futures-jsonrpc 0.2.1

Futures implementation for JSON-RPC
//! Futures + JSON-RPC
//! A lightweight remote procedure call protocol. It is designed to be simple! And, with futures, even more flexible!
//! This crate will associate [Future](futures::future::Future)s with method signatures via [register_method](handler::JrpcHandler::register_method), and parse/handle JSON-RPC messages via [handle_message](handler::JrpcHandler::handle_message).
//! It is fully compliant with [JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification](https://www.jsonrpc.org/specification).
//! ## Installation
//! Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! futures_jsonrpc = "0.2"
//! ```
//! ## Minimal example
//! ```
//! use futures_jsonrpc::futures::prelude::*;
//! use futures_jsonrpc::*;
//! use serde_json::Number;
//! // This macro will avoid some boilerplating, leaving only the `Future` implementation to be done
//! //
//! // Check for additional information in the detailed explanation below
//! //
//! // Also, check `generate_method_with_data_and_future` and `generate_method_with_lifetime_data_and_future`
//! generate_method!(
//!     CopyParams,
//!     impl Future for CopyParams {
//!         type Item = Option<JrpcResponse>;
//!         type Error = ErrorVariant;
//!         fn poll(&mut self) -> Result<Async<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
//!             let request = self.get_request()?;
//!             let params = request.get_params().clone().unwrap_or(JsonValue::Null);
//!             let message = JrpcResponseParam::generate_result(params)
//!                 .and_then(|result| request.generate_response(result))?;
//!             Ok(Async::Ready(Some(message)))
//!         }
//!     }
//! );
//! fn main() {
//!     // `JrpcHandler` instance is responsible for registering the JSON-RPC methods and receiving the
//!     // requests.
//!     //
//!     // This is full `Arc`/`RwLock` protected. Therefore, it can be freely copied/sent among
//!     // threads.
//!     let handler = JrpcHandler::new().unwrap();
//!     handler
//!         // `register_method` will tie the method signature to an instance, not a generic. This
//!         // means we can freely mutate this instance across different signatures.
//!         .register_method("some/copyParams", CopyParams::new().unwrap())
//!         .and_then(|h| {
//!             // `handle_message` will receive a raw implementation of `ToString` and return the
//!             // associated future. If no future is found, an instance of
//!             // `Err(ErrorVariant::MethodSignatureNotFound(String))` is returned
//!             h.handle_message(
//!                 r#"
//!                 {
//!                     "jsonrpc": "2.0",
//!                     "method": "some/copyParams",
//!                     "params": [42, 23],
//!                     "id": 531
//!                 }"#,
//!             )
//!         })
//!         // Just waiting for the poll of future. Check futures documentation.
//!         .and_then(|future| future.wait())
//!         .and_then(|result| {
//!             // The result is an instance of `JrpcResponse`
//!             let result = result.unwrap();
//!             assert_eq!(result.get_jsonrpc(), "2.0");
//!             assert_eq!(
//!                 result.get_result(),
//!                 &Some(JsonValue::Array(vec![
//!                     JsonValue::Number(Number::from(42)),
//!                     JsonValue::Number(Number::from(23)),
//!                 ]))
//!             );
//!             assert!(result.get_error().is_none());
//!             assert_eq!(result.get_id(), &JsonValue::Number(Number::from(531)));
//!             Ok(())
//!         })
//!         .unwrap();
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Detailed explanation
//! ```
//! use futures_jsonrpc::futures::prelude::*;
//! use futures_jsonrpc::*;
//! use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! // `JrpcHandler` use foreign structures as controllers
//! // This example will reflect `generate_method_with_lifetime_data_and_future` macro
//! #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
