full_moon 0.3.0

A lossless Lua 5.1 parser
use crate::visitors::{Visit, VisitMut, Visitor, VisitorMut};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use regex::{self, Regex};
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::fmt;
use std::str::FromStr;

macro_rules! symbols {
    ($($ident:ident => $string:tt,)+) => {
        /// A literal symbol, used for both words important to syntax (like while) and operators (like +)
        #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
        pub enum Symbol {
                #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(rename = $string))]

        impl<'a> fmt::Display for Symbol {
            fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
                match *self {
                    $(Symbol::$ident => $string,)+

        impl FromStr for Symbol {
            type Err = ();

            fn from_str(string: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
                Ok(match string {
                    $($string => Symbol::$ident,)+
                    _ => Err(())?,

        lazy_static! {
            static ref PATTERN_SYMBOL: Regex = Regex::new(
                    .map(|x| {

    And => "and",
    Break => "break",
    Do => "do",
    ElseIf => "elseif",
    Else => "else",
    End => "end",
    False => "false",
    For => "for",
    Function => "function",
    If => "if",
    In => "in",
    Local => "local",
    Nil => "nil",
    Not => "not",
    Or => "or",
    Repeat => "repeat",
    Return => "return",
    Then => "then",
    True => "true",
    Until => "until",
    While => "while",

    Caret => "^",
    Colon => ":",
    Comma => ",",
    Ellipse => "...",
    TwoDots => "..",
    Dot => ".",
    TwoEqual => "==",
    Equal => "=",
    GreaterThanEqual => ">=",
    GreaterThan => ">",
    Hash => "#",
    LeftBrace => "{",
    LeftBracket => "[",
    LeftParen => "(",
    LessThanEqual => "<=",
    LessThan => "<",
    Minus => "-",
    Percent => "%",
    Plus => "+",
    RightBrace => "}",
    RightBracket => "]",
    RightParen => ")",
    Semicolon => ";",
    Slash => "/",
    Star => "*",
    TildeEqual => "~=",

/// The possible errors that can happen while tokenizing.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub enum TokenizerErrorType {
    /// An unclosed multi-line comment was found
    /// An unclosed string was found
    /// An unexpected token was found

/// The type of tokens in parsed code
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(tag = "type"))]
pub enum TokenType<'a> {
    /// End of file, should always be the very last token

    /// An identifier, such as `foo`
    Identifier {
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(borrow))]
        /// The identifier itself
        identifier: Cow<'a, str>,

    /// A multi line comment in the format of --[[ comment ]]
    MultiLineComment {
        /// Number of equals signs, if any, for the multi line comment
        /// For example, `--[=[` would have a `blocks` value of `1`
        blocks: usize,
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(borrow))]
        /// The comment itself, ignoring opening and closing tags
        comment: Cow<'a, str>,

    /// A literal number, such as `3.3`
    Number {
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(borrow))]
        /// The text representing the number, includes details such as `0x`
        text: Cow<'a, str>,

    /// A single line comment, such as `-- comment`
    SingleLineComment {
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(borrow))]
        /// The comment, ignoring initial `--`
        comment: Cow<'a, str>,

    /// A literal string, such as "Hello, world"
    StringLiteral {
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(borrow))]
        /// The literal itself, ignoring quotation marks
        literal: Cow<'a, str>,
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none"))]
        /// Number of equals signs used for a multi line string, if it is one
        /// For example, `[=[string]=]` would have a `multi_line` value of Some(1)
        /// [[string]] would have a `multi_line` value of Some(0)
        /// A string such as `"string"` would have a `multi_line` value of None
        multi_line: Option<usize>,
        /// The type of quotation mark used to make the string
        quote_type: StringLiteralQuoteType,

    /// A [`Symbol`](enum.Symbol.html), such as `local` or `+`
    Symbol {
        /// The symbol itself
        symbol: Symbol,

    /// Whitespace, such as tabs or new lines
    Whitespace {
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(borrow))]
        /// Characters consisting of the whitespace
        characters: Cow<'a, str>,

impl<'a> TokenType<'a> {
    /// Returns whether a token can be practically ignored in most cases
    /// Comments and whitespace will return `true`, everything else will return `false`
    pub fn ignore(&self) -> bool {
        match self {
            TokenType::SingleLineComment { .. }
            | TokenType::MultiLineComment { .. }
            | TokenType::Whitespace { .. } => true,
            _ => false,

