garden-tools 0.8.1

Garden grows and cultivates collections of Git trees Garden lets you define and run commands over collections of configuration-defined multi-worktree Git environments.
/// Print a message to stderr with an "error: " prefix
/// Parameters:
/// - `args`: A `std::fmt::Arguments`
pub fn error(args: std::fmt::Arguments) {
    eprintln!("error: {args}");

/// Print a message to stderr with a "debug: " prefix
/// Parameters:
/// - `args`: A `std::fmt::Arguments`
pub fn debug(args: std::fmt::Arguments) {
    eprintln!("debug: {args}");

/// Convert a string literal into a String
pub fn string(value: &'static str) -> String {

/// Convert a value into a string
macro_rules! string {
    ( $value:expr ) => {

/// Print a message to stderr with an "debug : " prefix
/// Parameters:
/// - `fmt`: A format string.
/// - `args*`: Format string arguments.
macro_rules! debug {
    ( $fmt:expr $(, $args:expr )* ) => (
        $crate::macros::debug(format_args!($fmt, $( $args ),*))

/// Print a message to stderr with a "error: " prefix and terminate the process
/// Parameters:
/// - `fmt`: A format string.
/// - `args*`: Format string arguments.
macro_rules! error {
    ( $fmt:expr $(, $args:expr )* ) => {
        $crate::macros::error(format_args!($fmt, $( $args ),*));

/// Implement std::display::Display with a custom format
/// Parameters:
/// - `struct_name`: The struct to extend.
/// - `format`: The format string to use.
macro_rules! impl_display_fmt {
    ($struct_name:ident, $format:expr) => {
        impl std::fmt::Display for $struct_name {
            fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
                return write!(formatter, $format, self);

/// Implement std::display::Display with a pretty-print format
/// Parameters:
/// - `struct_name`: The struct to extend.
macro_rules! impl_display {
    ($x:ident) => {
        impl_display_fmt!($x, "{:#?}");

/// Implement std::display::Display with a brief debug format
/// Parameters:
/// - `struct_name`: The struct to extend.
macro_rules! impl_display_brief {
    ($x:ident) => {
        impl_display_fmt!($x, "{:?}");