fwalker 0.4.1

Library for file and directory traversal in a file system
# fwalker:walking:
A cargo crate for file and directory traversal in a file system through an iterator

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[![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-blue.svg)](LICENSE)

## Documentation
See [docs.rs/fwalker](https://docs.rs/fwalker/) for complete documentation and more advanced usage.

## Usage
Add crate to Cargo.toml to use it

fwalker = "0.3"

This crate has only one public struct, `fwalker::Walker`. With this struct, files and directories
can be iterated over for any kind of listing, manipulation or processing. Creating a new walker can
be done with either
- `fwalker::Walker::new()` - starts from current directory
- `fwalker::Walker::from("/some/path")` - starts from path `/some/path`

Quick example to get you started

use fwalker::Walker;
use std::path::PathBuf;

fn main() {
        .expect("This *should* work")
        .for_each(|file: PathBuf| println!("{:?}", file));

which would yield the output
