
pub struct Dimension<'a> {
    c_dimension: *mut GDALDimensionHS,
    _parent: GroupOrArray<'a>,

impl Drop for Dimension<'_> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

impl<'a> Dimension<'a> {
    /// Create a MDArray from a wrapped C pointer
    /// # Safety
    /// This method operates on a raw C pointer
    pub unsafe fn from_c_dimension(
        _parent: GroupOrArray<'a>,
        c_dimension: *mut GDALDimensionHS,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
    pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
        unsafe { GDALDimensionGetSize(self.c_dimension) as usize }

    pub fn name(&self) -> String {
        _string(unsafe { GDALDimensionGetName(self.c_dimension) })

    pub fn indexing_variable(&self) -> MDArray {
        unsafe {
            let c_md_array = GDALDimensionGetIndexingVariable(self.c_dimension);

            MDArray::from_c_mdarray_and_dimension(self, c_md_array)

/// Wrapper for `GDALExtendedDataType`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ExtendedDataType {
    c_data_type: GDALExtendedDataTypeH,

impl Drop for ExtendedDataType {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ExtendedDataTypeClass {
    Compound = GDALExtendedDataTypeClass::GEDTC_COMPOUND as isize,
    Numeric = GDALExtendedDataTypeClass::GEDTC_NUMERIC as isize,
    String = GDALExtendedDataTypeClass::GEDTC_STRING as isize,

impl ExtendedDataTypeClass {
    pub fn is_string(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, ExtendedDataTypeClass::String)

    pub fn is_numeric(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, ExtendedDataTypeClass::Numeric)

    pub fn is_compound(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, ExtendedDataTypeClass::Compound)

impl From<GDALExtendedDataTypeClass::Type> for ExtendedDataTypeClass {
    fn from(class: GDALExtendedDataTypeClass::Type) -> Self {
        match class {
            GDALExtendedDataTypeClass::GEDTC_COMPOUND => ExtendedDataTypeClass::Compound,
            GDALExtendedDataTypeClass::GEDTC_NUMERIC => ExtendedDataTypeClass::Numeric,
            GDALExtendedDataTypeClass::GEDTC_STRING => ExtendedDataTypeClass::String,
            _ => panic!("Unknown ExtendedDataTypeClass {class}"),

impl Display for ExtendedDataTypeClass {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            ExtendedDataTypeClass::Compound => write!(f, "Compound"),
            ExtendedDataTypeClass::Numeric => write!(f, "Numeric"),
            ExtendedDataTypeClass::String => write!(f, "String"),

impl ExtendedDataType {
    /// Create an `ExtendedDataTypeNumeric` from a wrapped C pointer
    /// # Safety
    /// This method operates on a raw C pointer
    pub fn from_c_extended_data_type(c_data_type: GDALExtendedDataTypeH) -> Self {
        Self { c_data_type }

    /// The result is only valid if the data type is numeric
    pub fn class(&self) -> ExtendedDataTypeClass {
        unsafe { GDALExtendedDataTypeGetClass(self.c_data_type) }.into()

    /// The result is only valid if the data type is numeric
    pub fn numeric_datatype(&self) -> GDALDataType::Type {
        unsafe { GDALExtendedDataTypeGetNumericDataType(self.c_data_type) }

    pub fn name(&self) -> String {
        _string(unsafe { GDALExtendedDataTypeGetName(self.c_data_type) })

// Wrapper for `GDALAttribute`
pub struct Attribute {
    c_attribute: GDALAttributeH,

impl Drop for Attribute {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

impl Attribute {
    /// Create an `ExtendedDataTypeNumeric` from a wrapped C pointer
    /// # Safety
    /// This method operates on a raw C pointer
    pub fn from_c_attribute(c_attribute: GDALAttributeH) -> Self {
        Self { c_attribute }

    /// Return the size of the dimensions of the attribute.
    /// This will be an empty array for a scalar (single value) attribute.
    pub fn dimension_sizes(&self) -> Vec<usize> {
        unsafe {
            let mut num_dimensions = 0;

            let c_dimension_sizes =
                GDALAttributeGetDimensionsSize(self.c_attribute, &mut num_dimensions);

            let dimension_sizes = std::slice::from_raw_parts(c_dimension_sizes, num_dimensions)
                .map(|&size| size as usize)

