fonterator 0.4.2

Load fonts as vector graphics in pure Rust.


Fonterator is a pure Rust font loader. When you want to render text, fonterator gives you an iterator over footile PathOps, which you can easily pass right into footile.

Simple Example

In Cargo.toml,

fonterator = "0.4"


use fonterator::FontGroup;
use footile::{FillRule, Plotter, Raster, Rgba8};

fn main() {
    // Load the default FontGroup (font and fallbacks).
    let font = FontGroup::default();

    // Init rendering
    let mut p = Plotter::new(2048, 2048);
    let mut r = Raster::new(p.width(), p.height());

    // Render the text
    let mut path = font.render(
        "Héllö,\nWørłd!‽i", /*text*/
        (0.0, 0.0),         /*position*/
        (256.0, 256.0),     /*size*/
        p.fill(&mut path, FillRule::NonZero),
        Rgba8::rgb(0, 0, 0), /*color*/
    r.write_png("main.png").unwrap(); /*save as PNG*/


  • Load TTF fonts and font collections.
  • Load some OTF fonts and font collections.
  • Automatic kerning and font layout.
  • Horizontal and vertical text layout.
  • Left-to-right and right-to-left text layout.
  • Use fallback fonts if a character is not available from one font.
  • Optional multilingual monospace (CJK is rendered exactly twice the width of Latin).


  • Support OpenType fonts that aren't TrueType (Supporting cubic bezier curves).
  • Support ligatures (‽,æ etc.).
  • Support other TrueType variants.
