futures 0.1.26

An implementation of futures and streams featuring zero allocations, composability, and iterator-like interfaces.
use std::fmt;

use {Async, IntoFuture, Poll};
use stream::{Stream, Fuse, FuturesUnordered};

/// An adaptor for a stream of futures to execute the futures concurrently, if
/// possible, delivering results as they become available.
/// This adaptor will buffer up a list of pending futures, and then return their
/// results in the order that they complete. This is created by the
/// `Stream::buffer_unordered` method.
#[must_use = "streams do nothing unless polled"]
pub struct BufferUnordered<S>
    where S: Stream,
          S::Item: IntoFuture,
    stream: Fuse<S>,
    queue: FuturesUnordered<<S::Item as IntoFuture>::Future>,
    max: usize,

impl<S> fmt::Debug for BufferUnordered<S>
    where S: Stream + fmt::Debug,
          S::Item: IntoFuture,
          <<S as Stream>::Item as IntoFuture>::Future: fmt::Debug,
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("stream", &self.stream)
            .field("queue", &self.queue)
            .field("max", &self.max)

pub fn new<S>(s: S, amt: usize) -> BufferUnordered<S>
    where S: Stream,
          S::Item: IntoFuture<Error=<S as Stream>::Error>,
    BufferUnordered {
        stream: super::fuse::new(s),
        queue: FuturesUnordered::new(),
        max: amt,

impl<S> BufferUnordered<S>
    where S: Stream,
          S::Item: IntoFuture<Error=<S as Stream>::Error>,
    /// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator is
    /// pulling from.
    pub fn get_ref(&self) -> &S {

    /// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that this
    /// combinator is pulling from.
    /// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of the
    /// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator.
    pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut S {

    /// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream.
    /// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, so
    /// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called.
    pub fn into_inner(self) -> S {

impl<S> Stream for BufferUnordered<S>
    where S: Stream,
          S::Item: IntoFuture<Error=<S as Stream>::Error>,
    type Item = <S::Item as IntoFuture>::Item;
    type Error = <S as Stream>::Error;

    fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
        // First up, try to spawn off as many futures as possible by filling up
        // our slab of futures.
        while self.queue.len() < self.max {
            let future = match self.stream.poll()? {
                Async::Ready(Some(s)) => s.into_future(),
                Async::Ready(None) |
                Async::NotReady => break,


        // Try polling a new future
        if let Some(val) = try_ready!(self.queue.poll()) {
            return Ok(Async::Ready(Some(val)));

        // If we've gotten this far, then there are no events for us to process
        // and nothing was ready, so figure out if we're not done yet  or if
        // we've reached the end.
        if self.stream.is_done() {
        } else {

// Forwarding impl of Sink from the underlying stream
impl<S> ::sink::Sink for BufferUnordered<S>
    where S: ::sink::Sink + Stream,
          S::Item: IntoFuture,
    type SinkItem = S::SinkItem;
    type SinkError = S::SinkError;

    fn start_send(&mut self, item: S::SinkItem) -> ::StartSend<S::SinkItem, S::SinkError> {

    fn poll_complete(&mut self) -> Poll<(), S::SinkError> {

    fn close(&mut self) -> Poll<(), S::SinkError> {