freertos_rs 0.2.0

Rust interface for the FreeRTOS embedded operating system.
use prelude::v1::*;
use base::*;
use shim::*;
use units::*;
use utils::*;
use isr::*;

unsafe impl Send for Task {}

/// Handle for a FreeRTOS task
pub struct Task {
    task_handle: FreeRtosTaskHandle,

/// Task's execution priority. Low priority numbers denote low priority tasks.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct TaskPriority(pub u8);

/// Notification to be sent to a task.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum TaskNotification {
    /// Send the event, unblock the task, the task's notification value isn't changed.
    /// Perform a logical or with the task's notification value.
    /// Increment the task's notification value by one.
    /// Set the task's notification value to this value.
    /// Try to set the task's notification value to this value. Succeeds
    /// only if the task has no pending notifications. Otherwise, the
    /// notification call will fail.

impl TaskNotification {
    fn to_freertos(&self) -> (u32, u8) {
        match *self {
            TaskNotification::NoAction => (0, 0),
            TaskNotification::SetBits(v) => (v, 1),
            TaskNotification::Increment => (0, 2),
            TaskNotification::OverwriteValue(v) => (v, 3),
            TaskNotification::SetValue(v) => (v, 4),

impl TaskPriority {
    fn to_freertos(&self) -> FreeRtosUBaseType {
        self.0 as FreeRtosUBaseType

/// Helper for spawning a new task. Instantiate with [`Task::new()`].
/// [`Task::new()`]:
pub struct TaskBuilder {
    task_name: String,
    task_stack_size: u16,
    task_priority: TaskPriority,

impl TaskBuilder {
    /// Set the task's name.
    pub fn name(&mut self, name: &str) -> &mut Self {
        self.task_name = name.into();

    /// Set the stack size, in words.
    pub fn stack_size(&mut self, stack_size: u16) -> &mut Self {
        self.task_stack_size = stack_size;

    /// Set the task's priority.
    pub fn priority(&mut self, priority: TaskPriority) -> &mut Self {
        self.task_priority = priority;

    /// Start a new task that can't return a value.
    pub fn start<F>(&self, func: F) -> Result<Task, FreeRtosError>
        where F: FnOnce() -> (),
              F: Send + 'static



impl Task {
    /// Prepare a builder object for the new task.
    pub fn new() -> TaskBuilder {
        TaskBuilder {
            task_name: "rust_task".into(),
            task_stack_size: 1024,
            task_priority: TaskPriority(1),

    unsafe fn spawn_inner<'a>(f: Box<FnBox() + Send + 'a>,
                              name: &str,
                              stack_size: u16,
                              priority: TaskPriority)
                              -> Result<Task, FreeRtosError> {
        let f = Box::new(f);
        let param_ptr = &*f as *const _ as *mut _;

        let (success, task_handle) = {
            let name = name.as_bytes();
            let name_len = name.len();
            let mut task_handle = mem::zeroed::<CVoid>();

            let ret = freertos_rs_spawn_task(thread_start,
                                             name_len as u8,
                                             &mut task_handle);

            (ret == 0, task_handle)

        if success {
        } else {
            return Err(FreeRtosError::OutOfMemory);

        extern "C" fn thread_start(main: *mut CVoid) -> *mut CVoid {
            unsafe {
                    let b = Box::from_raw(main as *mut Box<FnBox()>);

                freertos_rs_delete_task(0 as *const _);

            0 as *mut _

        Ok(Task { task_handle: task_handle as usize as *const _ })

    fn spawn<F>(name: &str,
                stack_size: u16,
                priority: TaskPriority,
                f: F)
                -> Result<Task, FreeRtosError>
        where F: FnOnce() -> (),
              F: Send + 'static
        unsafe {
            return Task::spawn_inner(Box::new(f), name, stack_size, priority);

    /// Get the name of the current task.
    pub fn get_name(&self) -> Result<String, ()> {
        unsafe {
            let name_ptr = freertos_rs_task_get_name(self.task_handle);
            let name = str_from_c_string(name_ptr);
            if let Ok(name) = name {
                return Ok(name);


    /// Try to find the task of the current execution context.
    pub fn current() -> Result<Task, FreeRtosError> {
        unsafe {
            let t = freertos_rs_get_current_task();
            if t != 0 as *const _ {
                Ok(Task { task_handle: t })
            } else {

    /// Forcibly set the notification value for this task.
    pub fn set_notification_value(&self, val: u32) {

    /// Notify this task.
    pub fn notify(&self, notification: TaskNotification) {
        unsafe {
            let n = notification.to_freertos();
            freertos_rs_task_notify(self.task_handle, n.0, n.1);

    /// Notify this task from an interrupt.
    pub fn notify_from_isr(&self,
                           context: &InterruptContext,
                           notification: TaskNotification)
                           -> Result<(), FreeRtosError> {
        unsafe {
            let n = notification.to_freertos();
            let t = freertos_rs_task_notify_isr(self.task_handle,
            if t != 0 {
            } else {

