function_group 0.2.0

A macro to hack in function overloading to rust


Function Group is a Function Overloading macro/hack for the rust programing language. The macro allows you to define multiple functions that take a variable number of arguments! Actually the functions still only take one argument, but they accept multiple types of tuples

Function groups can take multiple types of arguments and even be recursive

function_group! {
    fn add -> usize {
        (one : usize, two : usize) {
            one + two
        (one : usize, two : usize, three: usize) {
            add((one, two)) + three

assert!(add((5, 5)) == 10);
assert!(add((5, 5, 5)) == 15);

The arguments can be mutable or immutable refrences.

function_group! {
    fn add_to {
        (one : &mut usize, two : usize) {
            *one += two;
        (one : &mut usize, two : usize, three : usize) {
            *one += two + three;

let mut x = 10;
add_to((&mut x, 5));
add_to((&mut x, 5, 5));
assert!(x == 25);

Function Groups can even be associated with a Type. In the example below, each sub function will be passed a mutable refrence to self, and these functions will be usable by the TestStruct type.

struct TestStruct(usize);
function_group! {
    fn add_to_struct(&mut self : TestStruct) {
        (one : usize) {
            self.0 += one;
        (one : usize, two : usize){
            self.0 += one + two; 

let mut x = TestStruct(10);
assert!(x.0 == 13);

Possible future features

  1. Generics should be feasble on a per sub-function basis
  2. having a function group in a trait is unlikely