gclog 0.2.1

A tool to analyze jdk8 gc logs


gclog is a simple fast tool that reads and analyzes gc logs for Java 8


Alpha currently only supports G1GC and JDK8


cargo install gclog
gclog ./gc.log

gclog 0.2.1-rustc 1.71.0 (8ede3aae2 2023-07-12)
GC Summary:
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.372-b07) for bsd-aarch64 JRE (Zulu (1.8.0_372-b07), built on Apr 18 2023 01:36:28 by "zulu_re" with gcc Apple LLVM 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.28)
Total System RAM:    8.39 gb
collector:           G1GC
target pause millis: 500
region size:         1.00 mb
max heap:            2.00 gb
initial heap:        0.12 gb
max direct memory:   2.00 gb

Max Pause:
Timestamp: 2023-11-13T08:27:06.0Z
Pause Time 10 milliseconds
Pause Type G1 Evacuation Pause
| GC                            | Total Pauses | Total Pause Time | Min Pause | P50 Pause | P99 Pause | Max Pause |
| G1 Evacuation Pause - (young) |      30      |       0.21       |   0.00    |   0.01    |   0.01    |   0.01    |