freude 0.1.1

Something that is supposed to develop into a full fledges ODE library.


The freude crate will provide steppers and integrators to solve ODEs (ordinary differential equations). It is inspired by boost::numeric::odeint. At the moment it is very, very basic and only supports the explicit 4-th order Runge Kutta (RK4) method.


Pretty much everything. :-)

Recent changes

  • 0.1.1
    • Implement Euler and Heun methods
  • 0.1.0
    • Initial release
    • Definition of explicit, fixed step integrators, steppers
    • Definition of ODEs
    • Implementation of Runge-Kutta-4 method


The crate's name freude is inspired by Beethoven's Ode an die Freude (“Ode to Joy”), and can be pronounced either /ˈfʀɔɪ̯də/ or, alternatively, froy-D-E (as in O-D-E).