fuel-vm 0.25.2

FuelVM interpreter.
//! [`Interpreter`] implementation

use crate::call::CallFrame;
use crate::consts::*;
use crate::context::Context;
use crate::gas::GasCosts;
use crate::state::Debugger;
use fuel_asm::PanicReason;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::io::Read;
use std::ops::Index;
use std::{io, mem};

use fuel_tx::{
    field, Chargeable, CheckError, ConsensusParameters, Create, Executable, Output, Receipt, Script, Transaction,
    TransactionFee, TransactionRepr, UniqueIdentifier,
use fuel_types::bytes::{SerializableVec, SizedBytes};
use fuel_types::{Address, AssetId, ContractId, Word};

mod alu;
mod balances;
mod blockchain;
mod constructors;
mod contract;
mod crypto;
pub mod diff;
mod executors;
mod flow;
mod frame;
mod gas;
mod initialization;
mod internal;
mod log;
mod memory;
mod metadata;
mod post_execution;

#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
mod debug;

#[cfg(feature = "profile-any")]
use crate::profiler::Profiler;

#[cfg(feature = "profile-gas")]
use crate::profiler::InstructionLocation;

pub use balances::RuntimeBalances;
pub use memory::MemoryRange;

use crate::checked_transaction::{CreateCheckedMetadata, IntoChecked, ScriptCheckedMetadata};

/// VM interpreter.
/// The internal state of the VM isn't expose because the intended usage is to
/// either inspect the resulting receipts after a transaction execution, or the
/// resulting mutated transaction.
/// These can be obtained with the help of a [`crate::transactor::Transactor`]
/// or a client implementation.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Interpreter<S, Tx = ()> {
    registers: [Word; VM_REGISTER_COUNT],
    memory: Vec<u8>,
    frames: Vec<CallFrame>,
    receipts: Vec<Receipt>,
    tx: Tx,
    initial_balances: InitialBalances,
    storage: S,
    debugger: Debugger,
    context: Context,
    balances: RuntimeBalances,
    gas_costs: GasCosts,
    #[cfg(feature = "profile-any")]
    profiler: Profiler,
    params: ConsensusParameters,
    /// `PanicContext` after the latest execution. It is consumed by `append_panic_receipt`
    /// and is `PanicContext::None` after consumption.
    panic_context: PanicContext,

/// Sometimes it is possible to add some additional context information
/// regarding panic reasons to simplify debugging.
// TODO: Move this enum into `fuel-tx` and use it inside of the `Receipt::Panic` as meta
//  information. Maybe better to have `Vec<PanicContext>` to provide more information.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) enum PanicContext {
    /// No additional information.
    /// `ContractId` retrieved during instruction execution.

impl<S, Tx> Interpreter<S, Tx> {
    /// Returns the current state of the VM memory
    pub fn memory(&self) -> &[u8] {

    /// Returns the current state of the registers
    pub const fn registers(&self) -> &[Word] {

    pub(crate) fn call_stack(&self) -> &[CallFrame] {

    /// Debug handler
    pub const fn debugger(&self) -> &Debugger {

    pub(crate) const fn is_unsafe_math(&self) -> bool {
        self.registers[REG_FLAG] & 0x01 == 0x01

    pub(crate) const fn is_wrapping(&self) -> bool {
        self.registers[REG_FLAG] & 0x02 == 0x02

    /// The current transaction.
    pub fn transaction(&self) -> &Tx {

    /// The initial balances.
    pub fn initial_balances(&self) -> &InitialBalances {

    /// Consensus parameters
    pub const fn params(&self) -> &ConsensusParameters {

    /// Gas costs for opcodes
    pub fn gas_costs(&self) -> &GasCosts {

    /// Receipts generated by a transaction execution.
    pub fn receipts(&self) -> &[Receipt] {

    #[cfg(feature = "profile-gas")]
    fn current_location(&self) -> InstructionLocation {
        use crate::consts::*;
            self.frames.last().map(|frame| *frame.to()),
            self.registers[REG_PC] - self.registers[REG_IS],

    /// Reference to the underlying profiler
    #[cfg(feature = "profile-any")]
    pub const fn profiler(&self) -> &Profiler {

impl<S, Tx> AsRef<S> for Interpreter<S, Tx> {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &S {

impl<S, Tx> AsMut<S> for Interpreter<S, Tx> {
    fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut S {
        &mut self.storage

/// The definition of the executable transaction supported by the `Interpreter`.
pub trait ExecutableTransaction:
    + Clone
    + Chargeable
    + Executable
    + IntoChecked
    + UniqueIdentifier
    + field::Maturity
    + field::Inputs
    + field::Outputs
    + field::Witnesses
    + Into<Transaction>
    + SizedBytes
    + SerializableVec
    /// Casts the `Self` transaction into `&Script` if any.
    fn as_script(&self) -> Option<&Script>;

    /// Casts the `Self` transaction into `&mut Script` if any.
    fn as_script_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Script>;

    /// Casts the `Self` transaction into `&Create` if any.
    fn as_create(&self) -> Option<&Create>;

    /// Casts the `Self` transaction into `&mut Create` if any.
    fn as_create_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Create>;

    /// Returns the type of the transaction like `Transaction::Create` or `Transaction::Script`.
    fn transaction_type() -> Word;

