ftdc 0.1.4

Crate to download ftdc data for mongodb clusters.
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::thread;
use std::time;

use async_recursion::async_recursion;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use diqwest::WithDigestAuth;
use indicatif::ProgressBar;
use reqwest::{Client, StatusCode};

use crate::error::Error;
use crate::model::{Clusters, JobId, JobState, JobStatus, LogCollectionJob, Shard};
use crate::progress::SpinnerHelper;

pub trait FtdcLoader {
    async fn get_ftdc_data(
        group_key: &str,
        replica_set_name: &str,
        byte_size: u64,
        public: &str,
        private: &str,
    ) -> Result<String, Error>;

pub struct FtdcDataService {
    pub client: Client,

impl FtdcLoader for FtdcDataService {
    async fn get_ftdc_data(
        group_key: &str,
        replica_set_name: &str,
        byte_size: u64,
        public: &str,
        private: &str,
    ) -> Result<String, Error> {
        let replica_set = self
            .get_replica_set(group_key, replica_set_name, public, private)
        let job_id = self
            .create_ftdc_job(group_key, &replica_set, byte_size, public, private)

        let check_job_status_spinner =
            SpinnerHelper::create(format!("Check job status of job with id: {job_id}"));
        let _download_url = self

        let download_ftdc_data_spinner = SpinnerHelper::create(format!(
            "Start to download FTDC data for job with id: {job_id}"


impl FtdcDataService {
    async fn get_replica_set(
        group_key: &str,
        replica_set_name: &str,
        public: &str,
        private: &str,
    ) -> Result<String, Error> {
        let processes = self
            .get(&format!("{url}/{group_key}/processes", url = url()))
            .send_with_digest_auth(public, private)

        match processes.status() {
      StatusCode::OK => {
        let response_body = processes.text().await?;
        let shards = serde_json::from_str::<Clusters>(&response_body)?.results;
        let shards: Vec<Shard> = shards
          .filter(|s| {
              && (s.user_alias.contains(replica_set_name) || s.replica_set_name == Some(replica_set_name.to_string()))

        shards.first().and_then(|s| s.replica_set_name.as_ref()).iter().fold(
          Err(Error::ReplicaSetNotFound(format!("No replica set found that corresponds to {replica_set_name}"))),
          |_, s| Ok(s.to_string()),
      _ => Err(Error::ReplicaSetNotFound(format!(
        "Something went wrong trying to get the list of running processes. Please try later. Currently running processes: {processes}",
        processes = processes.text().await?

    async fn create_ftdc_job(
        group_key: &str,
        replica_set: &str,
        byte_size: u64,
        public: &str,
        private: &str,
    ) -> Result<JobId, Error> {
        println!("Starting FTDC data job for ReplicaSet: {replica_set}");

        let create_ftdc_job = self
            .post(format!("{url}/{group_key}/logCollectionJobs", url = url()))
            .header("Content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
            .json(&LogCollectionJob::from(replica_set, byte_size))
            .send_with_digest_auth(public, private)

        match create_ftdc_job.status() {
            StatusCode::CREATED => {
                let response_body = create_ftdc_job.text().await?;
            _ => Err(Error::CreateJob(format!(
                "Something went wrong creating the FTDC job: {error}",
                error = create_ftdc_job.text().await?

    async fn check_job_state(
        group_key: &str,
        job_id: &str,
        spinner: &ProgressBar,
        public: &str,
        private: &str,
    ) -> Result<String, Error> {
        let check_job_status = self
                url = url()
            .send_with_digest_auth(public, private)

        match check_job_status.status() {
            StatusCode::OK => {
                let job_status = check_job_status.text().await?;
                let job_status = serde_json::from_str::<JobStatus>(&job_status)?;

                match JobState::from_str(job_status.status)? {
                    JobState::InProgress => {
                        spinner.set_message(format!("IN_PROGRESS – job id: {job_id}"));
                        self.check_job_state(group_key, job_id, spinner, public, private)
                    JobState::Succcess | JobState::MarkedForExpiry => {
                            "SUCCESS – FTDC data for job with id {job_id} will be downloaded."
                    JobState::Failure | JobState::Expired => {
                            "FAILURE – Something went wrong creating job with id {job_id}."
                            "Failure while job creation. Please try again.".to_string(),
            _ => Err(Error::CheckJobStatus(format!(
        "Something went wrong checking the jobs status. Try again later. Error message: {error}",
        error = check_job_status.text().await?

