fungi-lang 0.1.0

Fungi: A typed, functional language for programs that name their cached dependency graphs
//! Fungi: big-step evaluation semantics.
//! Gives the incremental semantics of Fungi programs, using an
//! external library (Adapton in Rust) to create and maintain the
//! "demanded computation graph" (the DCG), that underpins change
//! propagation.
//! ## Design discussion
//! The Rust types and functions below demonstrate how closely the
//! IODyn Target AST corresponds to the primitive notions of Adapton,
//! namely `ref`s and `thunk`s, and their observation/demand
//! operations, `get` and `force`, respectively.
//! In particular, the semantics of `ref` and `thunk` are _entirely_
//! encapsulated by the Adapton run-time library, leaving the
//! dynamics semantics for other expression forms to `eval` to define.
//! In this sense, the language built around the `ref` and `thunk`
//! primitives is open-ended.
//! Given this language choice, as usual, we choose STLC in CBPV, with
//! product and sum types.  Other language/semantics design choices in
//! this module are guided by our choice of "CBPV +
//! environment-passing-style", as discussed further in this module's
//! comments.
//! ## Val vs RtVal
//! We distinguish between programmer-written values (Val) and closed,
//! run-time values (RtVal).  Environments map variables to (closed)
//! run-time values.
//! ## Exp vs TermExp
//! We distinguish between (open) expressions and (fully evaluated)
//! terminal expressions, which are closed.

use adapton::macros::*;
use adapton::engine::{thunk,NameChoice};
use adapton::engine;

use ast::{Exp,PrimApp,Var,Val,Name,NameTm};
use std::rc::Rc;

/// TODO-Sometime: Prune the environments (using free variables as filters)
pub type Env = Vec<(String,RtVal)>;

/// Run-time values.  Same as ast_tgt::Val, except that (1) there are
/// no variables ("closed") and (2) unlike values written by user in
/// their program, run-time values may contain run-time structures,
/// such as _actual_ thunks and references, a la `Art`s from Adapton
/// library.
pub enum RtVal {
    Pair(RtValRec, RtValRec),

    // Special-case thunk values: For implementing fix with environment-passing style
    ThunkAnon(Env, Exp),
    // AST Names; we convert to engine names when we use the engine API

    // Refs from Adapton engine; they each contain a run-time value
    // Thunks from Adapton engine; they each _evaluate to_ a terminal expression
pub type RtValRec = Rc<RtVal>;

/// Terminal expressions (a la CBPV), but in environment-passing
/// style, where lambdas are associatd with closing environments.
pub enum ExpTerm {
    Lam(Env, Var, Rc<Exp>),

/// Name Term Values.  The value forms (name and lambda) for the Name
/// Term sub-language (STLC + names).
pub enum NameTmVal {

/// project/pattern-match the name of namespace, defined as the
/// sub-term M in the following nameterm (lambda) form:
/// ```text
///  #x.[M, x]
/// ```
/// where [M, x] is the binary name formed from uknown name x and M,
/// the name of the "namespace".
pub fn proj_namespace_name(n:NameTmVal) -> Option<NameTm> {
    match n {
        NameTmVal::Name(_) => None,
        NameTmVal::Lam(x,m) => {
            match m {
                NameTm::Bin(m1, m2) => {
                    match (*m2).clone() {
                        NameTm::Var(y) => {
                            if x == y { Some((*m1).clone()) }
                            else { None }
                        _ => None,
                _ => None,

pub fn nametm_of_nametmval(v:NameTmVal) -> NameTm {
    use ast::Sort;
    match v {
        NameTmVal::Name(n)  => NameTm::Name(n),
        // eval doesn't use sorts, unit is fine
        NameTmVal::Lam(x,m) => NameTm::Lam(x,Sort::Unit,Rc::new(m))

pub fn nametm_subst_rec(nmtm:Rc<NameTm>, x:&Var, v:&NameTm) -> Rc<NameTm> {
    Rc::new(nametm_subst((*nmtm).clone(), x, v))
pub fn nametm_subst(nmtm:NameTm, x:&Var, v:&NameTm) -> NameTm {
    match nmtm {
        NameTm::Name(n) => NameTm::Name(n),
        NameTm::Bin(nt1, nt2) => {
            NameTm::Bin(nametm_subst_rec(nt1, x, v),
                        nametm_subst_rec(nt2, x, v))
        NameTm::App(nt1, nt2) => {
            NameTm::App(nametm_subst_rec(nt1, x, v),
                        nametm_subst_rec(nt2, x, v))
        NameTm::Var(y) => {
            if *x == y { v.clone() }
            else { NameTm::Var(y) }
        NameTm::Lam(y,s,nt) => {
            if *x == y { NameTm::Lam(y,s,nt) }
            else { NameTm::Lam(y, s, nametm_subst_rec(nt, x, v)) }
        NameTm::NoParse(_) => unreachable!(),

