funes 0.1.8

Funes is a server to mock API responses.
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

## [0.1.8] - 2021-09-03


### Miscellaneous Tasks

- Update CHANGELOG ([f9e855c]
- Update README ([cb5a94a]
- 0.1.8 ([9368c7e]

## [0.1.7] - 2021-09-03


### Miscellaneous Tasks

- Update CHANGELOG ([fc4a27d]
- Update manifest ([33e45db]
- Remove criterion ([72f26ff]
- 0.1.7 ([543f119]

## [0.1.6] - 2021-09-02


### Miscellaneous Tasks

- Update CHANGELOG ([5792da7]

### Refactor

- Change modules visibility ([885f978]
- Rename errors ([9601971]
- Rename MyError to FunesError ([5513065]

## [0.1.5] - 2021-09-01


### Bug Fixes

- Fix tests ([cdf4ac0]

### Features

- Create io namespace ([d9b3033]
- Rename functions ([71e84a1]
- Create format namespace ([98cd047]

### Miscellaneous Tasks

- Update CHANGELOG ([36119a1]
- Rename check_mocks_dir() to mock_dir() ([4f844be]

### Testing

- Add tests post_api and get_api ([19e1601]

## [0.1.4] - 2021-09-01


### Bug Fixes

- Remove status route ([137c205]
- Remove convert_headers() and headers from reqwest ([8706c66]

### CI

- Create rust.yml ([b4d03b1]

### Features

- Create RUST_MOCK_DIR env ([c495255]

### Miscellaneous Tasks

- Update CHANGELOG ([9d76977]
- Add pipeline workflow badge ([527cb44]
- Remove some .clone()s ([918be20]

## [0.1.3] - 2021-08-31


### Features

- Add docker example ([5e1c60a]

## [0.1.2] - 2021-08-31


### Bug Fixes

- Fix CHANGELOG links ([05779c0]
- Fix headers for client and server ([be52bc1]

### Miscellaneous Tasks

- Update CHANGELOG ([e36c6bd]

## [0.1.1] - 2021-08-31


### CI

- Update ([9b64399]

### Miscellaneous Tasks

- Add README badges ([deebf84]
- Add Borges quote ([b937823]
- Improve documentation ([13f8f4c]

## [0.1.0] - 2021-08-30

### Miscellaneous Tasks

- First commit ([d2cda58]

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