gcdevproxy 0.1.0

GoodCam Device Proxy library

GoodCam Device Proxy

This library simplifies creating HTTP proxies that can be used to communicate with GoodCam devices in various networks. GoodCam devices contain a built-in client that can be configured to connect automatically to a given proxy. Once connected, the devices will wait for incoming HTTP requests. The proxy simply forwards incoming HTTP requests to the connected devices.

Usage example

See the examples directory in the root of this repository for a ready-to-use example.

use gcdevproxy::{
    http::{Body, Request},
    ClientHandlerResult, DeviceHandlerResult, Error, RequestHandler,

struct MyRequestHandler;

impl RequestHandler for MyRequestHandler {
    async fn handle_device_request(
        authorization: BasicAuthorization,
    ) -> Result<DeviceHandlerResult, Error> {

    async fn handle_client_request(
        request: Request<Body>,
    ) -> Result<ClientHandlerResult, Error> {

let mut builder = ProxyBuilder::new();

    .http_bind_address(SocketAddr::from((Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED, 8080)));


Bindings to other languages

The library provides a C API which can be used also in other programming languages. See the include folder in the root of the repository for more details.