forest-filecoin 0.20.0

Rust Filecoin implementation.
# This Dockerfile is for the main forest binary
# Build and run locally:
# ```
# docker build -t forest:alpine -f ./Dockerfile-alpine .
# docker run --init -it forest:alpine
# ```
# Build and manually push to Github Container Registry (see
# ```
# docker build -t .
# docker push
# ```

# Build stage
# Use github action runner cached images to avoid being rate limited
FROM alpine:3 AS build-env

# Install dependencies
RUN apk update && \
    apk add --no-cache git curl make gcc clang clang-dev musl-dev

SHELL ["/bin/ash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y
ENV PATH="/root/.cargo/bin:${PATH}"

WORKDIR /forest
COPY . .

# Install Forest. Move it out of the cache for the prod image.
RUN --mount=type=cache,sharing=private,target=/root/.cargo/registry \
    --mount=type=cache,sharing=private,target=/root/.rustup \
    --mount=type=cache,sharing=private,target=/forest/target \
    make install-with-mimalloc && \
    mkdir /forest_out && \
    cp /root/.cargo/bin/forest* /forest_out

# Prod image for forest binary
# Use github action runner cached images to avoid being rate limited
FROM alpine:3

# Install binary dependencies
RUN apk update && \
    apk add --no-cache ca-certificates
RUN update-ca-certificates

# Copy forest daemon and cli binaries from the build-env
COPY --from=build-env /forest_out/* /usr/local/bin/

# Basic verification of dynamically linked dependencies
RUN forest -V && forest-cli -V && forest-tool -V && forest-wallet -V

ENTRYPOINT ["forest"]