            VSIFree(c_dimension_sizes as *mut c_void);


    pub fn datatype(&self) -> ExtendedDataType {
        unsafe {
            let c_data_type = GDALAttributeGetDataType(self.c_attribute);

    pub fn read_as_string(&self) -> String {
        unsafe {
            // SAFETY: should no be freed
            let c_string = GDALAttributeReadAsString(self.c_attribute);


    pub fn read_as_string_array(&self) -> Vec<String> {
        unsafe {
            let c_string_array = GDALAttributeReadAsStringArray(self.c_attribute);

            let string_array = _string_array(c_string_array);



    pub fn read_as_i64(&self) -> i32 {
        unsafe { GDALAttributeReadAsInt(self.c_attribute) }

    pub fn read_as_i64_array(&self) -> Vec<i32> {
        unsafe {
            let mut array_len = 0;
            let c_int_array = GDALAttributeReadAsIntArray(self.c_attribute, &mut array_len);

            let int_array = std::slice::from_raw_parts(c_int_array, array_len).to_vec();

            VSIFree(c_int_array as *mut c_void);


    pub fn read_as_f64(&self) -> f64 {
        unsafe { GDALAttributeReadAsDouble(self.c_attribute) }

    pub fn read_as_f64_array(&self) -> Vec<f64> {
        unsafe {
            let mut array_len = 0;
            let c_int_array = GDALAttributeReadAsDoubleArray(self.c_attribute, &mut array_len);

            let float_array = std::slice::from_raw_parts(c_int_array, array_len).to_vec();

            VSIFree(c_int_array as *mut c_void);


mod tests {

    use super::*;

    use crate::{test_utils::TempFixture, Dataset, DatasetOptions, GdalOpenFlags};

    #[cfg_attr(not(all(major_ge_3, minor_ge_4)), ignore)]
    fn test_root_group_name() {
        let fixture = "/vsizip/fixtures/";

        let options = DatasetOptions {
            open_flags: GdalOpenFlags::GDAL_OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER,
            allowed_drivers: None,
            open_options: None,
            sibling_files: None,
        let dataset = Dataset::open_ex(fixture, options).unwrap();
        let root_group = dataset.root_group().unwrap();
        let root_group_name =;
        assert_eq!(root_group_name, "/");

    #[cfg_attr(not(all(major_ge_3, minor_ge_4)), ignore)]
    fn test_array_names() {
        let fixture = "/vsizip/fixtures/";

        let dataset_options = DatasetOptions {
            open_flags: GdalOpenFlags::GDAL_OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER,
            allowed_drivers: None,
            open_options: None,
            sibling_files: None,
        let dataset = Dataset::open_ex(fixture, dataset_options).unwrap();
        let root_group = dataset.root_group().unwrap();
        let options = CslStringList::new();
        let array_names = root_group.array_names(options);
            vec!["X".to_string(), "Y".to_string(), "byte_no_cf".to_string()]

    #[cfg_attr(not(all(major_ge_3, minor_ge_4)), ignore)]
    fn test_n_dimension() {
        let fixture = "/vsizip/fixtures/";

        let dataset_options = DatasetOptions {
            open_flags: GdalOpenFlags::GDAL_OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER,
            allowed_drivers: None,
            open_options: None,
            sibling_files: None,
        let dataset = Dataset::open_ex(fixture, dataset_options).unwrap();
        let root_group = dataset.root_group().unwrap();
        let array_name = "byte_no_cf".to_string();
        let options = CslStringList::new();
        let md_array = root_group.open_md_array(&array_name, options).unwrap();
        let n_dimension = md_array.num_dimensions();
        assert_eq!(2, n_dimension);

    #[cfg_attr(not(all(major_ge_3, minor_ge_4)), ignore)]
    fn test_n_elements() {
        let fixture = "/vsizip/fixtures/";

        let dataset_options = DatasetOptions {
            open_flags: GdalOpenFlags::GDAL_OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER,
            allowed_drivers: None,
            open_options: None,
            sibling_files: None,
        let dataset = Dataset::open_ex(fixture, dataset_options).unwrap();
        let root_group = dataset.root_group().unwrap();
        let array_name = "byte_no_cf".to_string();
        let options = CslStringList::new();
        let md_array = root_group.open_md_array(&array_name, options).unwrap();
        let n_elements = md_array.num_elements();
        assert_eq!(400, n_elements);