pub fn nametm_eval_rec(nmtm:Rc<NameTm>) -> NameTmVal {
pub fn nametm_eval(nmtm:NameTm) -> NameTmVal {
    match nmtm {
        NameTm::Var(x) => { panic!("dynamic type error (open term, with free var {})", x) }
        NameTm::Name(n) => NameTmVal::Name(n),
        NameTm::Lam(x, _, nt) => NameTmVal::Lam(x, (*nt).clone()),
        NameTm::Bin(nt1, nt2) => {
            let nt1 = nametm_eval_rec(nt1);
            let nt2 = nametm_eval_rec(nt2);
            match (nt1, nt2) {
                 NameTmVal::Name(n2)) => {
                    NameTmVal::Name(Name::Bin(Rc::new(n1), Rc::new(n2)))
                _ => { panic!("dynamic type error (bin name term)") }
        NameTm::App(nt1, nt2) => {
            let nt1 = nametm_eval_rec(nt1);
            let nt2 = nametm_eval_rec(nt2);
            match nt1 {
                NameTmVal::Lam(x, nt3) => {
                    let ntv = nametm_of_nametmval(nt2);
                    let nt4 = nametm_subst(nt3, &x, &ntv);
                _ => { panic!("dynamic type error (bin name term)") }
        NameTm::NoParse(_) => unreachable!(),

/// Name conversion. Convert Tgt-AST name into a run-time (adapton
/// library) name.
pub fn engine_name_of_ast_name(n:Name) -> engine::Name {
    match n {
        Name::Leaf   => engine::name_unit(),
        Name::Sym(s) => engine::name_of_string(s),
        Name::Num(n) => engine::name_of_usize(n),
        Name::Bin(n1, n2) => {
            let en1 = engine_name_of_ast_name((*n1).clone());
            let en2 = engine_name_of_ast_name((*n2).clone());
        Name::NoParse(_) => unimplemented!()

/// Given a closing environment and an Tgt-AST value (with zero or
/// more variables) producing a closed, run-time value.
/// panics if the environment fails to close the given value's
/// variables.
pub fn close_val(env:&Env, v:&Val) -> RtVal {
    use ast::Val::*;
    match *v {
        // variable case:
        Var(ref x) => {
            let mut v = None;
            // most-recently pushed binding is "in scope" (others are shadowed)
            for &(ref y, ref vy) in env.iter().rev() {
                if x == y {
                    v = Some(vy.clone());
                } else {}
            match v {
                None => panic!("close_val: free variable: {}", x),
                Some(v) => v
        // other cases: base cases, and structural recursion:
        Name(ref n)    => RtVal::Name(n.clone()),

        // XXX/TODO --- Descend into name terms and continue substitution...?
        // OR -- Do we have an invariant that these terms are closed?
        NameFn(ref nf) => RtVal::NameFn(nf.clone()), 
        Unit         => RtVal::Unit,
        Bool(ref b)  => RtVal::Bool(b.clone()),
        Nat(ref n)   => RtVal::Nat(n.clone()),
        Str(ref s)   => RtVal::Str(s.clone()),

        // anonymous thunk case: clone and save the environment (and exp):
        ThunkAnon(ref e) => RtVal::ThunkAnon(env.clone(), (**e).clone()),

        // inductive cases
        Inj1(ref v1) => RtVal::Inj1(close_val_rec(env, v1)),
        Inj2(ref v1) => RtVal::Inj2(close_val_rec(env, v1)),
        Roll(ref v1) => RtVal::Roll(close_val_rec(env, v1)),
        Pair(ref v1, ref v2) =>
            RtVal::Pair(close_val_rec(env, v1),
                        close_val_rec(env, v2)),
        // Forget annotation
        Anno(ref v,_) => close_val(env, v),
        NoParse(_) => unreachable!(),


/// See `close_val`
pub fn close_val_rec(env:&Env, v:&Rc<Val>) -> Rc<RtVal> {
    Rc::new(close_val(env, &**v))

/// Dynamic type errors ("stuck cases" for evaluation)
/// For each place in the `eval` function where a dynamic type error
/// may arise that prevents us from progressing, we give a constructor
/// with the relevant information (first for documentation purposes,
/// and secondly for future error messages).
pub enum EvalTyErr {
    // let case
    // app case
    // split case
    // if case
    // case case
    // unroll case
    // thunk case
    // ref case
    // scope case
    // name fn app
    // name bin
    // nat operations

fn eval_type_error<A>(err:EvalTyErr, env:Env, e:Exp) -> A {
    panic!("eval_type_error: {:?}:\n\tenv:{:?}\n\te:{:?}\n", err, env, e)

