garden-tools 0.5.1

Garden grows and cultivates collections of Git trees Garden lets you define and run commands over collections of configuration-defined multi-worktree Git environments.
use super::errors;
use super::eval;
use super::model;

/// Return a subprocess::Exec instance from a command vector.
pub fn run<S>(cmd: &[S]) -> Result<(), errors::GardenError>
    S: AsRef<std::ffi::OsStr>,
    let mut exit_status = errors::EX_ERROR;

    if let Ok(mut p) = subprocess::Popen::create(cmd, subprocess::PopenConfig::default()) {
        exit_status = status(p.wait());


/// Convert an exit status to Result<(), GardenError>.
pub fn result_from_exit_status(exit_status: i32) -> Result<(), errors::GardenError> {
    match exit_status {
        errors::EX_OK => Ok(()),
        _ => Err(errors::GardenError::ExitStatus(exit_status)),

/// Extract the return status from subprocess::Result<subprocess::ExitStatus>.
pub fn status(result: subprocess::Result<subprocess::ExitStatus>) -> i32 {
    let mut exit_status = errors::EX_ERROR;

    if let Ok(status_result) = result {
        match status_result {
            subprocess::ExitStatus::Exited(status) => {
                exit_status = status as i32;
            subprocess::ExitStatus::Signaled(status) => {
                exit_status = status as i32;
            subprocess::ExitStatus::Other(status) => {
                exit_status = status;
            _ => (),


/// Take a subprocess capture and return a string without trailing whitespace.
pub fn trim_stdout(capture: &subprocess::CaptureData) -> String {

/// Convert a PopenError into a garden::errors::CommandError.
fn command_error_from_popen_error(
    command: String,
    popen_err: subprocess::PopenError,
) -> errors::CommandError {
    let status = match popen_err {
        subprocess::PopenError::IoError(err) => err.raw_os_error().unwrap_or(1),
        _ => 1,
    errors::CommandError::ExitStatus { command, status }

/// Return a CaptureData result for a subprocess's stdout.
pub fn capture_stdout(
    exec: subprocess::Exec,
) -> Result<subprocess::CaptureData, errors::CommandError> {
    let command = exec.to_cmdline_lossy();
        .map_err(|popen_err| command_error_from_popen_error(command, popen_err))

/// Return a CaptureData result for a subprocess's stdout and stderr.
pub fn capture(exec: subprocess::Exec) -> Result<subprocess::CaptureData, errors::CommandError> {
    let command = exec.to_cmdline_lossy();
        .map_err(|popen_err| command_error_from_popen_error(command, popen_err))

/// Return a `subprocess::Exec` for a command.
pub fn exec_cmd<S>(command: &[S]) -> subprocess::Exec
    S: AsRef<std::ffi::OsStr>,
    if command.len() > 1 {
    } else {

/// Return a `subprocess::Exec` that runs a command in the specified directory.
pub fn exec_in_dir<P, S>(command: &[S], path: P) -> subprocess::Exec
    P: AsRef<std::path::Path>,
    S: AsRef<std::ffi::OsStr>,

/// Run a command in the specified tree context.
/// Parameters:
/// - config: Mutable reference to a Configuration.
/// - context: Reference to the TreeContext to evaluate.
/// - quiet: Suppress messages when set true.
/// - verbose: increase verbosity of messages.
/// - command: String vector of the command to run.

pub fn exec_in_context<S>(
    config: &mut model::Configuration,
    context: &model::TreeContext,
    quiet: bool,
    verbose: u8,
    command: &[S],
) -> Result<(), errors::GardenError>
    S: AsRef<std::ffi::OsStr>,
    let path;
    // Immutable scope over tree
        let tree = &config.trees[context.tree];
        path = tree.path_as_ref()?.clone();

        // Sparse gardens/missing trees are ok -> skip these entries.
        if !model::print_tree(tree, verbose, quiet) {
            return Ok(());
    // Evaluate the tree environment and run the command.
    let env = eval::environment(config, context);
    let command_vec = resolve_command(command, &env);

    // Create an Exec object.
    let mut exec = exec_in_dir(&command_vec, path);

    //  Update the command environment
    for (name, value) in &env {
        exec = exec.env(name, value);


/// The command might be a path that only exists inside the resolved
/// environment.  Resolve the path by looking for the presence of PATH
/// and updating the command when it exists.

fn resolve_command<S>(command: &[S], env: &[(String, String)]) -> Vec<String>
    S: AsRef<std::ffi::OsStr>,
    let mut cmd_path = std::path::PathBuf::from(&command[0]);
    // Transform cmd_path into an absolute path.
    if !cmd_path.is_absolute() {
        for (name, value) in env {
            // Loop until we find PATH.
            if name == "PATH" {
                if let Some(path_buf) = std::env::split_paths(&value).find_map(|dir| {
                    let full_path = dir.join(&cmd_path);
                    if full_path.is_file() {
                    } else {
                }) {
                    cmd_path = path_buf;
                // Once we've seen $PATH we're done.

    // Create a copy of the command so where the first entry has been replaced
    // with a $PATH-resolved absolute path.
    let mut command_vec: Vec<String> = Vec::new();

    for arg in &command[1..] {
        let curpath = std::path::PathBuf::from(arg);


/// Return the current executable path.
pub fn current_exe() -> String {
    match std::env::current_exe() {
        Err(_) => "garden".into(),
        Ok(path) => path.to_string_lossy().into(),