/// A token such consisting of its [`Position`](struct.Position.html) and a [`TokenType`](enum.TokenType.html)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub struct Token<'a> {
    /// The position a token begins at
    pub start_position: Position,
    /// The position a token ends at
    pub end_position: Position,
    /// The type of token as well as the data needed to represent it
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(borrow))]
    pub token_type: TokenType<'a>,

impl<'a> fmt::Display for Token<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        use self::TokenType::*;

        match &self.token_type {
            Eof => "".to_string(),
            Number { text } => text.to_string(),
            Identifier { identifier } => identifier.to_string(),
            MultiLineComment { blocks, comment } => {
                format!("--[{0}[{1}]{0}]", "=".repeat(*blocks), comment)
            SingleLineComment { comment } => format!("--{}", comment),
            StringLiteral {
            } => {
                if let Some(blocks) = multi_line {
                    format!("[{0}[{1}]{0}]", "=".repeat(*blocks), literal.to_string())
                } else {
                    format!("{0}{1}{0}", quote_type.to_string(), literal.to_string())
            Symbol { symbol } => symbol.to_string(),
            Whitespace { characters } => characters.to_string(),

// Copy and paste code :(
impl<'ast> Visit<'ast> for Token<'ast> {
    fn visit<V: Visitor<'ast>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) {
        match self.token_type {
            TokenType::Eof => visitor.visit_eof(self),
            TokenType::Identifier { .. } => visitor.visit_identifier(self),
            TokenType::MultiLineComment { .. } => visitor.visit_multi_line_comment(self),
            TokenType::Number { .. } => visitor.visit_number(self),
            TokenType::SingleLineComment { .. } => visitor.visit_single_line_comment(self),
            TokenType::StringLiteral { .. } => visitor.visit_string_literal(self),
            TokenType::Symbol { .. } => visitor.visit_symbol(self),
            TokenType::Whitespace { .. } => visitor.visit_whitespace(self),

impl<'ast> VisitMut<'ast> for Token<'ast> {
    fn visit_mut<V: VisitorMut<'ast>>(&mut self, visitor: &mut V) {
        match self.token_type {
            TokenType::Eof => visitor.visit_eof(self),
            TokenType::Identifier { .. } => visitor.visit_identifier(self),
            TokenType::MultiLineComment { .. } => visitor.visit_multi_line_comment(self),
            TokenType::Number { .. } => visitor.visit_number(self),
            TokenType::SingleLineComment { .. } => visitor.visit_single_line_comment(self),
            TokenType::StringLiteral { .. } => visitor.visit_string_literal(self),
            TokenType::Symbol { .. } => visitor.visit_symbol(self),
            TokenType::Whitespace { .. } => visitor.visit_whitespace(self),

/// Used to represent exact positions of tokens in code
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub struct Position {
    /// How many bytes, ignoring lines, it would take to find this position
    pub bytes: usize,
    /// Index of the character on the line for this position
    pub character: usize,
    /// Line the position lies on
    pub line: usize,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct TokenAdvancement<'a> {
    pub advance: usize,
    pub token_type: TokenType<'a>,

/// The types of quotes used in a Lua string
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub enum StringLiteralQuoteType {
    /// Strings formatted \[\[with brackets\]\]
    /// Strings formatted "with double quotes"
    /// Strings formatted 'with single quotes'

impl<'a> fmt::Display for StringLiteralQuoteType {
    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            StringLiteralQuoteType::Brackets => unreachable!(),
            StringLiteralQuoteType::Double => "\"",
            StringLiteralQuoteType::Single => "'",

lazy_static! {
    static ref PATTERN_IDENTIFIER: Regex = Regex::new(r"[^\W\d]+\w*").unwrap();
    static ref PATTERN_NUMBER: Regex =
    static ref PATTERN_COMMENT_MULTI_LINE_BEGIN: Regex = Regex::new(r"--\[(=*)\[").unwrap();
    static ref PATTERN_COMMENT_SINGLE_LINE: Regex = Regex::new(r"--([^\n]*)").unwrap();
    static ref PATTERN_STRING_MULTI_LINE_BEGIN: Regex = Regex::new(r"\[(=*)\[").unwrap();
    static ref PATTERN_WHITESPACE: Regex = Regex::new(r"(^[^\S\n]+\n?|\n)").unwrap();

type Advancement<'a> = Result<Option<TokenAdvancement<'a>>, TokenizerErrorType>;

macro_rules! advance_regex {
    ($code:expr, $regex:ident, $token_type:ident($find:ident) $block:tt) => {
        if let Some($find) = $regex.find($code) {
            if $find.start() != 0 {
            } else {
                Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
                    advance: $find.end() - $find.start(),
                    token_type: TokenType::$token_type $block,
        } else {