    #[cfg_attr(not(all(major_ge_3, minor_ge_4)), ignore)]
    fn test_dimension_name() {
        let fixture = "/vsizip/fixtures/";

        let dataset_options = DatasetOptions {
            open_flags: GdalOpenFlags::GDAL_OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER,
            allowed_drivers: None,
            open_options: None,
            sibling_files: None,
        let dataset = Dataset::open_ex(fixture, dataset_options).unwrap();
        let root_group = dataset.root_group().unwrap();

        // group dimensions
        let group_dimensions = root_group.dimensions(CslStringList::new()).unwrap();
        let group_dimensions_names: Vec<String> = group_dimensions
        assert_eq!(group_dimensions_names, vec!["X", "Y"]);

        // array dimensions

        let array_name = "byte_no_cf".to_string();
        let options = CslStringList::new();
        let md_array = root_group.open_md_array(&array_name, options).unwrap();
        let dimensions = md_array.dimensions().unwrap();
        let mut dimension_names = Vec::new();
        for dimension in dimensions {
        assert_eq!(dimension_names, vec!["Y".to_string(), "X".to_string()])

    #[cfg_attr(not(all(major_ge_3, minor_ge_4)), ignore)]
    fn test_dimension_size() {
        let fixture = "/vsizip/fixtures/";

        let dataset_options = DatasetOptions {
            open_flags: GdalOpenFlags::GDAL_OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER,
            allowed_drivers: None,
            open_options: None,
            sibling_files: None,
        let dataset = Dataset::open_ex(fixture, dataset_options).unwrap();
        let root_group = dataset.root_group().unwrap();
        let array_name = "byte_no_cf".to_string();
        let options = CslStringList::new();
        let md_array = root_group.open_md_array(&array_name, options).unwrap();
        let dimensions = md_array.dimensions().unwrap();
        let mut dimensions_size = Vec::new();
        for dimension in dimensions {
        assert_eq!(dimensions_size, vec![20, 20])

    #[cfg_attr(not(all(major_ge_3, minor_ge_4)), ignore)]
    fn test_read_data() {
        let fixture = "/vsizip/fixtures/";

        let dataset_options = DatasetOptions {
            open_flags: GdalOpenFlags::GDAL_OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER,
            allowed_drivers: None,
            open_options: None,
            sibling_files: None,
        let dataset = Dataset::open_ex(fixture, dataset_options).unwrap();

        let root_group = dataset.root_group().unwrap();
        let md_array = root_group
            .open_md_array("byte_no_cf", CslStringList::new())

        let values = md_array.read_as::<u8>(vec![0, 0], vec![20, 20]).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(&values[..4], &[181, 181, 156, 148]);

        let values = md_array.read_as::<u16>(vec![0, 0], vec![20, 20]).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(&values[..4], &[181, 181, 156, 148]);

    #[cfg_attr(not(all(major_ge_3, minor_ge_4)), ignore)]
    fn test_read_string_array() {
        // Beware if you want to reuse this
        // This can't be Zarr because it doesn't support string arrays
        let fixture = TempFixture::fixture("");

        let dataset_options = DatasetOptions {
            open_flags: GdalOpenFlags::GDAL_OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER,
            allowed_drivers: None,
            open_options: None,
            sibling_files: None,
        let dataset = Dataset::open_ex(fixture, dataset_options).unwrap();

        let root_group = dataset.root_group().unwrap();

        let string_array = root_group
            .open_md_array("string_var", CslStringList::new())

        assert_eq!(string_array.read_as_string_array().unwrap(), ["abcd", "ef"]);

        let non_string_array = root_group
            .open_md_array("uint_var", CslStringList::new())

        // check that we don't get a `SIGSEV` here

        assert!(string_array.read_as::<u8>(vec![0, 0], vec![1, 2]).is_err());

    #[cfg_attr(not(all(major_ge_3, minor_ge_4)), ignore)]
    fn test_datatype() {
        let fixture = "/vsizip/fixtures/";

        let dataset_options = DatasetOptions {
            open_flags: GdalOpenFlags::GDAL_OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER,
            allowed_drivers: None,
            open_options: None,
            sibling_files: None,
        let dataset = Dataset::open_ex(fixture, dataset_options).unwrap();

        let root_group = dataset.root_group().unwrap();

        let md_array = root_group
            .open_md_array("byte_no_cf", CslStringList::new())

        let datatype = md_array.datatype();

        assert_eq!(datatype.class(), ExtendedDataTypeClass::Numeric);
        assert_eq!(datatype.numeric_datatype(), GDALDataType::GDT_Byte);
        assert_eq!(, "");