//! pub struct CopyParams<'r> {
//!     request: Option<JrpcRequest>,
//!     data: (String, i32, PhantomData<&'r ()>),
//! }
//! // This implementation is essentially some boilerplate to hold the data that may be used by the
//! // future poll
//! impl<'r> CopyParams<'r> {
//!     // The `new` method will always receive a n-tuple as parameter to store data
//!     //
//!     // It is recommended to use atomic types, or `Arc` protected for heavy data. At every request,
//!     // we `Clone` this struct to send it to the responsible thread
//!     pub fn new(data: (String, i32, PhantomData<&'r ()>)) -> Result<Self, ErrorVariant> {
//!         let request = None;
//!         let some_notification = CopyParams { request, data };
//!         Ok(some_notification)
//!     }
//!     // The `get_data` will support the future poll with additional information that will not be
//!     // available in the JsonRpc request
//!     pub fn get_data(&self) -> &(String, i32, PhantomData<&'r ()>) {
//!         &self.data
//!     }
//!     // The `get_request` method will return the JsonRpc request to the future poll
//!     pub fn get_request(&self) -> Result<JrpcRequest, ErrorVariant> {
//!         let request = self.request.clone();
//!         request
//!             .map(|r| Ok(r.clone()))
//!             .unwrap_or(Err(ErrorVariant::NoRequestProvided))
//!     }
//!     // This method is of internal usage to receive the request from `JrpcHandler`
//!     pub fn set_request(mut self, request: JrpcRequest) -> Result<Self, ErrorVariant> {
//!         self.request = Some(request);
//!         Ok(self)
//!     }
//!     // This "fork" will be performed every time a new request is received, allowing async
//!     // processing
//!     pub fn clone_with_request(&self, request: JrpcRequest) -> Result<Self, ErrorVariant> {
//!         self.clone().set_request(request)
//!     }
//! }
//! // `JrpcHandler` will just return a pollable associated future.
//! //
//! // The main implementation will go here
//! //
//! // Tokio provides very good documentation on futures. Check it: https://tokio.rs/
//! impl<'r> Future for CopyParams<'r> {
//!     // Optimally, we want to use JrpcResponse, for it is guaranteed to respect the JSON-RPC
//!     // specification. But, we can change the response here to something else, if required.
//!     type Item = Option<JrpcResponse>;
//!     type Error = ErrorVariant;
//!     fn poll(&mut self) -> Result<Async<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
//!         // We fetch the provided request to copy the data
//!         let request = self.get_request()?;
//!         // Here we can receive additional that that's not available in the request
//!         let (_text, _value, _) = self.get_data();
//!         // Do something with the request
//!         // In this example, we are copying the parameters
//!         let params = request.get_params().clone().unwrap_or(JsonValue::Null);
//!         // `generate_response` will receive an enum `JrpcResponseParam` and reply
//!         // with either an error or success.
//!         let message = JrpcResponseParam::generate_result(params)
//!             .and_then(|result| request.generate_response(result))?;
//!         // Then, our reply is ready
//!         Ok(Async::Ready(Some(message)))
//!     }
//! }
//! // The handler will call this trait to spawn a new future and process it when a registered method
//! // is requested.
//! impl<'r> JrpcMethodTrait<'r> for CopyParams<'r> {
//!     // `generate_future` can generate any `Future` that respects the trait signature. This can be a
//!     // foreign structure, or just a copy of `self`, in case it implements `Future`. This can also
//!     // be a decision based on the received `JrpcRequest`.
//!     //
//!     // Since its not a reference, there are no restrictions.
//!     fn generate_future(
//!         &self,
//!         request: JrpcRequest,
//!     ) -> Result<Box<'r + Future<Item = Option<JrpcResponse>, Error = ErrorVariant>>, ErrorVariant>
//!     {
//!         Ok(Box::new(self.clone_with_request(request)?))
//!     }
//! }
//! ```

