ftp 3.0.1

FTP client for Rust
#![crate_name = "ftp"]
#![crate_type = "lib"]

//! ftp is an FTP client written in Rust.
//! ### Usage
//! Here is a basic usage example:
//! ```rust
//! use ftp::FtpStream;
//! let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect("").unwrap_or_else(|err|
//!     panic!("{}", err)
//! );
//! let _ = ftp_stream.quit();
//! ```
//! ### FTPS
//! The client supports FTPS on demand. To enable it the client should be
//! compiled with feature `openssl` enabled what requires
//! [openssl](https://crates.io/crates/openssl) dependency.
//! The client uses explicit mode for connecting FTPS what means you should
//! connect the server as usually and then switch to the secure mode (TLS is used).
//! For better security it's the good practice to switch to the secure mode
//! before authentication.
//! ### FTPS Usage
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use ftp::FtpStream;
//! use ftp::openssl::ssl::{ SslContext, SslMethod };
//! let ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect("").unwrap();
//! let ctx = SslContext::builder(SslMethod::tls()).unwrap().build();
//! // Switch to the secure mode
//! let mut ftp_stream = ftp_stream.into_secure(ctx).unwrap();
//! ftp_stream.login("anonymous", "anonymous").unwrap();
//! // Do other secret stuff
//! // Switch back to the insecure mode (if required)
//! let mut ftp_stream = ftp_stream.into_insecure().unwrap();
//! // Do all public stuff
//! let _ = ftp_stream.quit();
//! ```

#[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate regex;
extern crate chrono;

#[cfg(feature = "secure")]
pub extern crate openssl;

mod ftp;
mod data_stream;
pub mod types;
pub mod status;

pub use self::ftp::FtpStream;
pub use self::types::FtpError;