garden-tools 1.1.0

Garden grows and cultivates collections of Git trees Garden lets you define and run commands over collections of configuration-defined multi-worktree Git environments.
# Garden

Garden grows and cultivates collections of Git trees.

Garden helps you define development workflows that operate over collections of
self-contained and inter-dependent Git worktrees.

## Code Status

[![Build status](](
[![MIT License](](LICENSE)

Garden is actively maintained and its core functionality is stable and feature-complete.

## Documentation

Read the [Garden User Guide](
for details on how to use and configure Garden.

Read the [Garden API Documentation](
for details on how to use the Garden APIs for developing Garden.

## Features

Garden aids in common development setup steps such as setting environment
variables, configuring search paths, and creating arbitrary groupings of
repositories for development.

* Bootstrap Git-based development environments from source.

* Define arbitrary collections of Git repositories for running commands.

* Define environment variables scoped to specific projects or trees.

* Define custom commands and workflows in a simple declarative config file.

* Develop, build and test interdependent projects in self-contained sandboxes.

* Leverage your existing shell scripting knowledge. If you already know
(bash/zsh/etc) shell then you can learn to use `garden` with minimal effort.

* Configured using simple YAML files extended with a flexible expression syntax.
Garden helps you define (multi-repository) workflows using the vast ecosystem of
command-line tools.

## Links and Related Projects

* [Garden on]

* [Garden Homebrew formula]

* [Garden NetBSD pkgsrc]

* [Garden seeds] ~ reusable templates for garden.

## Acknowledgements

The structure and content of the README and documentation was heavily inspired
by the [mdbook documentation](

The [yaml-rust parser used by Garden](
is [@davvid]('s ([gitlab](
fork of the [original yaml-rust]( crate by