/// Big-step evaluation
/// Under the given closing environment, evaluate the given Tgt-AST
/// expression, producing a terminal expression (a la CBPV), typically
/// with run-time values.
/// Adapton primitives: The primitives `thunk`, `ref`, `force` and
/// `get` each use the Adapton run-time library in a simple way that
/// directly corresponds with the given expression form.
/// CPBV consequences: Due to CBPV style, most cases are simple (0 or
/// 1 recursive calls).  The only two cases that have multiple
/// recursive calls are `let` and `app`, which necessarily each have
/// two recursive calls to `eval`. In CBV style, many more cases would
/// require multiple recursive calls to eval.
pub fn eval(mut env:Env, e:Exp) -> ExpTerm {
    match e.clone() {
        // basecase 1: lambdas are terminal computations
        Exp::Lam(x, e) => { ExpTerm::Lam(env, x, e) }
        // basecase 2: returns are terminal computations
        Exp::Ret(v)    => { ExpTerm::Ret(close_val(&env, &v)) }
        // ignore types at run time:
        Exp::DefType(_x, _a, e)  => { return eval(env, (*e).clone()) }
        Exp::AnnoC(e1,_ct)       => { return eval(env, (*e1).clone()) }
        Exp::AnnoE(e1,_et)       => { return eval(env, (*e1).clone()) }
        // save a copy of e as thunk f in e
        Exp::Fix(f,e1) => {
            let env_saved = env.clone();
            env.push((f, RtVal::ThunkAnon(env_saved, e)));
            return eval(env, (*e1).clone())
        Exp::Unroll(v, x, e1) => {
            match close_val(&env, &v) {
                RtVal::Roll(v) => {
                    return eval(env, (*e1).clone())
                v => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::UnrollNonRoll(v), env, e)
        Exp::Thunk(v, e1) => {
            match close_val(&env, &v) {
                RtVal::Name(n) => { // create engine thunk named n
                    // suspending evaluation of expression e1:
                    let n = Some(engine_name_of_ast_name(n));
                    let t = thunk!([n]? eval ; env:env, e:(*e1).clone() );
                v => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::ThunkNonName(v), env, e)
        Exp::Ref(v1, v2) => {
            match close_val(&env, &v1) {
                RtVal::Name(n) => { // create engine ref named n, holding v2
                    let n = engine_name_of_ast_name(n);
                    let v2 = close_val(&env, &v2);
                    let r = engine::cell(n, v2);
                v => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::RefNonName(v), env, e)
        Exp::Let(x,e1,e2) => {
            match eval(env.clone(), (*e1).clone()) {
                ExpTerm::Ret(v) => {
                    env.push((x, v));
                    return eval(env, (*e2).clone())
                term => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::LetNonRet(term), env, e)
        Exp::App(e1, v) => {
            let v = close_val(&env, &v);
            match eval(env.clone(), (*e1).clone()) {
                ExpTerm::Lam(mut env, x, e2) => {
                    env.push((x, v));
                    return eval(env, (*e2).clone())
                term => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::AppNonLam(term), env, e)
        Exp::Split(v, x, y, e1) => {
            match close_val(&env, &v) {
                RtVal::Pair(v1, v2) => {
                    env.push((x, (*v1).clone()));
                    env.push((y, (*v2).clone()));
                    return eval(env, (*e1).clone())
                v => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::SplitNonPair(v), env, e)
        Exp::IfThenElse(v, e1, e2) => {
            match close_val(&env, &v) {
                RtVal::Bool(b) => {
                    if b { return eval(env, (*e1).clone()) }
                    else { return eval(env, (*e2).clone()) }
                v => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::IfNonBool(v), env, e)
        Exp::Case(v, x, ex, y, ey) => {
            match close_val(&env, &v) {
                RtVal::Inj1(v) => {
                    env.push((x, (*v).clone()));
                    return eval(env, (*ex).clone())
                RtVal::Inj2(v) => {
                    env.push((y, (*v).clone()));
                    return eval(env, (*ey).clone())
                v => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::SplitNonPair(v), env, e)
        Exp::Get(v) => {
            match close_val(&env, &v) {
                RtVal::Ref(a) => { ExpTerm::Ret(engine::force(&a)) },
                v => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::GetNonRef(v), env, e)
        Exp::Force(v) => {
            match close_val(&env, &v) {
                RtVal::Thunk(a)          => { engine::force(&a) },
                RtVal::ThunkAnon(env, e) => { return eval(env, e) },
                v => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::ForceNonThunk(v), env, e)                    
        Exp::PrimApp(PrimApp::RefThunk(v)) => {
            fn val_of_retval (et:ExpTerm) -> RtVal {
                match et {
                    ExpTerm::Ret(v) => v,
                    _ => unreachable!()
            match close_val(&env, &v) {
                RtVal::Thunk(a) => {
                    let r = engine::thunk_map(a, Rc::new(val_of_retval));
                    let v = engine::force(&r);
                v => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::RefThunkNonThunk(v), env, e)
        Exp::Scope(v, e1) => {
            // Names vs namespace functions: Here, v is a name
            // function value, but the current Adapton engine
            // implementation of namespaces, aka "write scopes",
            // requires that each is given by a name, which is always
            // prepended to any allocated names; the engine lacks the
            // more general notion of a "name function" (which can
            // express more general name constructions than just
            // "prepend").  For now, we "translate" namespace
            // functions into names, by projecting out their "names"
            // from an eta-expanded prepend operation.  If we fail to
            // find this pattern, we fail (TODO: enforce statically?).
            match close_val(&env, &v) {
                RtVal::NameFn(n) =>
                    match proj_namespace_name(nametm_eval(n)) {
                        None => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::ScopeWithoutName1, env, e),
                        Some(n) => {
                            match nametm_eval(n) {
                                NameTmVal::Name(n) => {
                                    let ns_name = engine_name_of_ast_name(n);
                                    engine::ns(ns_name, ||{ eval(env, (*e1).clone()) })
                                _ => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::ScopeWithoutName2, env, e),
                _ => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::ScopeWithoutName0, env, e),
        Exp::NameFnApp(v1, v2) => {
            // (value-injected) name function application: apply
            // (injected) name function v1 to (injected) name v2; the
            // evaluation itself happens in the name term sublanguage,
            // via nametm_eval.  The result is an (injected) name.
            match (close_val(&env, &v1), close_val(&env, &v2)) {
                ( RtVal::NameFn(nf), RtVal::Name(n) ) => {
                    match nametm_eval(NameTm::App(Rc::new(nf),
                                                  Rc::new(NameTm::Name(n)))) {
                        NameTmVal::Name(n) => ExpTerm::Ret(RtVal::Name(n)),
                        _ => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::NameFnApp1, env, e),
                _ => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::NameFnApp0, env, e),
        Exp::DebugLabel(label, msg, e) => {
            let label : Option<engine::Name> =
       engine_name_of_ast_name );
            engine::reflect_dcg::debug_effect(label, msg);
            return eval(env, (*e).clone())
        Exp::Unimp => unimplemented!(),
        Exp::NoParse(s) => panic!("Evaluation reached unparsed program text: `{}`", s),