    async fn download_ftdc_data(
        group_key: &str,
        job_id: &str,
        replica_set: &str,
        spinner: &ProgressBar,
        public: &str,
        private: &str,
    ) -> Result<String, Error> {
        let download_url = format!(
            url = url()
        let response = self
            .send_with_digest_auth(public, private)

        match response.status() {
      StatusCode::OK => {
        spinner.set_message(format!("PROGRESS – Download FTDC data for job with id: {job_id}"));

        let bytes = response.bytes().await?;
        let mut slice: &[u8] = bytes.as_ref();
        let file_name = format!("ftdc_data_{replica_set}_job_{job_id}.tar.gz");
        let file_name = file_name.as_str();
        let mut out = File::create(file_name)?;
        io::copy(&mut slice, &mut out)?;

        spinner.finish_with_message(format!("SUCCESS – FTDC data for job with id {job_id} downloaded."));

          current_dir = env::current_dir()?.display()
      _ => Err(Error::Download(format!(
        "Something went wrong downloading the FTDC data. Try to download at: {url}. Status code: {status}. Body: {body}",
        url = download_url,
        status = response.status(),
        body = response.text().await?

use mockito::server_url;

const MONGODB_URL: &str = "https://cloud.mongodb.com/api/atlas/v1.0/groups";

fn url() -> String {
    let url = String::from(MONGODB_URL);
    let url = server_url();

mod tests {
    use crate::model::{Clusters, JobId, JobStatus, Shard};
    use crate::service::FtdcDataService;
    use indicatif::ProgressBar;
    use mockito::mock;
    use reqwest::Client;

    fn ftdc_data_service() -> FtdcDataService {
        FtdcDataService { client: Client::new() }

    async fn given_explicit_replica_set_name_when_get_replica_set_then_get_the_same_name() {
        // Given
        let clusters = Clusters {
            results: vec![Shard {
                user_alias: "something that does not matter".to_string(),
                type_name: "".to_string(),
                replica_set_name: Some("my-replica-set".to_string()),
        let _m = mock("GET", "/my-group-key/processes")
            .with_header("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")

        // When
        let response = ftdc_data_service()
            .get_replica_set("my-group-key", "my-replica-set", "", "")

        // Then
        assert_eq!(&response, "my-replica-set");

    async fn given_shard_name_when_get_replica_set_then_get_corresponding_replica_set() {
        // Given
        let clusters = Clusters {
            results: vec![Shard {
                user_alias: "my-rs-shard-00".to_string(),
                type_name: "".to_string(),
                replica_set_name: Some("my-replica-set".to_string()),
        let _m = mock("GET", "/my-group-key/processes")
            .with_header("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")

        // When
        let response = ftdc_data_service()
            .get_replica_set("my-group-key", "my-rs-shard-00", "", "")

        // Then
        assert_eq!(&response, "my-replica-set");

    async fn given_wrong_name_when_get_replica_set_then_no_rs_error() {
        // Given
        let clusters = Clusters {
            results: vec![Shard {
                user_alias: "my-rs-shard-00".to_string(),
                type_name: "".to_string(),
                replica_set_name: Some("my-replica-set".to_string()),
        let _m = mock("GET", "/my-group-key/processes")
            .with_header("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")

        // When
        let replica_set_not_found_error = ftdc_data_service()
            .get_replica_set("my-group-key", "another-rs-shard-00", "", "")

        // Then
            "No replica set found that corresponds to another-rs-shard-00"

    async fn given_no_processes_in_the_given_group_when_get_replica_set_then_no_rs_error() {
        // Given
        let clusters = Clusters { results: vec![] };
        let _m = mock("GET", "/my-group-key/processes")
            .with_header("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")

        // When
        let replica_set_not_found_error = ftdc_data_service()
            .get_replica_set("my-group-key", "another-rs-shard-00", "", "")

        // Then
            "No replica set found that corresponds to another-rs-shard-00"

    async fn given_replica_set_when_create_ftdc_job_then_give_job_id() {
        // Given
        let job_id = JobId { id: String::from("new-job-id-73") };
        let _m = mock("POST", "/my-group-key/logCollectionJobs")
            .with_header("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")

        // When
        let response = ftdc_data_service()
            .create_ftdc_job("my-group-key", "another-rs-shard-00", 10, "", "")

        // Then
        assert_eq!(response, JobId { id: String::from("new-job-id-73") });

    async fn given_job_id_when_check_job_state_then_give_success() {
        // Given
        let job_id = "new-job-id-73";
        let job_status =
            JobStatus { id: "any id", download_url: "download from here", status: "SUCCESS" };
        let spinner = ProgressBar::new_spinner();
        let _m = mock("GET", "/my-group-key/logCollectionJobs/new-job-id-73")
            .with_header("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")

        // When
        let response = ftdc_data_service()
            .check_job_state("my-group-key", job_id, &spinner, "", "")

        // Then
        assert_eq!(response, String::from("download from here"));