    /// Dumps the `Output` by the `idx` into the `buf` buffer.
    fn output_to_mem(&mut self, idx: usize, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
            .ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Invalid output idx"))
            .and_then(|o| o.read(buf))

    /// Replaces the `Output::Message` with the `output`(should be also `Output::Message`)
    /// by the `idx` index.
    fn replace_message_output(&mut self, idx: usize, output: Output) -> Result<(), PanicReason> {
        // TODO increase the error granularity for this case - create a new variant of panic reason
        if !matches!(&output, Output::Message {
            } if recipient != &Address::zeroed())
            return Err(PanicReason::OutputNotFound);

            .and_then(|o| match o {
                Output::Message { recipient, .. } if recipient == &Address::zeroed() => Some(o),
                _ => None,
            .map(|o| mem::replace(o, output))
            .map(|_| ())

    /// Replaces the `Output::Variable` with the `output`(should be also `Output::Variable`)
    /// by the `idx` index.
    fn replace_variable_output(&mut self, idx: usize, output: Output) -> Result<(), PanicReason> {
        if !output.is_variable() {
            return Err(PanicReason::ExpectedOutputVariable);

        // TODO increase the error granularity for this case - create a new variant of panic reason
            .and_then(|o| match o {
                Output::Variable { amount, .. } if amount == &0 => Some(o),
                _ => None,
            .map(|o| mem::replace(o, output))
            .map(|_| ())

    /// Update change and variable outputs.
    /// `revert` will signal if the execution was reverted. It will refund the unused gas cost to
    /// the base asset and reset output changes to their `initial_balances`.
    /// `remaining_gas` expects the raw content of `$ggas`
    /// `initial_balances` contains the initial state of the free balances
    /// `balances` will contain the current state of the free balances
    fn update_outputs<I>(
        &mut self,
        params: &ConsensusParameters,
        revert: bool,
        remaining_gas: Word,
        initial_balances: &InitialBalances,
        balances: &I,
    ) -> Result<(), CheckError>
        I: for<'a> Index<&'a AssetId, Output = Word>,
        let gas_refund = TransactionFee::gas_refund_value(params, remaining_gas, self.price())

        self.outputs_mut().iter_mut().try_for_each(|o| match o {
            // If revert, set base asset to initial balance and refund unused gas
            // Note: the initial balance deducts the gas limit from base asset
            Output::Change { asset_id, amount, .. } if revert && asset_id == &AssetId::BASE => initial_balances
                .map(|v| *amount = v)

            // If revert, reset any non-base asset to its initial balance
            Output::Change { asset_id, amount, .. } if revert => {
                *amount = initial_balances[asset_id];

            // The change for the base asset will be the available balance + unused gas
            Output::Change { asset_id, amount, .. } if asset_id == &AssetId::BASE => balances[asset_id]
                .map(|v| *amount = v)

            // Set changes to the remainder provided balances
            Output::Change { asset_id, amount, .. } => {
                *amount = balances[asset_id];

            // If revert, zeroes all variable output values
            Output::Variable { amount, .. } if revert => {
                *amount = 0;

            // Other outputs are unaffected
            _ => Ok(()),

    /// Finds `Output::Contract` corresponding to the `input` index.
    fn find_output_contract(&self, input: usize) -> Option<(usize, &Output)> {
        self.outputs().iter().enumerate().find(|(_idx, o)| {
            matches!(o, Output::Contract {
                input_index, ..
            } if *input_index as usize == input)

impl ExecutableTransaction for Create {
    fn as_script(&self) -> Option<&Script> {

    fn as_script_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Script> {

    fn as_create(&self) -> Option<&Create> {

    fn as_create_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Create> {

    fn transaction_type() -> Word {
        TransactionRepr::Create as Word

impl ExecutableTransaction for Script {
    fn as_script(&self) -> Option<&Script> {

    fn as_script_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Script> {

    fn as_create(&self) -> Option<&Create> {

    fn as_create_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Create> {

    fn transaction_type() -> Word {
        TransactionRepr::Script as Word

/// The alias of initial balances of the transaction.
pub type InitialBalances = BTreeMap<AssetId, Word>;

/// Methods that should be implemented by the checked metadata of supported transactions.
pub trait CheckedMetadata {
    /// Returns the initial balances from the checked metadata of the transaction.
    fn balances(self) -> InitialBalances;

    /// Get gas used by predicates. Returns zero if the predicates haven't been checked.
    fn gas_used_by_predicates(&self) -> Word;

    /// Set gas used by predicates after checking them.
    fn set_gas_used_by_predicates(&mut self, gas_used: Word);

impl CheckedMetadata for ScriptCheckedMetadata {
    fn balances(self) -> InitialBalances {

    fn gas_used_by_predicates(&self) -> Word {

    fn set_gas_used_by_predicates(&mut self, gas_used: Word) {
        self.gas_used_by_predicates = gas_used;

impl CheckedMetadata for CreateCheckedMetadata {
    fn balances(self) -> InitialBalances {

    fn gas_used_by_predicates(&self) -> Word {

    fn set_gas_used_by_predicates(&mut self, gas_used: Word) {
        self.gas_used_by_predicates = gas_used;