        // Names: Primitive operation for 
        Exp::PrimApp(PrimApp::NameBin(v1,v2)) => {
            match (close_val(&env, &v1), close_val(&env, &v2)) {
                (RtVal::Name(n1),RtVal::Name(n2)) => {
                    ExpTerm::Ret(RtVal::Name(Name::Bin(Rc::new(n1), Rc::new(n2))))
                (v1, v2) => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::PrimAppNameBin(v1,v2), env, e),
        // In-built primitives for basetypes (naturals, bools, etc.)
        Exp::PrimApp(PrimApp::NatPlus(v1,v2)) => {
            match (close_val(&env, &v1), close_val(&env, &v2)) {
                (RtVal::Nat(n1),RtVal::Nat(n2)) => {
                    ExpTerm::Ret(RtVal::Nat(n1 + n2))
                (v1, v2) => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::PrimAppNatPlus(v1,v2), env, e),
        Exp::PrimApp(PrimApp::NatEq(v1,v2)) => {
            match (close_val(&env, &v1), close_val(&env, &v2)) {
                (RtVal::Nat(n1),RtVal::Nat(n2)) => {
                    ExpTerm::Ret(RtVal::Bool(n1 == n2))
                (v1, v2) => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::PrimAppNatEq(v1,v2), env, e),
        Exp::PrimApp(PrimApp::NatLt(v1,v2)) => {
            match (close_val(&env, &v1), close_val(&env, &v2)) {
                (RtVal::Nat(n1),RtVal::Nat(n2)) => {
                    ExpTerm::Ret(RtVal::Bool(n1 < n2))
                (v1, v2) => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::PrimAppNatLt(v1,v2), env, e),
        Exp::PrimApp(PrimApp::NatLte(v1,v2)) => {
            match (close_val(&env, &v1), close_val(&env, &v2)) {
                (RtVal::Nat(n1),RtVal::Nat(n2)) => {
                    ExpTerm::Ret(RtVal::Bool(n1 <= n2))
                (v1, v2) => eval_type_error(EvalTyErr::PrimAppNatLte(v1,v2), env, e),