fn advance_comment(code: &str) -> Advancement {
    if let Some(captures) = PATTERN_COMMENT_MULTI_LINE_BEGIN.captures(code) {
        let whole_beginning = captures.get(0).unwrap();
        if whole_beginning.start() == 0 {
            let block_count = match captures.get(1) {
                Some(block_count) => block_count.end() - block_count.start(),
                None => 0,

            let end_regex = Regex::new(&format!(r"\]={{{}}}\]", block_count)).unwrap();

            let end_find = match end_regex.find(code) {
                Some(find) => find,
                None => return Err(TokenizerErrorType::UnclosedComment),

            return Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
                advance: end_find.end(),
                token_type: TokenType::MultiLineComment {
                    blocks: block_count,
                    comment: Cow::from(&code[whole_beginning.end()..end_find.start()]),

    if let Some(find) = PATTERN_COMMENT_SINGLE_LINE.find(code) {
        if find.start() == 0 {
            return Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
                advance: find.end(),
                token_type: TokenType::SingleLineComment {
                    comment: Cow::from(&find.as_str()[2..]),


fn advance_number(code: &str) -> Advancement {
    advance_regex!(code, PATTERN_NUMBER, Number(find) {
        text: Cow::from(find.as_str()),

fn advance_identifier(code: &str) -> Advancement {
    advance_regex!(code, PATTERN_IDENTIFIER, Identifier(find) {
        identifier: Cow::from(find.as_str()),

fn advance_quote(code: &str) -> Advancement {
    if let Some(captures) = PATTERN_STRING_MULTI_LINE_BEGIN.captures(code) {
        let whole_beginning = captures.get(0).unwrap();
        if whole_beginning.start() == 0 {
            let block_count = match captures.get(1) {
                Some(block_count) => block_count.end() - block_count.start(),
                None => 0,

            let end_regex = Regex::new(&format!(r"\]={{{}}}\]", block_count)).unwrap();

            let end_find = match end_regex.find(code) {
                Some(find) => find,
                None => return Err(TokenizerErrorType::UnclosedString),

            return Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
                advance: end_find.end(),
                token_type: TokenType::StringLiteral {
                    multi_line: Some(block_count),
                    literal: Cow::from(&code[whole_beginning.end()..end_find.start()]),
                    quote_type: StringLiteralQuoteType::Brackets,

    let quote = if code.starts_with('"') {
    } else if code.starts_with('\'') {
    } else {
        return Ok(None);

    let mut end = None;
    let mut escape = false;

    for (index, character) in code.char_indices().skip(1) {
        if character == '\\' {
            escape = !escape;
        } else if character == quote {
            if escape {
                escape = false;
            } else {
                end = Some(index);
        } else if character == '\r' || character == '\n' {
            return Err(TokenizerErrorType::UnclosedString);
        } else {
            escape = false;

    if let Some(end) = end {
        Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
            advance: end + 1,
            token_type: TokenType::StringLiteral {
                literal: Cow::from(&code[1..end]),
                multi_line: None,
                quote_type: match quote {
                    '"' => StringLiteralQuoteType::Double,
                    '\'' => StringLiteralQuoteType::Single,
                    _ => unreachable!(),
    } else {
        return Err(TokenizerErrorType::UnclosedString);

fn advance_symbol(code: &str) -> Advancement {
    if code.chars().next().unwrap().is_alphanumeric() {
        let identifier = PATTERN_IDENTIFIER.find(code).unwrap();
        let expected_len = identifier.end() - identifier.start();

        advance_regex!(&code[0..expected_len], PATTERN_SYMBOL, Symbol(find) {
            symbol: {
                if find.end() - find.start() == expected_len {
                } else {
                    return Ok(None)
    } else {
        advance_regex!(code, PATTERN_SYMBOL, Symbol(find) {
            symbol: Symbol::from_str(find.as_str()).unwrap(),

// Keep finding whitespace until the line ends
fn advance_whitespace(code: &str) -> Advancement {
    advance_regex!(code, PATTERN_WHITESPACE, Whitespace(find) {
        characters: Cow::from(find.as_str()),

/// Information about an error that occurs while tokenizing
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub struct TokenizerError {
    /// The type of error
    error: TokenizerErrorType,
    /// The position of the token that caused the error
    position: Position,

impl fmt::Display for TokenizerError {
    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            "{} at line {}, column {}",
            match self.error {
                TokenizerErrorType::UnclosedComment => "unclosed comment".to_string(),
                TokenizerErrorType::UnclosedString => "unclosed string".to_string(),
                TokenizerErrorType::UnexpectedToken(character) => {
                    format!("unexpected character {}", character)

