fonterator 0.2.0

Load fonts as vector graphics in pure Rust.


Load fonts as vector graphics in pure Rust - based on RustType

Cargo / Documentation / Change Log


fonterator's current features:

  • Load TTF fonts and font collections.
  • Load some OTF fonts and font collections.
  • Automatic kerning and font layout.
  • Horizontal and vertical text layout.
  • Left-to-right and right-to-left text layout.

fonterator's planned features:

  • Support OpenType formatted fonts that are not just TrueType fonts (OpenType is a superset of TrueType). Notably there is no support yet for cubic Bezier curves used in glyphs.
  • Support ligatures of any kind (‽, etc.).
  • Support some less common TrueType sub-formats.