futures_cbor_codec 0.3.1

A codec for framing an AsyncRead/AsyncWrite with cbor for all types that are serializable with serde
#![cfg_attr( nightly, feature(doc_cfg) )]
#![cfg_attr( nightly, cfg_attr( nightly, doc = include_str!("../README.md") ))]
#![ doc = "" ] // empty doc line to handle missing doc warning when the feature is missing.

#![ doc    ( html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/futures_cbor_codec" ) ]
#![ deny   ( missing_docs                                         ) ]
#![ forbid ( unsafe_code                                          ) ]
#![ allow  ( clippy::suspicious_else_formatting                   ) ]

#![ warn
	missing_debug_implementations ,
	missing_docs                  ,
	nonstandard_style             ,
	rust_2018_idioms              ,
	trivial_casts                 ,
	trivial_numeric_casts         ,
	unused_extern_crates          ,
	unused_qualifications         ,
	// single_use_lifetimes          , // See: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/60554
	unreachable_pub               ,
	variant_size_differences      ,

		error  :: { Error as ErrorTrait                                   } ,
		fmt    :: { { Display, Formatter, Result as FmtResult }           } ,
		io     :: { { Error as IoError, Read, Result as IoResult, Write } } ,
		marker :: { PhantomData                                           } ,

	bytes              :: { BytesMut, Buf                                         } ,
	serde              :: { { Deserialize, Serialize}                             } ,
	serde_cbor         :: { de::{Deserializer, IoRead}, error::Error as CborError } ,
	serde_cbor         :: { ser::{IoWrite, Serializer}                            } ,
	asynchronous_codec :: { {Decoder as IoDecoder, Encoder as IoEncoder }         } ,

#[ allow( variant_size_differences ) ]
/// Errors returned by encoding and decoding.
#[derive(Debug)] #[ non_exhaustive ]
pub enum Error
	/// An io error happened on the underlying stream.

	/// An error happend when encoding/decoding Cbor data.

impl From<IoError> for Error {
	fn from(error: IoError) -> Self {

impl From<CborError> for Error {
	fn from(error: CborError) -> Self {

impl Display for Error {
	fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult {
		match self {
			Error::Io(e) => e.fmt(fmt),
			Error::Cbor(e) => e.fmt(fmt),

impl ErrorTrait for Error {
	fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn ErrorTrait> {
		match self {
			Error::Io(e) => Some(e),
			Error::Cbor(e) => Some(e),

/// A `Read` wrapper that also counts the used bytes.
/// This wraps a `Read` into another `Read` that keeps track of how many bytes were read. This is
/// needed, as there's no way to get the position out of the CBOR decoder.
struct Counted<'a, R>
	r  : &'a mut R    ,
	pos: &'a mut usize,

impl<R: Read> Read for Counted<'_, R> {
	fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> IoResult<usize> {
		match self.r.read(buf) {
			Ok(size) => {
				*self.pos += size;
			e => e,

/// CBOR based decoder.
/// This decoder can be used with `future_codec`'s `FramedRead` to decode CBOR encoded frames. Anything
/// that is `serde`s `Deserialize` can be decoded this way.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Decoder<Item>
	_data: PhantomData<fn() -> Item>,

impl<'de, Item: Deserialize<'de>> Decoder<Item>
	/// Creates a new decoder.
	pub fn new() -> Self
		Self { _data: PhantomData }

impl<'de, Item: Deserialize<'de>> Default for Decoder<Item>
	fn default() -> Self

impl<'de, Item: Deserialize<'de>> IoDecoder for Decoder<Item>
	type Item  = Item  ;
	type Error = Error ;

	fn decode( &mut self, src: &mut BytesMut ) -> Result<Option<Item>, Error>
		let mut pos          = 0   ;
		let mut slice: &[u8] = src ;

		let reader = IoRead::new( Counted
			r  : &mut slice ,
			pos: &mut pos   ,

		// Use the deserializer directly, instead of using `deserialize_from`. We explicitly do
		// *not* want to check that there are no trailing bytes ‒ there may be, and they are
		// the next frame.
		let mut deserializer = Deserializer::new(reader);

		match Item::deserialize( &mut deserializer )
			// If we read the item, we also need to consume the corresponding bytes.
			Ok(item) =>

			// Sometimes the EOF is signalled as IO error
			Err( ref error ) if error.is_eof() => Ok( None ),

			// Any other error is simply passed through.
			Err(e) => Err( e.into() ),

/// Describes the behaviour of self-describe tags.
/// CBOR defines a tag which can be used to recognize a document as being CBOR (it's sometimes
/// called „magic“). This specifies if it should be present when encoding.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum SdMode
	/// Places the tag in front of each encoded frame.
	/// Places the tag in front of the first encoded frame.
	/// Doesn't place the tag at all.