impl std::error::Error for TokenizerError {}

/// Returns a list of [`Token`](struct.Token.html) structs.
/// You probably want [`parse`](../fn.parse.html) instead.
/// # Errors
/// If the code passed is malformed from normal Lua expectations,
/// a [`TokenizerError`](struct.TokenizerError.html) will be returned.
/// ```rust
/// # use full_moon::tokenizer::tokens;
/// assert!(tokens("local x = 1").is_ok());
/// assert!(tokens("local 4 = end").is_ok()); // tokens does *not* check validity of code, only tokenizing
/// assert!(tokens("--[[ Unclosed comment!").is_err());
/// ```
pub fn tokens<'a>(code: &'a str) -> Result<Vec<Token<'a>>, TokenizerError> {
    let mut tokens = Vec::new();
    let mut position = Position {
        bytes: 0,
        character: 1,
        line: 1,

    let mut next_is_new_line = false;

    macro_rules! advance {
        ($function:ident) => {
            match $function(&code[position.bytes..]) {
                Ok(Some(advancement)) => {
                    let start_position = position;

                    for character in code[position.bytes..].chars().take(advancement.advance) {
                        if next_is_new_line {
                            next_is_new_line = false;
                            position.line += 1;
                            position.character = 1;

                        if character == '\n' {
                            next_is_new_line = true;
                        } else {
                            position.character += 1;

                        position.bytes += 1;

                    tokens.push(Token {
                        end_position: position,
                        token_type: advancement.token_type,


                Ok(None) => {}

                Err(error) => {
                    return Err(TokenizerError { error, position });

    while code.len() > position.bytes {

        return Err(TokenizerError {
            error: TokenizerErrorType::UnexpectedToken(
                    .expect("text overflow while giving unexpected token error"),

    tokens.push(Token {
        start_position: position,
        end_position: position,
        token_type: TokenType::Eof,


mod tests {
    use crate::tokenizer::*;
    use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;

    macro_rules! test_advancer {
        ($advancer:ident($code:tt), $result:expr) => {
            assert_eq!($advancer($code), $result);

            let result: Advancement = $result;
            match result {
                Ok(Some(token)) => {
                    let tokens = tokens($code).expect("couldn't tokenize");
                    let first_token = &tokens.get(0).expect("tokenized response is empty");
                    assert_eq!(first_token.token_type, token.token_type);

                Err(advancement_error) => {
                    if let Err(TokenizerError { error, .. }) = tokens($code) {
                        assert_eq!(error, advancement_error);

                _ => {}

    fn test_advance_comment() {
            advance_comment("-- hello world"),
            Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
                advance: 14,
                token_type: TokenType::SingleLineComment {
                    comment: Cow::from(" hello world"),

    fn test_advance_numbers() {
            Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
                advance: 3,
                token_type: TokenType::Number {
                    text: Cow::from("213"),

            Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
                advance: 6,
                token_type: TokenType::Number {
                    text: Cow::from("123.45"),

    fn test_advance_identifier() {
            Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
                advance: 5,
                token_type: TokenType::Identifier {
                    identifier: Cow::from("hello"),

            advance_identifier("hello world"),
            Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
                advance: 5,
                token_type: TokenType::Identifier {
                    identifier: Cow::from("hello"),

            Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
                advance: 8,
                token_type: TokenType::Identifier {
                    identifier: Cow::from("hello___"),

        test_advancer!(advance_identifier("123"), Ok(None));

    fn test_advance_symbols() {
            Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
                advance: 5,
                token_type: TokenType::Symbol {
                    symbol: Symbol::Local

    fn test_advance_whitespace() {
            advance_whitespace("\t  \n"),
            Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
                advance: 4,
                token_type: TokenType::Whitespace {
                    characters: Cow::from("\t  \n"),

            Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
                advance: 1,
                token_type: TokenType::Whitespace {
                    characters: Cow::from("\t"),

            Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
                advance: 3,
                token_type: TokenType::Whitespace {
                    characters: Cow::from("\t\t\n"),

    fn test_advance_quote() {
            Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
                advance: 7,
                token_type: TokenType::StringLiteral {
                    literal: Cow::from("hello"),
                    multi_line: None,
                    quote_type: StringLiteralQuoteType::Double,


    fn test_symbols_within_symbols() {
        // "index" should not return "in"
        test_advancer!(advance_symbol("index"), Ok(None));

        // "<=" should not return "<"
            Ok(Some(TokenAdvancement {
                advance: 2,
                token_type: TokenType::Symbol {
                    symbol: Symbol::LessThanEqual,

    fn test_new_line_on_same_line() {
            Token {
                start_position: Position {
                    bytes: 0,
                    character: 1,
                    line: 1,
                end_position: Position {
                    bytes: 1,
                    character: 1,
                    line: 1,
                token_type: TokenType::Whitespace {
                    characters: Cow::from("\n")