    #[cfg_attr(not(all(major_ge_3, minor_ge_4)), ignore)]
    fn test_spatial_ref() {
        let fixture = "/vsizip/fixtures/";

        let dataset_options = DatasetOptions {
            open_flags: GdalOpenFlags::GDAL_OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER,
            allowed_drivers: None,
            open_options: None,
            sibling_files: None,
        let dataset = Dataset::open_ex(fixture, dataset_options).unwrap();

        let root_group = dataset.root_group().unwrap();
        let md_array = root_group
            .open_md_array("byte_no_cf", CslStringList::new())

        let spatial_ref = md_array.spatial_reference().unwrap();

        assert_eq!(, "NAD27 / UTM zone 11N");

        assert_eq!(spatial_ref.authority().unwrap(), "EPSG:26711");

    #[cfg_attr(not(all(major_ge_3, minor_ge_4)), ignore)]
    fn test_no_data_value() {
        let fixture = "/vsizip/fixtures/";

        let dataset_options = DatasetOptions {
            open_flags: GdalOpenFlags::GDAL_OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER,
            allowed_drivers: None,
            open_options: None,
            sibling_files: None,
        let dataset = Dataset::open_ex(fixture, dataset_options).unwrap();

        let root_group = dataset.root_group().unwrap();
        let md_array = root_group
            .open_md_array("byte_no_cf", CslStringList::new())

        assert_eq!(md_array.no_data_value_as_double(), Some(0.));

    #[cfg_attr(not(all(major_ge_3, minor_ge_4)), ignore)]
    fn test_attributes() {
        let fixture = "/vsizip/fixtures/";

        let dataset_options = DatasetOptions {
            open_flags: GdalOpenFlags::GDAL_OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER,
            allowed_drivers: None,
            open_options: None,
            sibling_files: None,
        let dataset = Dataset::open_ex(fixture, dataset_options).unwrap();

        let root_group = dataset.root_group().unwrap();

            "Simple CF file"

        let group_science = root_group
            .open_group("science", CslStringList::new())


        let group_grids = group_science
            .open_group("grids", CslStringList::new())
        let group_data = group_grids
            .open_group("data", CslStringList::new())

        let md_array = group_data
            .open_md_array("temp", CslStringList::new())


        assert_eq!(md_array.no_data_value_as_double().unwrap(), -9999.);

    #[cfg_attr(not(all(major_ge_3, minor_ge_4)), ignore)]
    fn test_unit() {
        let fixture = "/vsizip/fixtures/";

        let dataset_options = DatasetOptions {
            open_flags: GdalOpenFlags::GDAL_OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER,
            allowed_drivers: None,
            open_options: None,
            sibling_files: None,
        let dataset = Dataset::open_ex(fixture, dataset_options).unwrap();

        let root_group = dataset.root_group().unwrap();

            "Simple CF file"

        let group_science = root_group
            .open_group("science", CslStringList::new())
        let group_grids = group_science
            .open_group("grids", CslStringList::new())

        drop(group_science); // check that `Group`s do not borrow each other

        let group_data = group_grids
            .open_group("data", CslStringList::new())

        let md_array = group_data
            .open_md_array("temp", CslStringList::new())

        assert_eq!(md_array.unit(), "K");

    #[cfg_attr(not(all(major_ge_3, minor_ge_4)), ignore)]
    fn test_stats() {
        // make a copy to avoid writing the statistics into the original file
        let fixture = TempFixture::fixture("");

        let dataset_options = DatasetOptions {
            open_flags: GdalOpenFlags::GDAL_OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER,
            allowed_drivers: None,
            open_options: None,
            sibling_files: None,
        let dataset = Dataset::open_ex(
            format!("/vsizip/{}", fixture.path().display()),
        let root_group = dataset.root_group().unwrap();
        let array_name = "byte_no_cf".to_string();
        let options = CslStringList::new();
        let md_array = root_group.open_md_array(&array_name, options).unwrap();

        assert!(md_array.get_statistics(false, true).unwrap().is_none());

            md_array.get_statistics(true, true).unwrap().unwrap(),
            MdStatisticsAll {
                min: 74.0,
                max: 255.0,
                mean: 126.76500000000001,
                std_dev: 22.928470838675654,
                valid_count: 400,