fuel-vm 0.25.2

FuelVM interpreter.
//! Arithmetic functions for the Fuel VM

use fuel_asm::{PanicReason, Word};

use crate::error::RuntimeError;

/// Add two unchecked words, returning an error if overflow
pub fn checked_add_word(a: Word, b: Word) -> Result<Word, PanicReason> {

/// Subtract two unchecked words, returning an error if overflow
pub fn checked_sub_word(a: Word, b: Word) -> Result<Word, PanicReason> {

/// Add two unchecked numbers, returning an error if overflow
pub fn checked_add_usize(a: usize, b: usize) -> Result<usize, PanicReason> {

/// Subtract two unchecked numbers, returning an error if overflow
pub fn checked_sub_usize(a: usize, b: usize) -> Result<usize, PanicReason> {

/// Add two checked words. Might wrap if overflow
/// The function is inlined so it will be optimized to `a + b` if `optimized` feature is enabled so
/// the operation is unchecked.
/// This should be used in contexts that are checked and guaranteed by the protocol to never
/// overflow, but then they might due to some bug in the code.
pub fn add_word(a: Word, b: Word) -> Result<Word, RuntimeError> {
    #[cfg(feature = "optimized")]
    return Ok(a + b);

    #[cfg(not(feature = "optimized"))]
    return a
        .ok_or_else(|| RuntimeError::unexpected_behavior("unexpected overflow"));

/// Subtract two checked words. Might wrap if overflow
/// The function is inlined so it will be optimized to `a + b` if `optimized` feature is enabled so
/// the operation is unchecked.
/// This should be used in contexts that are checked and guaranteed by the protocol to never
/// overflow, but then they might due to some bug in the code.
pub fn sub_word(a: Word, b: Word) -> Result<Word, RuntimeError> {
    #[cfg(feature = "optimized")]
    return Ok(a - b);

    #[cfg(not(feature = "optimized"))]
    return a
        .ok_or_else(|| RuntimeError::unexpected_behavior("unexpected underflow"));

/// Add two numbers. Should be used only in compile-time evaluations so the code won't compile in
/// case of unexpected overflow.
pub const fn add_usize(a: usize, b: usize) -> usize {
    a + b