/// CBOR based encoder.
/// This encoder can be used with `future_codec`'s `FramedWrite` to encode CBOR frames. Anything
/// that is `serde`s `Serialize` can be encoded this way (at least in theory, some values return
/// errors when attempted to serialize).
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Encoder<Item>
	_data : PhantomData<fn(Item)> ,
	sd    : SdMode                ,
	packed: bool                  ,

impl<Item: Serialize> Encoder<Item>
	/// Creates a new encoder.
	/// By default, it doesn't do packed encoding (it includes struct field names) and it doesn't
	/// prefix the frames with self-describe tag.
	pub fn new() -> Self
			_data : PhantomData   ,
			sd    : SdMode::Never ,
			packed: false         ,

	/// Turns the encoder into one with configured self-describe behaviour.
	pub fn sd(self, sd: SdMode) -> Self
		Self { sd, ..self }

	/// Turns the encoder into one with configured packed encoding.
	/// If `packed` is true, it omits the field names from the encoded data. That makes it smaller,
	/// but it also means the decoding end must know the exact order of fields and it can't be
	/// something like python, which would want to get a dictionary out of it.
	pub fn packed(self, packed: bool) -> Self
		Self { packed, ..self }

impl<Item: Serialize> Default for Encoder<Item>
	fn default() -> Self

/// The Cbor serializer wants a writer, we provide one by wrapping `BytesMut`.
/// As of writing this code, `BytesMut` doesn't know how to be a writer itself. This may change,
/// there's an open issue for it: https://github.com/carllerche/bytes/issues/77.
struct BytesWriter<'a>(&'a mut BytesMut);

impl Write for BytesWriter<'_>
	fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> IoResult<usize>

	fn flush(&mut self) -> IoResult<()>

impl<Item: Serialize> IoEncoder for Encoder<Item>
	type Item  = Item ;
	type Error = Error;

	fn encode(&mut self, item: Item, dst: &mut BytesMut) -> Result<(), Error>
		let writer = BytesWriter(dst);

		let mut serializer = if self.packed
			Serializer::new( IoWrite::new(writer) ).packed_format()


			Serializer::new( IoWrite::new(writer) )

		if self.sd != SdMode::Never

		if self.sd == SdMode::Once
			self.sd = SdMode::Never;

		item.serialize( &mut serializer ).map_err( Into::into )

/// Cbor serializer and deserializer.
/// This is just a combined [`Decoder`](struct.Decoder.html) and [`Encoder`](struct.Encoder.html).
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Codec<Dec, Enc>
	dec: Decoder<Dec>,
	enc: Encoder<Enc>,

impl<'de, Dec: Deserialize<'de>, Enc: Serialize> Codec<Dec, Enc>
	/// Creates a new codec
	pub fn new() -> Self
		Self {
			dec: Decoder::new(),
			enc: Encoder::new(),

	/// Turns the internal encoder into one with confifured self-describe behaviour.
	pub fn sd(self, sd: SdMode) -> Self
		Self {
			dec: self.dec,
			enc: Encoder { sd, ..self.enc },

