gcom 0.1.0

A tool too guide with writing and formatting git commits, based on this article: https://cbea.ms/git-commit/
# gcom
gcom it a simple tool used to add utility to your git commits and messages. It's designed to help you
structure your commit messages more than anything.

The article ["How to Write a Git Commit Message"](https://cbea.ms/git-commit/) is the main influence for this tool
and it is directly quoted within the tool.

The tool won't work on non-unix systems. It also will not work if you don't have git installs, this should be obvious
but worth noting anyway.

It also creates files in your project and will edit your git exclude file to keep those files out of the project. 
This is just to save the previous task id, so it's just a text file with one line, but if you don't want it in 
your project don't install this tool.