extern crate log;

pub use crate::handler::JrpcHandler;
pub use crate::method::JrpcMethodTrait;
pub use crate::parser::{JrpcError, JrpcErrorEnum, JrpcRequest, JrpcResponse, JrpcResponseParam};
pub use futures;
pub use serde_json::error::Error as JsonError;
pub use serde_json::Value as JsonValue;
use std::fmt;
use std::io::Error as IoError;

pub mod handler;
pub mod method;
pub mod parser;

pub enum ErrorVariant {

impl fmt::Display for ErrorVariant {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            ErrorVariant::MethodSignatureNotFound(s) => {
                write!(f, "Method signature '{}' not found", s)
            ErrorVariant::InternalErrorMessage(s) => write!(f, "An error ocurred: {}", s),
            _ => write!(f, "{:?}", self),

macro_rules! generate_method {
    ($struct_identifier:ident, $future:item) => {
        #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
        pub struct $struct_identifier {
            request: Option<JrpcRequest>,

        impl $struct_identifier {
            pub fn new() -> Result<Self, ErrorVariant> {
                let request = None;
                let some_notification = $struct_identifier {

            pub fn get_request(&self) -> Result<JrpcRequest, ErrorVariant> {
                let request = self.request.clone();
                    .map(|r| Ok(r.clone()))

            pub fn set_request(mut self, request: JrpcRequest) -> Result<Self, ErrorVariant> {
                self.request = Some(request);

            pub fn clone_with_request(&self, request: JrpcRequest) -> Result<Self, ErrorVariant> {


        impl<'r> JrpcMethodTrait<'r> for $struct_identifier {
            fn generate_future(
                request: JrpcRequest,
            ) -> Result<
                Box<'r + Future<Item = Option<JrpcResponse>, Error = ErrorVariant>>,
            > {

macro_rules! generate_method_with_data_and_future {
    ($struct_identifier:ident, $data:ty, $future:item) => {
        #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
        pub struct $struct_identifier {
            request: Option<JrpcRequest>,
            data: $data,

        impl $struct_identifier {
            pub fn new(data: $data) -> Result<Self, ErrorVariant> {
                let request = None;
                let some_notification = $struct_identifier {

            pub fn get_data(&self) -> &$data {

            pub fn get_request(&self) -> Result<JrpcRequest, ErrorVariant> {
                let request = self.request.clone();
                    .map(|r| Ok(r.clone()))

            pub fn set_request(mut self, request: JrpcRequest) -> Result<Self, ErrorVariant> {
                self.request = Some(request);

            pub fn clone_with_request(&self, request: JrpcRequest) -> Result<Self, ErrorVariant> {


        impl<'r> JrpcMethodTrait<'r> for $struct_identifier {
            fn generate_future(
                request: JrpcRequest,
            ) -> Result<
                Box<'r + Future<Item = Option<JrpcResponse>, Error = ErrorVariant>>,
            > {

macro_rules! generate_method_with_lifetime_data_and_future {
    ($struct_identifier:ident, $lifetime:tt, $data:ty, $future:item) => {
        #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
        pub struct $struct_identifier<$lifetime> {
            request: Option<JrpcRequest>,
            data: $data,

        impl<$lifetime> $struct_identifier<$lifetime> {
            pub fn new(data: $data) -> Result<Self, ErrorVariant> {
                let request = None;
                let some_notification = $struct_identifier {

            pub fn get_data(&self) -> &$data {

            pub fn get_request(&self) -> Result<JrpcRequest, ErrorVariant> {
                let request = self.request.clone();
                    .map(|r| Ok(r.clone()))

            pub fn set_request(mut self, request: JrpcRequest) -> Result<Self, ErrorVariant> {
                self.request = Some(request);

            pub fn clone_with_request(&self, request: JrpcRequest) -> Result<Self, ErrorVariant> {


        impl<$lifetime> JrpcMethodTrait<$lifetime> for $struct_identifier<$lifetime> {
            fn generate_future(
                request: JrpcRequest,
            ) -> Result<
                Box<$lifetime + Future<Item = Option<JrpcResponse>, Error = ErrorVariant>>,
            > {