	/// Turns the internal encoder into one with configured packed encoding.
	/// If `packed` is true, it omits the field names from the encoded data. That makes it smaller,
	/// but it also means the decoding end must know the exact order of fields and it can't be
	/// something like python, which would want to get a dictionary out of it.
	pub fn packed(self, packed: bool) -> Self
			dec: self.dec,
			enc: Encoder { packed, ..self.enc },

impl<'de, Dec: Deserialize<'de>, Enc: Serialize> Default for Codec<Dec, Enc> {
	fn default() -> Self {

impl<'de, Dec: Deserialize<'de>, Enc: Serialize> IoDecoder for Codec<Dec, Enc> {
	type Item = Dec;
	type Error = Error;
	fn decode(&mut self, src: &mut BytesMut) -> Result<Option<Dec>, Error> {

impl<'de, Dec: Deserialize<'de>, Enc: Serialize> IoEncoder for Codec<Dec, Enc> {
	type Item = Enc;
	type Error = Error;
	fn encode(&mut self, item: Enc, dst: &mut BytesMut) -> Result<(), Error> {
		self.enc.encode(item, dst)

mod tests {
	use std::collections::HashMap;
	use std::sync::Arc;

	use super::*;

	type TestData = HashMap<String, usize>;

	/// Something to test with. It doesn't really matter what it is.
	fn test_data() -> TestData {
		let mut data = HashMap::new();
		data.insert("hello".to_owned(), 42usize);
		data.insert("world".to_owned(), 0usize);

	/// Try decoding CBOR based data.
	fn decode<Dec: IoDecoder<Item = TestData, Error = Error>>(dec: Dec) {
		let mut decoder = dec;
		let data = test_data();
		let encoded = serde_cbor::to_vec(&data).unwrap();
		let mut all = BytesMut::with_capacity(128);
		// Put two copies and a bit into the buffer
		// We can now decode the first two copies
		let decoded = decoder.decode(&mut all).unwrap().unwrap();
		assert_eq!(data, decoded);
		let decoded = decoder.decode(&mut all).unwrap().unwrap();
		assert_eq!(data, decoded);
		// And only 1 byte is left
		assert_eq!(1, all.len());
		// But the third one is not ready yet, so we get Ok(None)
		assert!(decoder.decode(&mut all).unwrap().is_none());
		// That single byte should still be there, yet unused
		assert_eq!(1, all.len());
		// We add the rest and get a third copy
		let decoded = decoder.decode(&mut all).unwrap().unwrap();
		assert_eq!(data, decoded);
		// Nothing there now
		// Now we put some garbage there and see that it errors
		all.extend(&[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);
		decoder.decode(&mut all).unwrap_err();
		// All 5 bytes are still there
		assert_eq!(5, all.len());

	/// Run the decoding tests on the lone decoder.
	fn decode_only() {
		let decoder = Decoder::new();

	/// Run the decoding tests on the combined codec.
	fn decode_codec() {
		let decoder: Codec<_, ()> = Codec::new();

	/// Test encoding.
	fn encode<Enc: IoEncoder<Item = TestData, Error = Error>>(enc: Enc) {
		let mut encoder = enc;
		let data = test_data();
		let mut buffer = BytesMut::with_capacity(0);
		encoder.encode(data.clone(), &mut buffer).unwrap();
		let pos1 = buffer.len();
		let decoded = serde_cbor::from_slice::<TestData>(&buffer).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(data, decoded);
		// Once more, this time without the self-describe (should be smaller)
		encoder.encode(data.clone(), &mut buffer).unwrap();
		let pos2 = buffer.len();
		// More data arrived
		assert!(pos2 > pos1);
		// But not as much as twice as many
		assert!(pos1 * 2 > pos2);
		// We can still decode it
		let decoded = serde_cbor::from_slice::<TestData>(&buffer[pos1..]).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(data, decoded);
		// Encoding once more the size stays the same
		encoder.encode(data, &mut buffer).unwrap();
		let pos3 = buffer.len();
		assert_eq!(pos2 - pos1, pos3 - pos2);

	/// Test encoding by the lone encoder.
	fn encode_only() {
		let encoder = Encoder::new().sd(SdMode::Once);

	/// The same as `encode_only`, but with packed encoding.
	fn encode_packed() {
		let encoder = Encoder::new().packed(true).sd(SdMode::Once);

	/// Encoding with the combined `Codec`
	fn encode_codec() {
		let encoder: Codec<(), _> = Codec::new().sd(SdMode::Once);

	/// Checks that the codec can be send
	fn is_send() {
		let codec: Codec<(), ()> = Codec::new();
		std::thread::spawn(move || {
			let _c = codec;

	/// Checks that the codec can be send
	fn is_sync() {
		let codec: Arc<Codec<(), ()>> = Arc::new(Codec::new());
		std::thread::spawn(move || {
			let _c = codec;