freetype-sys 0.1.1

Low level binding for FreeType font library

freetype-sys Build Status

Low level bindings for the FreeType font library

For windows users

In order to easily set-up freetype:

  • Download precompiled versions of libfreetype-6.dll and zlib1.dll (32bits or 64bits)

  • In the root of your project, in one of the parent directories, or in your home directory, create a .cargo directory. This directory should contain a config file that contains the following snippet:

rustc-link-search = ["C:\\Path\\To\\32bits\\Freetype"]
rustc-link-lib = ["freetype-6"]
root = "C:\\Path\\To\\Freetype"

rustc-link-search = ["C:\\Path\\To\\64bits\\Freetype"]
rustc-link-lib = ["freetype-6"]
root = "C:\\Path\\To\\Freetype"

rustc-link-search = ["C:\\Path\\To\\32bits\\Zlib"]
rustc-link-lib = ["zlib1"]
root = "C:\\Path\\To\\Zlib"

rustc-link-search = ["C:\\Path\\To\\64bits\\Zlib"]
rustc-link-lib = ["zlib1"]
root = "C:\\Path\\To\\Zlib"

For more informations, check the official Cargo documentation.