font 0.18.0

The package provides a parser for fonts.
use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Div, DivAssign, Mul, MulAssign, Neg, Sub, SubAssign};

use crate::Number;

/// An offset.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct Offset(pub Number, pub Number);

impl Offset {
    // Check if the offset is zero.
    pub fn is_zero(&self) -> bool {
        self.0 == 0.0 && self.1 == 0.0

macro_rules! extremum(
    ($self:expr, $other:expr, $function:ident) => (
        if $self.is_nan() {
        } else if $other.is_nan() {
        } else {

impl Offset {
    /// Create an undefined offset.
    pub fn undefined() -> Self {
        Self(Number::NAN, Number::NAN)

    /// Return the coordinate-wise maximum ignoring undefined values.
    pub fn max(&self, other: Self) -> Self {
        let x = extremum!(self.0, other.0, max);
        let y = extremum!(self.1, other.1, max);
        Self(x, y)

    /// Return the coordinate-wise minimum ignoring undefined values.
    pub fn min(&self, other: Self) -> Self {
        let x = extremum!(self.0, other.0, min);
        let y = extremum!(self.1, other.1, min);
        Self(x, y)

impl From<Offset> for (Number, Number) {
    fn from(offset: Offset) -> Self {
        (offset.0, offset.1)

macro_rules! implement(
    (($x:ty, $y:ty)) => (
        impl From<($x, $y)> for Offset {
            fn from((x, y): ($x, $y)) -> Self {
                Offset(Number::from(x), Number::from(y))
    ($z:ty) => (
        impl From<$z> for Offset {
            fn from(z: $z) -> Self {
                Offset(Number::from(z), Number::from(z))

        impl Div<$z> for Offset {
            type Output = Offset;

            fn div(mut self, other: $z) -> Offset {
                self /= other;

        impl DivAssign<$z> for Offset {
            fn div_assign(&mut self, other: $z) {
                self.0 /= Number::from(other);
                self.1 /= Number::from(other);

        impl Mul<$z> for Offset {
            type Output = Offset;

            fn mul(mut self, other: $z) -> Offset {
                self *= other;

        impl MulAssign<$z> for Offset {
            fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: $z) {
                self.0 *= Number::from(other);
                self.1 *= Number::from(other);

implement!((f32, f32));
implement!((i16, i16));

impl<T> Add<T> for Offset
    T: Into<Offset>,
    type Output = Offset;

    fn add(mut self, other: T) -> Offset {
        self += other;

impl<T> AddAssign<T> for Offset
    T: Into<Offset>,
    fn add_assign(&mut self, other: T) {
        let Offset(x, y) = other.into();
        self.0 += x;
        self.1 += y;

impl Neg for Offset {
    type Output = Offset;

    fn neg(mut self) -> Offset {
        self.0 = -self.0;
        self.1 = -self.1;

impl<T> Sub<T> for Offset
    T: Into<Offset>,
    type Output = Offset;

    fn sub(mut self, other: T) -> Offset {
        self -= other;

impl<T> SubAssign<T> for Offset
    T: Into<Offset>,
    fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: T) {
        let Offset(x, y) = other.into();
        self.0 -= x;
        self.1 -= y;