    /// Take the notification and either clear the notification value or decrement it by one.
    pub fn take_notification<D: DurationTicks>(&self, clear: bool, wait_for: D) -> u32 {
        unsafe { freertos_rs_task_notify_take(if clear { 1 } else { 0 }, wait_for.to_ticks()) }

    /// Wait for a notification to be posted.
    pub fn wait_for_notification<D: DurationTicks>(&self,
                                 clear_bits_enter: u32,
                                 clear_bits_exit: u32,
                                 wait_for: D)
                                 -> Result<u32, FreeRtosError>
        let mut val = 0;
        let r = unsafe { 
                                         &mut val as *mut _,

        if r == 0 {
        } else {

    /// Get the minimum amount of stack that was ever left on this task.
    pub fn get_stack_high_water_mark(&self) -> u32 {
        unsafe {
            freertos_rs_get_stack_high_water_mark(self.task_handle) as u32

/// Helper methods to be performed on the task that is currently executing.
pub struct CurrentTask;
impl CurrentTask {
    /// Delay the execution of the current task.
    pub fn delay<D: DurationTicks>(delay: D) {
        unsafe {

    /// Get the minimum amount of stack that was ever left on the current task.
    pub fn get_stack_high_water_mark() -> u32 {
        unsafe {
            freertos_rs_get_stack_high_water_mark(0 as FreeRtosTaskHandle) as u32

pub struct FreeRtosSchedulerState {
    pub tasks: Vec<FreeRtosTaskStatus>,
    pub total_run_time: u32

impl fmt::Display for FreeRtosSchedulerState {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {        
        try!(fmt.write_str("FreeRTOS tasks\r\n"));

        write!(fmt, "{id: <6} | {name: <16} | {state: <9} | {priority: <8} | {stack: >10} | {cpu_abs: >10} | {cpu_rel: >4}\r\n",
            id = "ID",
            name = "Name",
            state = "State",
            priority = "Priority",
            stack = "Stack left",
            cpu_abs = "CPU",
            cpu_rel = "%"

        for task in &self.tasks {
            write!(fmt, "{id: <6} | {name: <16} | {state: <9} | {priority: <8} | {stack: >10} | {cpu_abs: >10} | {cpu_rel: >4}\r\n",
            id = task.task_number,
            name =,
            state = format!("{:?}", task.task_state),
            priority = task.current_priority.0,
            stack = task.stack_high_water_mark,
            cpu_abs = task.run_time_counter,
            cpu_rel = if self.total_run_time > 0 && task.run_time_counter <= self.total_run_time {
                let p = (((task.run_time_counter as u64) * 100) / self.total_run_time as u64) as u32;
                let ps = if p == 0 && task.run_time_counter > 0 {
                } else {
                format!("{: >3}%", ps)
            } else {
        if self.total_run_time > 0 {
            write!(fmt, "Total run time: {}\r\n", self.total_run_time)?;


pub struct FreeRtosTaskStatus {
    pub task: Task,
    pub name: String,
    pub task_number: FreeRtosUBaseType,
    pub task_state: FreeRtosTaskState,
    pub current_priority: TaskPriority,
    pub base_priority: TaskPriority,
    pub run_time_counter: FreeRtosUnsignedLong,
    pub stack_high_water_mark: FreeRtosUnsignedShort

pub struct FreeRtosUtils;
impl FreeRtosUtils {
    pub fn get_tick_count() -> FreeRtosTickType {
        unsafe { freertos_rs_xTaskGetTickCount() }

    pub fn get_tick_count_duration() -> Duration {

    pub fn get_number_of_tasks() -> usize {
        unsafe { freertos_rs_get_number_of_tasks() as usize }

    pub fn get_all_tasks(tasks_len: Option<usize>) -> FreeRtosSchedulerState {        
        let tasks_len = tasks_len.unwrap_or(Self::get_number_of_tasks());
        let mut tasks = Vec::with_capacity(tasks_len as usize);
        let mut total_run_time = 0;
        unsafe {            
            let filled = freertos_rs_get_system_state(tasks.as_mut_ptr(), tasks_len as FreeRtosUBaseType, &mut total_run_time);
            tasks.set_len(filled as usize);

        let tasks = tasks.into_iter().map(|t| {
            FreeRtosTaskStatus {
                task: Task { task_handle: t.handle },
                name: unsafe { str_from_c_string(t.task_name) }.unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("?")),
                task_number: t.task_number,
                task_state: t.task_state,
                current_priority: TaskPriority(t.current_priority as u8),
                base_priority: TaskPriority(t.base_priority as u8),
                run_time_counter: t.run_time_counter,
                stack_high_water_mark: t.stack_high_water_mark

        FreeRtosSchedulerState {
            tasks: tasks,
            total_run_time: total_run_time