game_engine_core 1.1.2

The main loop of a game engine.
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# Game Engine Core

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# Features

* Create and store a stack-based state machine.
* Manually update individual game frames.
* Automatically run a game loop.
* Game engine agnostic.
* Does not rely on ECS.

# Usage
Add the following to you Cargo.toml file:
game_engine_core = "*"

Use it like so:
use game_engine_core::*;

struct MyState;
impl State<i32> for MyState {
    fn update(&mut self, state_data: &mut i32) -> StateTransition<i32> {
        *state_data += 1;

fn main() {
    Engine::new(MyState, 0, |_, _| {}, 1000.0)

### Maintainer Information

* Maintainer: Jojolepro
* Contact: jojolepro [at] jojolepro [dot] com
* Website: []
* Patreon: [patreon]