gcom 0.1.0

A tool too guide with writing and formatting git commits, based on this article: https://cbea.ms/git-commit/
name = "gcom"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Ethan <ethanmcarlsson@gmail.com>"]
license = "MIT"
description = "A tool too guide with writing and formatting git commits, based on this article: https://cbea.ms/git-commit/"
readme = "README.md"
repository = "https://github.com/ethancarlsson/gcom"
keywords = ["cli", "commits", "messages"]
categories = ["command-line-utilities"]
edition = "2021"

# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html

inquire = { version = "0.6.2", features = ["editor"] }
thiserror = "1.0.40"
textwrap = "0.16.0"