from-attr-macro 0.1.2

Macros for from-attr
# from-attr

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This crate provides some derive macros for parsing values from attributes.

## Inspired

This crate inspired by [attribute-derive](

## Example

use from_attr::FromAttr;
use syn::{parse_quote, Expr, LitStr, Type};

#[attribute(idents = [test])]
struct Test {
    a: LitStr,
    b: Option<String>,
    c: Type,
    d: Expr,
    e: Vec<Type>,
    f: bool,
    g: bool,

let attrs = [
    parse_quote!(#[test(a = "a", b = "b", c = (), d = if true { "a" } else { "b" }, e = [(), Debug], f)]),

let test = Test::from_attributes(&attrs).unwrap().unwrap().value;

assert_eq!(test.a.value(), "a");
assert_eq!(test.b.unwrap(), "b");
assert!(matches!(test.c, Type::Tuple(_)));
assert!(matches!(test.d, Expr::If(_)));
assert!(test.e.len() == 2);

More examples can be found in the [examples](./examples/) directories.