futures-async-runtime 0.2.1

Runtime for the async/await macros in the `futures` crate.
use std::mem::Pin;
use std::ops::{Generator, GeneratorState};
use std::marker::{PhantomData, Unpin};

use futures_core::{Poll, Async, task};
use futures_stable::StableStream;

use super::{CTX, Reset, IsResult};

pub trait MyStableStream<T, U: IsResult<Ok=()>>: StableStream<Item=T, Error=U::Err> {}

impl<F, T, U> MyStableStream<T, U> for F
    where F: StableStream<Item = T, Error = U::Err> + ?Sized,
          U: IsResult<Ok=()>

/// Small shim to translate from a generator to a stream.
struct GenStableStream<U, T> {
    gen: T,
    done: bool,
    phantom: PhantomData<U>,

impl<U, T> !Unpin for GenStableStream<U, T> { }

pub fn gen_stream<T, U>(gen: T) -> impl MyStableStream<U, T::Return>
    where T: Generator<Yield = Async<U>>,
          T::Return: IsResult<Ok = ()>,
    GenStableStream { gen, done: false, phantom: PhantomData }

impl<U, T> StableStream for GenStableStream<U, T>
    where T: Generator<Yield = Async<U>>,
          T::Return: IsResult<Ok = ()>,
    type Item = U;
    type Error = <T::Return as IsResult>::Err;

    fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<Self>, ctx: &mut task::Context) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
        CTX.with(|cell| {
            let _r = Reset::new(ctx, cell);
            let this: &mut Self = unsafe { Pin::get_mut(&mut self) };
            if this.done { return Ok(Async::Ready(None)) }
            // This is an immovable generator, but since we're only accessing
            // it via a Pin this is safe.
            match unsafe { this.gen.resume() } {
                GeneratorState::Yielded(Async::Ready(e)) => {
                GeneratorState::Yielded(Async::Pending) => {
                GeneratorState::Complete(e) => {
                    this.done = true;
                    e.into_result().map(|()| Async::Ready(None))