formatx 0.1.1

A macro for formatting non literal strings at runtime in Rust
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<p align="center">A macro for formatting non literal strings at runtime in Rust.</p>

This library aims for formatting **strings** and **numbers** rather than an generic type. Syntax for the format string is derived from [std::fmt](

## Getting Started

Add this to your Cargo.toml file.

formatx = "0.1"

Or add from command line.

$ cargo add formatx@0.1

See [docs]( and [examples]( to 
know how to use it.

## Example

SOURCE: [format! with non literal string](

use formatx::formatx;

fn message(language: &str, name: &str, number: i32) -> String {
    let s = match language {
        "french" => "Bonjour {}, le nombre est {}",
        "spanish" => "Hola {}, el numero es {}",
        _ => "Hi {}, the number is {}",
    formatx!(s, name, number).unwrap()

fn main() {
    println!("{}", message("french", "Léa", 1));
    println!("{}", message("spanish", "Sofia", 2));
    println!("{}", message("english", "Ashley", 3));


Bonjour Léa, le nombre est 1
Hola Sofia, el numero es 2
Hi Ashley, the number is 3

## Limitations

> **Examples given below will always panic.**

1. Only types which implements [Display] + [Debug] traits are supported. Other [formatting-traits] aren't supported.

2. Local variable interpolation isn't supported.

let people = "Rustaceans";
formatx!("Hello {people}!").unwrap().text().unwrap();

3. Intermingling the two types of [positional] specifiers isn't supported. 

formatx!("{1} {} {0} {}", 1, 2).unwrap();

4. Parameter setting through `$` sign argument isn't supported.

formatx!("{:width$}!", "x", width = 5).unwrap();

5. An asterisk `.*` can't be used to set [precision]

formatx!("{:.*}", 5, 0.01).unwrap();

## Alternatives

1. [strfmt]
2. [runtime-fmt]

## License

Dual Licensed

- [Apache License, Version 2.0] ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE)