funes 0.1.8

Funes is a server to mock API responses.
> I remember him with a dark passion flower in his hand, seeing it as no one has ever seen it, though he might look at it from the twilight of dawn till that of evening, a whole lifetime.

*Jorge Luis Borges - Funes, The Memorious*

# Funes

![pipeline workflow](
[![License: MIT](](LICENSE)
[![Code of Conduct](](

funes is a server to mock API responses. You might use it to:
- test applications without hitting production resources;
- create integrations tests for your applications;

# Installation

Install funes in your `Cargo.toml` alongside your preferable [async

actix-web = "4.0.0-beta.8"
funes = "0.1.7"

Create a new instance of a funes server in your ``:

use funes;

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {

# Mocking Requests

Now your application is ready to receive requests and to store the responses. To
test it, run your funes server in one terminal and make requests from another

# terminal 1
cargo run

[2021-08-31T23:21:33Z INFO  funes::server] Server running in
[2021-08-31T23:21:33Z INFO  funes::server] Mocks directory is ./mocks
[2021-08-31T23:21:33Z INFO  funes::server] Calling externals apis is allowed? true

To mock the requests of an API, call the endpoint `http://localhost:8080/{API}`.
The first request will hit the API and then store the response:

# terminal 2
curl http://localhost:8080/

# terminal 1
[2021-08-30T23:16:17Z DEBUG funes::handlers] File not found! For api:, resource: ./mocks/16709024112015907760.json
[2021-08-30T23:16:17Z DEBUG funes::fetch] External get to:
[2021-08-30T23:16:17Z DEBUG funes::utils] Write filename: ./mocks/16709024112015907760.json
[2021-08-30T23:16:17Z INFO  actix_web::middleware::logger] 201 0.355466 GET / HTTP/1.1 curl/7.64.1 bytes:199394

The second request and all the subsequent ones will be served from
the stored response:

# terminal 2
curl http://localhost:8080/

# terminal 1
[2021-08-30T23:16:50Z INFO  actix_web::middleware::logger] 200 0.000206 GET / HTTP/1.1 curl/7.64.1 bytes:199394

Posts are supported:

# terminal 2
curl -d '{ "userId": 1, "id": 1, "title": "title", "body": "body" }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST

# terminal 1
[2021-09-01T04:25:01Z DEBUG funes::handlers] File not found! For api:, resource: ./mocks/768531861528487606.json, payload_post: {"body":"body","id":1,"title":"title","userId":1}
[2021-09-01T04:25:01Z DEBUG funes::fetch] External post to:
[2021-09-01T04:25:02Z DEBUG funes::utils] Write filename: ./mocks/768531861528487606.json
[2021-09-01T04:25:02Z INFO  actix_web::middleware::logger] 201 0.293888 POST / HTTP/1.1 curl/7.64.1 bytes:51

# Routes

These are the default routes of a funes app:

- `localhost:8080/{api_to_mock}` - Like `localhost:8080/`
- `localhost:8080/mocks` - List of all saved mocks
- `localhost:8080/health`
- `localhost:8080/resource-status`

# Default Envs


# Examples

All examples can be found in the [examples](examples/) folder:

- [minimal]examples/minimal/
- [docker]examples/docker/

# Benchmarks

Funes is really fast! Take a look:

wrk -t2 -c10 -d60s http://localhost:8080/

Running 1m test @ http://localhost:8080/
  2 threads and 10 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    14.63ms  106.45ms   1.29s    97.81%
    Req/Sec    11.12k     1.69k   13.18k    86.18%
  1298872 requests in 1.00m, 241.39GB read
Requests/sec:  21630.87
Transfer/sec:      4.02GB